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Messages - metachaos
Pages: 1 ... 4 5 [6]

Pixel Art / Re: RPG Spriteset Char
« on: March 10, 2011, 12:37:09 pm »
I finally started the running animation myself,

any advice would be cool.

focusing on the legs for now

Pixel Art / Re: RPG Spriteset Char
« on: March 10, 2011, 11:31:38 am »
You're actually true, and that's due to the fact that i havn't done the sprite shading system yet.

I want to be able to dynamically change the sprites' tones so that while the chars are exposed to light, it interacts with them in the right way.

There is also some shadowing that need to be done so that the char melt with the background.

Thanks for the advice :)

Pixel Art / Re: RPG Spriteset Char
« on: March 09, 2011, 07:32:24 pm »
Thank you, that's the kind of advice i need because when you do animations, there's so much to do that i don't think about those kind of details which bring life to the sprite  :blind:

Pixel Art / RPG Spriteset Char
« on: March 09, 2011, 05:21:14 pm »
Hi  everybody,

I'am actually working on a RPG game dev for PSP and i'd like to show you basics animation of the main char :

movement animations are 4 to 8 frames depending on the type of animation.

I already did 8 direction walking animation + standing animation (kinda like sonic 1)  and would like to know if someone could land me a hand to make the running animation as i'am getting short on time and skill.

Any advice would be great from you guyz :)  

(i'am a foreigner that's why i'am speaking bad english)


Adding a screenshot, this is actually in game footage of an older version

Sprite are resized depending on the depth, and i'am creating the background in precalculated 3D.

The alpha version which can be run on a CFW psp contains :

- 8 directions movement
- Standing animation which start after 1 sec
- Saving and Loading via PSP datasaving system (only position of the main char is save/loaded)
- 1 animated npc who can talk with you with a chatbox system near from xenogears' one
- 1 bgm looping
- lightning effects (white spots)
- Dynamic sprite resizing system depending on Depth
- 2 available location

i'am working on the main menu (something like Final fantasy ones)

and could will start battle system after that.

My goal isn't to make an entire game by myself, i just want to build a playable RPG Demo with good graphics, nice storyline (which is actually wrote down 42 pages script + background) and good overall feeling to share with PSP homebrew community and eventually make the whole game if i manage to gather enough people to do it.

If you're interested in giving advice, ponctual or permanent help on this project, you're welcome !  :D

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