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Messages - PixHammer
Pages: [1]

Pixel Art / Re: Adventure Platformer Tiles/Animations
« on: June 01, 2015, 07:30:28 pm »
Hey PixHammer, I had fun doing a quick overpaint with your tiles, you'll get an idea of what your game may look like with some  improvement with your art.

Assuming you are on Photoshop,here some tips to make things richer :

- First of all, everythings look flat, I've added a 3D feeling only by duplicating each of the square rock with a darker layer behind ( with some clean up )

- I changed the constrast with Ctrl+M : To increase dark colors

- I also used some color shifting with Ctrl+B : basically blue in dark tones, green in mid tones & yellow and red in lightest part of your tiles

- To fit in the maya theme I've added some broken rocks from the existing assets (just some eraser tool) and plants, you shouldn't think only with square tiles, adding more complicated details even not useful for gameplay purpose make the whole background richer

Sorry if I made some spelling mistakes, anyway, you are very welcome to ask me questions!

This is badass, liking your choice in pallete, looks like those few simple tweaks added a lot, thanks :D

Pixel Art / Re: Adventure Platformer Tiles/Animations
« on: May 28, 2015, 09:56:03 pm »
Run animation:

Idle Animation:

Push animation:

Other two (Jump/Swim) Still need some work

Pixel Art / Adventure Platformer Tiles/Animations
« on: May 28, 2015, 09:15:09 pm »
Can i get some critique on the tiles and player animations?



Pixel Art / Re: Horror Game Character Animation/Scenes
« on: May 01, 2015, 06:37:24 pm »
Okay so another one, this time the character is sat alseep on a chair, and is startled awake:


Pixel Art / Re: Horror Game Character Animation/Scenes
« on: April 27, 2015, 09:53:02 pm »
Personally I think the bobbing looks more like she is hopping, also maybe adding some shoulder movement to stop the upper body being so stiff.

I think i agree, this looks very nice!

Edit: Hmm, in-game it looks kinda goofy, like she's sliding around, the animation runs slightly slower than here, and hte bobbing looks less hop-y

Pixel Art / Re: Horror Game Character Animation/Scenes
« on: April 27, 2015, 06:36:48 pm »

Having taken what has been said so far into account I think I have improved this. Thoughts?

Pixel Art / Re: Horror Game Character Animation/Scenes
« on: April 26, 2015, 03:25:38 pm »
Yeah a twist would be good, but maybe have her make her jacket more a pixel wider or something? So it's clearly a separate thing from her legs? Not sure about that, as that might make her look a bit fat...

I think I will experiment with it, all about trial and error when you're learning right? Heh.

Pixel Art / Re: Horror Game Character Animation/Scenes
« on: April 26, 2015, 03:03:18 pm »
I agree pretty much with everything Zia said. My main issue with it though is her back seems to be too rigid. This is weird, as I just checked my own main character and her back doesn't move when walking either. I think the difference is mine has much longer legs (it's more cartoony), so when she moves the top part of the leg (above the knee) moves a lot more. With your one it's almost like theres a straight line from the shoulder to the knee, and it's quite noticeable.

Perhaps if I include a minor twist to the upper body it might make her seem a little less rigid?

Pixel Art / Re: Horror Game Character Animation/Scenes
« on: April 25, 2015, 11:05:40 pm »
A few things about your walk cycle. Right now, you've got a bit of a horse-like clop gait going on. This is partially due to the way your feet stay more-or-less static throughout - the bottom of the foot never bends. When you walk, the bottom of your foot doesn't stay so flat. The bigger issue is that you have the leg that's striding forward bending WAY too much. Try walking like that yourself. You'll find it feels very unnatural. Typically, the back foot that stays in contact with the ground pushes forward. The leg striding forward bends very little. Additionally, the arms are bending way too much when they swing backwards. Typically, arms bend more on the *forward* swing. Try just walking across the room paying attention to these things and you'll really be able to feel them. Walk normally, then walk like your character, then walk normally again. Finally, there's very little differentiation between the front and back legs. They sort of melt together.

A comment on the character art. Right now, it's sort of messy. Try cleaning up your colour palette and eliminating noise. Focus on making every pixel and colour having a meaning.

Here are a few small edits to your walk cycle. I didn't do a whole lot, not everything I talked about above, but I changed a couple of smaller and quicker things about to make it a little smoother. I also entirely eliminated two frames, the ones with the most leg bend.

Also, this forum automatically zooms in on images when you click them, so there's no need to resize before posting. You can just say they're meant to be viewed at 4x. :)

Awesome! I've never got much feedback on my pixel art before, and this is really helpful for me, i'm more of a programmer, and animation seems to be something i'm kind of hit and miss with. Thank you so much!

Edit: Think this is a big improvement :y:

Pixel Art / Horror Game Character Animation/Scenes
« on: April 25, 2015, 08:02:04 am »
I'm working a 2D horror game. I feel I need some feedback on how things are looking and how I could improve them  :y:

Walk Animation:

Another Walk Animation:

Run Animation:

Turning Frame:

Stairs Background:

Ingame Scene:

These are not scaled at 100% (They are at 400%) as this is the scale they will appear in the game.

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