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Messages - JonathanOfDrain
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Pixel Art / Re: C64 Avey Tare WIP
« on: March 08, 2009, 03:24:34 am »
I think colors shouldn't be a big problem. You're obvious using them fairly responsibly. Though going back will prove to be tedious, I suggest you start working on the restrictions now.

Pixel Art Feature Chest / Re: 'Lil Demon
« on: March 06, 2009, 09:15:18 am »
-2 Hello FishyBoy,
I think right off the bat you're just burning through colors. You can probably limit the colors to 6 or 4 with no problems.

Here's a quick ugly edit:

Figured the eyes could use a little bit of expression.

Black lines aren't a sin, in fact I think it's very useful. Though you need to know when to use it. Some people, you, use it everywhere. Without heavily altering the palette you don't have much else of a choice. I think the flame would look better with out black lines. I think there are two pixel artist you should look at who hardly ever use black lines, all their lines are implied really. Mozzy and Tocky are the only two that come to mind.
I don't like pure black myself so I added a little red. Could've made it into any dark color other than green and it would've worked well.

Hope my half asleep mumbling and murmurings helped you out. Keep at this and pixel art in general and you should be fine. You'll be surprised how much you can learn from a single piece or pixel art.

Pixel Art / Re: Two Face Challenge [warning: wiggly manparts]
« on: March 06, 2009, 08:49:53 am »
I think you need to keep his jingle jangle dangle. It has an oddly hypnotic movement to it. If I had a penny for every time I said that... I'd have a few pennies by now.

The red side needs more shadow. Clean up those black lines too. I think you should flip the placement of the blue side's hand, that'd allow you to change the arm to something reasonably close to bone structure. It seems uninterestingly absurd that he has a giant swooping U of an arm. I like that some anatomical rules are bent, but don't break them please. Blue's leg seems a bit off too.

I really like this piece and hope to see nicely polished finished product.

Also I think you should treat the testicles the same way you did the nipples, swap colors. Could even explain why the red guy is so upset. Blue balls.

Pixel Art / Re: R. Lichtenstein/comic-book style piece
« on: February 28, 2009, 04:51:21 pm »
i actually really liked the way you were shading everything.
personally, i would like to have seen more of it.

I agree. /what you'd got now looks like a big step back. I think I may have said things wrong, I meant to say you should use that noisy pattern with some solid colors. If you want cyan then just use it straight up, same with yellow, green, magenta, red, blue and black.
You were doing something very interesting and I think you should play with that still. It just looked very different with that thick solid black outline.
I'll hopefully make an edit when I get back from work... assuming my brain is still working then.

Pixel Art / Re: R. Lichtenstein/comic-book style piece
« on: February 28, 2009, 12:20:50 am »
It looks very noisy, I think you should add black into the mix of colors. Not just a color you use but a color you shade with. Don't be afraid to use solid blocks of color either.

The black parts look very separate from the colors, try blending that just a little so it's not so... disconnected I guess.

Looking forward to some more updates.

Pixel Art / Re: Character Class [WIP/sorta]
« on: February 27, 2009, 09:05:09 pm »
The shorts could use a good amount of contrast.
I must say I really like the chest, it's very nice actually, but the rest of the guy is... less so.

Feet, hands and heads aren't that great. I know greeks drew themselves with big eyes but I think those are still too big. Where will the eye brows go?
Is there a specific greek image you're basing this off of? I suggest you give us a link to it if possible.

Pixel Art / Re: R. Lichtenstein/comic-book style piece
« on: February 26, 2009, 09:42:53 pm »
Chances are there might've been green red and blue. One of the advantages ink has over pixels is transparency. They can half-tone (overlap colors) while you can only place colors next to each other.
Here's my edit, I only played with lines and changed the palette to CMYK.

The guy on the left was the only one I touched the lines of. When I ink things I usually think of the lines as being stressed or not stressed. When they're stressed they're thinner, like a stretched elastic band. When they're not stressed they can get quite fat.

You'll need to find the right CMY but you can already see the shading on the skulls looks more black than purple-grey.

In Lichenstein's stuff you can see a lot of half toning. Maybe you want to emulate that and create a ring of secondary colors.

Pixel Art / Re: R. Lichtenstein/comic-book style piece
« on: February 25, 2009, 07:18:02 pm »
I think you should know that this isn't how comic books were shaded. Even the old ones that look like that. That's just how they were printed. Nobody uses RGB for printed stuff. It just doesn't have the range of colors the CMYK has. Cyan, Magenta, Yellow and Black.

Even though the line weight is a stylistic choice I still suggest you cut them down a bit.
I'll make you an edit after work.

General Discussion / Re: Official Off-Topic Thread
« on: February 21, 2009, 11:57:44 pm »
Sooo.... Has anyone found a pixelling program for iPhone/Touch yet?
No idea about pixel programs but there's colours/colors for them. I don't think Pixel Art, an art form that's really about refining stuff, should be done on inferior technology. No offense to the iProducts but I feel like pixel art shouldn't be done on them. A mobile version of something is almost always inferior. You should do sketches with that color program and then pixel them up on a computer.

Does he need a pixel-art get well soon card?
I guess if need be they could just use you for parts. Like a car... because people are like cars.

General Discussion / Re: Graphics Tablet Question
« on: February 21, 2009, 11:50:24 pm »
It sounds like a problem with the wacom. My old 4x6 wacom did that. My 12x7 Trust tablet doesn't have a problem with that. Wacom seems to... jiggle a little too.

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