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Topics - amyrama
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Pixel Art / [WIP] first pixel art
« on: November 28, 2010, 06:42:21 am »
I have been lurking here for a while, but this is my first pixel art. I started fooling around with flixel and I needed some graphics, so I got a copy of ProMotion and then I got carried away with pixeling.
I had fun and I learned a lot. Here is the result:

I am not happy with it but I thought I had better get a second opinion before I go much further with it.
Here is a walk cycle for the character:
I know I need to go outside and draw more real rocks and plants and things, and I need to make the bricks more interesting somehow.
The plant is based on a dracaena in my back yard.
Should I back off on the heavy outlines? Also the 16x16 tiles look kind of blocky, would they look better if I make them smaller?
Any crits would be greatly appreciated. thanks :)

Edit: latest attempt at the walk cycle

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