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Messages - StaticSails
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Pixel Art / Re: Game development!
« on: March 12, 2011, 05:13:09 am »
Where else should you recommend I place it? And no, these aren't placeholders, it's my style.
Style aside, it'd be nice to see the raw sprites without the gradients laid over them.
While the style is simple and shows some sort of volume, it is boring. I don't suggest hyper realistic rendering or textures, but just something to make it less boring.

Ooh. I'm liking the sound of this.

Any reason why it's posted in the Pixel Art forum, though? What have we, graphically, to critique, if the graphics are basically blocks? Or perhaps these are placeholders and later on it will be more visually impressive?
Right now you have nothing for us to critique and are essentially showing us nothing. A few drags of the rectangle tool and you can make this.
Since you're going with the pseudo 3D looks you might as well invite some textures and lighting that helps reflect these.

Please post the small paletted "raw" sprites before you threw could norve every......... I keep falling asllep, in my m.

Ok that's all I can type wthout my hands. :3

General Discussion / Re: Official Off-Topic Thread
« on: March 11, 2011, 09:22:01 pm »
My brother is in Tokyo, he's alright and says that a lot of people have sustained injuries. Most are scraps and cuts, a few deep gashes. Though there are still a lot of people with broken/shattered bones and probably a lot of concussions.

Very useful! PLEASE USE IF YOU CAN! Spread words and all that.
I <3 Japan, hope more people are ok.

Pixel Art / Re: Canti From FLCL
« on: March 07, 2011, 05:50:02 am »

Might want to grab a reference to follow.

Looks like you've skipped the coolest part. HIS TORSO!

He's also a fairly square robot, your sprite is very rounded. Like he's built of PVC pipes.

Pixel Art / Re: Sunset Ocean
« on: March 07, 2011, 03:26:07 am »
A while ago on this board there was a huge discussion about color and palette creation. Some people said how they made palettes and others examined palettes people had been using. Along the way someone said that a color was ugly, the discussion halted. Some people defended the color. It wasn't the colors fault it didn't work well in the palette. On it's own it was a nice color, with the right colors it'd be beautiful.
Someone (may have been ptoing!) said "There are no ugly colors, just ugly combinations of color."

So I'm saying these are nice colors individually. Together they just don't work, they've got a bit of eye-burning in them. Since you're too stubborn to change them I suggest you pick a better combination of colors for future projects. Also, try to work a bit smaller to get a bit more from the medium.

Though you like the sharpness, it becomes overwhelming. Everything has that sharpness. In Arne's art tut he briefly goes over focus points. I suggest reading it over before wasting spending time on another project.

Mathias' edit is surprisingly easier to read. You can actually see the sun. St0ven and Mathias both have great points, read those both until they sink in.

Pixel Art / Re: [Wip] Sprite
« on: March 07, 2011, 02:58:37 am »
This might help you out a bit:

Lots of great insight and even more links in that thread. It will make a worthwhile study session.

Pixel Art / Re: NES 3rd Person Shmup
« on: March 06, 2011, 08:53:50 am »
It's a start. Not completely optimized for tiling -- just wanted to produce a mock.

It's a very nice start too! I really like the pipes on the left, though the shadow looks like more pipe.
The underside of the conveyor belt (which is mysteriously floating unobstructed) should probably be darker.

Clearly there will be a lot of shadows in this game, can we expect some film noire style lighting from the windows?

I hope to see a little more in the room to better describe it.

Pixel Art / Re: New Pixel "artist"
« on: March 04, 2011, 09:09:30 pm »
First of all, it looks like you're using the circle tool in MS Paint, a big no-no. Circles will look far better drawn by hand.
I don't really mind the circle tool as long as it's cleaned up. It can make symmetrical shapes quickly.

I suggest you look over some threads on this site. They're far more valuable than most tutorials.
and maybe this one too

I suggest you read a lot of the threads and familiarize yourself with some of the basic techniques. Basic art techniques too, like shading and color.

Pixel Art / Re: How Could I Improve These Sprites?
« on: March 02, 2011, 07:21:57 am »
I'm not as concerned with shading, but more about the character design. Lack of shading is just laziness. ^-^
Still, thanks for the input.
Proper shading can help sell even bad character designs.

There's really no refinement in any of your line work either. It looks really sloppy.

Are you using windows xp? You know you can make different colors in MSpaint right? You don't need to use just the default colors they provide. Double-click.

Pixel Art / Re: [WIP] Simple city store
« on: February 28, 2011, 03:25:17 am »
This has 140 colors. Check the pill-shaped thingy under the window - it's highlight was done in NPA.

Try to use standard pixel art angles. The diminishing edges of the teal roof areas are a jaggy mess. You'll either have to AA them or use a standard angle.

Perspective of roof and ceiling area supported by columns not matching - got a little accidental cubism going on: I can see both the top of the roof areas and also up under the column ceiling area.

Depth lacking.

That's an awfully strange place to mount your "SHOP" signage. I don't see that ever happening in real life, but you never know.

Think practically about the masons that would've constructed this building - there wouldn't be 3/4 height blocks cut off where columns are, same thing going on with window's bottom edge. Most likely, there would only be whole blocks; no cuts. It's less distracting, too.

You used Sketchup for this, eh? You crazy 3D guys crack me up.

There is some nasty banding on the door too! I know it's a game, but has anyone seen a round top door recently? Seems kind of jarring. Maybe some automatic sliding doors? Where I live most of the shops have glass doors.

Pixel Art / Re: D for dinosaur
« on: February 26, 2011, 10:21:44 pm »
Isn't it supposed to depict the letter "d" or "D"? I see neither.
I thought it was fairly obvious.

You've got a few different shades of green and you need to use them smarter. Create some smoother transitions with that blueish green. It might not hurt to push those greens into a more yellow direction.
Mine < - > Yours
I played inside of your lines, with your colors just to show you where you can drop a few black pixels and smooth out a few things.


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