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Topics - PresidentLeever
Pages: [1]

Pixel Art / [WIP] A Real Work of Art (pixeljoiint challenge)
« on: February 26, 2008, 08:38:43 pm »
Well I can't get into the pixeljoiint forum for some reason so I thought I'd post this here. I've nver worked on such a big piece (it is for me) before so I need to take a break.
C&C is appreciated! ;D But keep in mind the shading is very WIP.

Here's the reference:

Pixel Art / Animating a Toad Boss for an RPG (WIP)
« on: September 14, 2007, 05:38:23 am »
Hello everyone. This is my first post here, though Ive been lurking for some time.. watching, learning.. ;)

Anyway, this sprite will be the first boss for an RPG project. It's being developed for the Sega Mega Drive/Genesis console, so there are some limits like 16 colors per sprite, and only 30 blocks of 32x32 pixels per enemy for animations.

So far I've done "hurt" and "spit/lick" animations, C&C for these are very much apreciated!
Also, I'm going to start working on a charge animation (think rhino charge) but I'm really new to this so I was wondering if you guys had any tips for me?

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