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Messages - Olothontor
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Pixel Art / Re: RPG Case Study
« on: August 16, 2010, 07:59:52 pm »
I have that exact image, Antifarea. It's what I used as inspiration in the first place  ::)

As for your last question, it's doing an overall study, since I'm making one myself with a few partners. It's going to be based off of the old Final Fantasy games and the Golden Sun and Fire Emblem series', but that doesn't mean I can't take inspiration from other places (like Alundra, in which some of the graphics caught my eye, particularly their buildings and scenery).

Pixel Art / Re: RPG Case Study
« on: August 16, 2010, 06:42:57 pm »
Ostensibly, the reason your death animation looks off is because the creature loses volume in the middle of the frame, only to regain it as it becomes a puddle. Perhaps a case study of my earlier comparison would be useful. This has the most impressive aesthetic, I think, though this is probably more relevant (on a flat surface).

Well, I figured since most jellies are magical aberrations and the like, their death would not resemble the classic jelly death. I want something with more character, and so what I went for was the jelly sort of eating itself and then splashing to the ground and dissipating. I think the membrane burst is actually a good idea, though, I'll mess around with that.

The walk animation is very cute, by the way. It has a lot of personality.

Thanks! I did try.

Pixel Art / RPG Case Study
« on: August 16, 2010, 06:15:32 pm »
I've been working, messing around with contrast and such. I recently started a case study of the old PSX/PS2 game Alundra, and my very first attempt after my research was a simple RPG-style jelly.

From left to right: Basic movement, basic attack, death, idle, and knockback.

I'm not at all happy with the death animation, but I'm not sure what I can do to spruce it up and improve. If Jad or anyone else with any animation knowledge please help?

Of course any other hints and tips are welcome. I'll be posting any further work on this case study, since I'm more than certain I'll run into a great many things I'll need assistance with. Thanks in advance!

UPDATE: Fixed the death animation up a bit, added an idle animation (yeah, it's supposed to look kinda like it's breathing), and posted the spritesheet so far for an easier analysis of the parts for those interested in seeing.

UPDATE: Added a knockback/jumpback sequence. Started work on the trolls of Sin.

Pixel Art / Re: [WIP] Battle portrait
« on: August 15, 2010, 08:54:30 pm »
I think it would look cool if the hands were a little bit more bony and not so sausage-like.

I'm inclined to agree with this. The hands are a little incongruous with the body currently, since the rest of the anatomy is very severely cut and bony. Even the simple addition of knuckles would remedy the hands nicely.

Pixel Art / Re: 8-Bit game sprites and tiles
« on: August 15, 2010, 08:03:17 pm »
I think perhaps the tiles are too busy. It's like wearing a striped button down shirt with a striped tie... it doesn't mesh. However, if you wear a plain color button down shirt with a striped tie, it tends to work much better.

There's my two cents. The character and little moles are cool, though :y:

Pixel Art / Re: Steam-powered combat robotcrab
« on: August 14, 2010, 05:08:48 pm »
Well, that sounds great! I've always wanted something like Dragon Age in a steampunk setting.

I'd actually be willing to help out in any way I can, if you'll let me. I love steampunk, and I can probably help with spriting and/or story aspects of the game. Not to sound vain, but I think I have a few cool ideas in my belt.

Pixel Art / Re: Chibi Base Sprite(WIP)
« on: August 13, 2010, 11:04:12 pm »
::) I did a quick edit, only added one color. I think it makes him pop a bit,  tell me what you think   

In my opinion he needs another hilight color. Make that two colors; one dark, one light to bring out the detail ;)

Pixel Art / Re: Steam-powered combat robotcrab
« on: August 12, 2010, 08:18:34 pm »
Try watching the animated movie "Steam boy" for more inspiration, trust me you'll love it.

It would suit you well, yes indeed. Not only is it a great movie, with a great plot.. the visuals and the steampunky mechanics of it are beautifully done. It should serve as an awesome jumping off point.

That was kind of a pointless post, I saw "Steam Boy" and memories came flooding back. Sorry! Let's see if I can't save this post...

To be honest, there are other ways to achieve that sort of "gravelly" affect. The legs, I think, are perfect, since there's not nearly as much granulation. The body however is vaguely reminiscent of orange brick, which I don't think is quite the texture you were going for.  :P

The gun appears to ever so slightly out of proportion. The sizing and shape of it are just a little bit off. Unfortunately I don't really have an eye for those sorts of things, so I couldn't begin to tell you how to go about fixing it, but sometimes just knowing something's wrong helps.

Hope I didn't burst your bubble or anything! Look forward to further updates from you in this regard.

Pixel Art / Re: 16x16 RPG Characters - First Try
« on: August 12, 2010, 12:24:13 pm »
Don't be so harsh on yourself.

You'll get used to that from me if you hang around long enough.

The bigger problem is with your colors. They're very bland and boring. What they need is contrast, that means that each color has to be very different from one another. You don't have to choose colors that just in one attribute, or hue. For example, if something is supposed to be red, you can make the highlights yellow, and the shadows purple. You need very few colors to make a detailed sprite at this size, so, if I were you, I think you should try to limit your colors for each guy at 6 colors (including transparency) or less.

Well, for now I'm really focusing on shaping and positioning and etc. And the reason I need to go a bit beyond the 16x16 edge is because there will be giants and large creatures, and while those may take up more tiles, they still will need to be visually larger than their surroundings. I figured as long as this step was being taken, it'd be worthwhile to make each of the races distinct.

Also, I presume you meant I need more contrast both in the background and on the characters.

I appreciate the comments, though, both of you.  ::)

EDIT: I started messing with contrast, because your posted piqued my interest, but I get the impression I'm doing it wrong. I tried it first on all of the armors.

The box within the red circle (with the question marks) is a sample I plucked from the cliffs of the Sol Sanctum entrance in Golden Sun on GBA. I was trying to find examples of contrast. Is this what you meant, more or less?

Pixel Art / 16x16 RPG Characters - First Try
« on: August 11, 2010, 05:37:21 pm »
I've just recently started up a project with a few programmers and a couple of interested visionaries. My original concept was more Nethack styled, as you'll see from the @-like tokens for each of the classes... however my programmers have been giving me friendly pokes to at least try out actual characters, something I had never done before. The characters above 16 px. in height are fine that way; the layering system we'll be using will allow for many varied character heights.

My first attempts are... interesting. Interesting in a horrible way. I'd love to have help from you guys, since I've come here before and received loads of good advice.

Ignore the tiles for the most part, I'm still in the process of downsizing them from 24x24 to 16x16 for a more optimal "rendering" process.

Alright, get ready to cringe...

EDIT: Updated with pointless ghosts and height example templates.

EDIT II: Added an experimental logo, and a few more character sprites.

EDIT III: Improved logo, added additional character sprites, changed skin tones to make each race more distinct, and started getting a feel for armor bulk.

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