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Messages - JonathanOfDrain
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Pixel Art / Re: Gates of Dimensions
« on: February 15, 2009, 12:46:12 am »
You should really change those colors. Remember, trees aren't actually brown. Not that brown at least. They're really more of a greyish color. I think you should concentrate more on the colors than the trees. Trees are only a part of the game and the colors are everywhere.

Pixel Art / Re: Gates of Dimensions
« on: February 13, 2009, 10:12:44 pm »
If you're going to make your own palette you should really try to have the colors work well together.
Mine <-> yours

I desaturated a lot of things. almost all your colors were at full chroma. You need to take that edge off of most of the colors. I didn't add any new colors, just played with yours.
One thing you might want to keep in mind with your use of color is, in video games at least, color is representative of things. I don't just mean red is angry and yellow is happy, I mean BRIGHT/VIBRANT colors are noticed before dull ones. It's just how our brains work. I personally try to keep path ways BRIGHT/VIBRANT relative to the rest of the game. That's a rule of thumb I like to use from what I've seen in many video games.
Dark or Dull colors aren't noticed as soon the bright ones. That's why in a lot of video games you'll notice the backgrounds aren't as bright or vibrant. They're usually grayed out a bit or darker. Also thanks to atmospheric perspective details get lost in "fog".

I think you should look at a few more trees. In my experience there are few trees I'm taller than or close to height in. Most branches capable of holding my weight (120 lbs) are within jumping reach. Sorry I made a lollipop tree.
Hope you can find somethings you like in that edit. If not then you should ask a few more questions.

Pixel Art / Re: Simple animation
« on: February 03, 2009, 01:31:24 am »
Wow, these feedback is almost over whelming. I usually get a few replies that don't help or make sense. This is a nice change. Thank you.

I think this is a big improvement. The legs haven't received much work, I'll get to that soon. The head too, don't know why I didn't get to that.

This is just a test. I think I need to simplify it. I like the eyes.

Pixel Art / Re: pixel pusherer[wip]
« on: February 02, 2009, 11:08:37 pm »
I'm going to try to have the good advice keep coming at a steady stream.

The cracks you drew on your iso-block piece of blinky doesn't make any sense really. It's a bunch of individual blocks. They wouldn't share a fault line. Try using cracks sparingly, if you use them as much as you have then you'll have to show some blocks crumbled. That might be tricky.

If you have trouble getting these textures right then go buy some play-doh or clay and start making cubes. Or just google some references. Your blocks are individual blocks, they aren't fused together or anything like that so they have their own cracks and blemishes.

Pixel Art / Re: [WIP] Witch + Teddy Bear
« on: January 31, 2009, 07:15:20 am »

You might want to go back to your second step. Get rid of jagged lines and get an idea of how a real teddy bear looks.
Imagine a teddy bear made out of a cotton/jersey material. It's not shiny and it's one color. Now imagine the direction of light and the parts that light will hit. The top of his head, cheeks (if he has extra fluffy cheeks), nose, top of eyes and ears. Since this is bear isn't made of tin foil or shiny plastic the contrast isn't going to be outrageous, it's fairly tame. Each color from the darkest is only a bit lighter.
Quick side note, contrast just means the difference between two things. Grey and vibrant violet are contrasting in saturation of color/hue. Black and White are contrasting in value. When people talk about contrast they're usually referring to the value. I'm sorry if that's old information

My colors move from a dark brown to a light desaturated yellow-orange. Your color ramps are always just a lighter or darker version of the original color. Adding a little bit of another color to the shading or highlights can really make the piece look more interesting.

I hope I helped, it's a little late here so if I didn't make sense with anything please just tell me. I can't wait to see an upgrade on your bear.

Keep an eye on how many colors yo use. Your last bear has 11, mine as 6.

Pixel Art / Re: Simple animation
« on: January 31, 2009, 03:56:30 am »
Sorry for taking so long to do so little. I changed when our little buddy is in the air, I think it adds a bit of realism too it. Fixed the arms, yet they still look very wrong. I didn't change the head to bob up and down but was planning on trying to sub pixel it. If that doesn't work I'll go with your suggestion.

I now see NaCl's comment about elbows. That'd probably do it.

I'm pretty terrible at animation so I hope to come out alive with this one. I'll fix those elbows and get some skin on him.

Thanks to NaCl and Regulus Awesome for pointing the things.

This is some minor tile work I'm getting together, feel free to critique these as well.

Pixel Art / Re: woman [wip][NUDITY/REVEALING]
« on: January 31, 2009, 03:29:28 am »
Ignore the style and use it as a second reference. All these edits can be used as additional references. Some make emphasis on specific parts so when you run into trouble in that area refer to an edit that nicely addresses the problem.
You can and are encouraged to keep your style. You've received a lot of help hear and it would be a shame not to take advantage of it. Either continuing what you started or starting a similar piece.

What Accident has nicely done is show you simplified volumes of your piece. Try at it again and use some of the edits as additional reference, that should help considerably.

Pixel Art / Re: [WIP] Witch + Teddy Bear
« on: January 29, 2009, 01:16:03 pm »
The teddy bear could benefit from some cleaner line work and volume. The colors are boring on that straight ramp and you can probably get rid of that black.

The witch has outlines at some places and no lines are others. The inconsistency hurts it a little. I think the purple could use more contrast and the blue and yellow could also use nicer color ramps.

Pixel Art / Re: frosty frosty--
« on: January 29, 2009, 12:06:24 am »
Very cute, I like the obvious triangle shape. I think you should try a different color for her rosy red cheeks.

Most importantly, Didn't you have to shovel like 3 times today? I've only been able to not shovel when my body became stiff. Though it wasn't too cold today.

Pixel Art / Simple animation
« on: January 27, 2009, 04:50:23 am »

I think it's a relatively smooth run. 12 frames, colors are irrelevant right now.
I feel a bit weird about how far the arms reach back. Don't know if I should have him lean a bit more.

I'll try to start ?skinning? this running blob. Any comments and criticism would be appreciated.

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