AuthorTopic: Resume: Team LePixelists! Dividing the world in tiny little squares!  (Read 6305 times)

Offline LePixelists

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  • We are Team LePixelists
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Introduction, scroll down if you want to ignore this and just see prices!

Why hello there! We are a group of professional freelance pixel artists for hire.
We love freeware computer games. We love them a lot. A LOT. We like to play them at morning, noon or nightfall, at weekends and at school and at our jobs, and it pains us when a developer has an excellent, addictive game project, but has no money to afford a pro to make awesome art for it, that lowers it's bright and doesn't let it shine as brighter as it could with the proper help.

This happens because a lot of pixel artists charges thousands of dollars for something as little as 15 dragon sprites, when the developers, who won't be making any profit from his or her game, has no such way of paying that kind of outrageous amount.

Our main objective is to help indie game developers with small budgets to get good art for use on their games, this way we'll see AWESOME freeware games on the net, which we can play and enjoy!

This of course, doesn't mean you cannot hire us for your commercial project, but as you know commercial projects are quite different from freeware projects, there's the matter of licensing the artwork, charging a proper commercial price for artwork with or without royalties, etc.

The prices below applies to indie developers making FREEWARE games, if you desire to hire us for a commercial project, please send us an email (the address is below) talking to us about it and we'll discuss things with you ASAP, prices below do not correspond in any way to commercial transactions, we hope you understand and if you don't, we don't want to work with you.

Any questions, comments or complaints, email us at im.a.nut [at] hotmail [dot] com. We'll be happy to reply back as soon as we can.

♠♣♥ PRICES! ♥♣♠
The following prices applies to small sprites and are debatable. Another thing you could do is just send us an email listing everything you need, we’d tell you the price so you don’t have to count it here.
What defines a small sprite?

Click here to see an example of a small character sprite.
Click here to see an example of a small object sprite.
Click here to see an example of a small set of tiles.

What defines a big sprite?
Anything this big, or this big, qualifies as a big sprite, and THIS qualifies as a gigantic sprite. Please email us if your order involves large sized sprites, so that we can give you a price quote.

◄ Charactes spriteS ►

• RPG Overhead "eagle eye" View Style Character Spritesheets (consist on a four frame front, left and right walking animations, in total they're 13 different sprites)
♦ Four frame walking animation (left leg, stand, right leg, stand)= $17
♦ Eight frame walking animation (left leg lower, left leg higher, left leg lower, stand, right leg lower, right leg higher, right leg lower, stand)= $27

• Platformer Side Scroller View Style Character Spritesheet (this only includes a standing pose, a walking animation and a jumping sprite.)
♦ Two frame walking animation (left leg, right leg) = $10
♦ Four frame walking animation (left leg, stand, right leg, stand)= $15
♦ Eight frame walking animation (left leg lower, left leg higher, left leg lower, stand, right leg lower, right leg higher, right leg lower, stand)= $25

• Character spritesheets, Extra poses (raising hands, blinks, emotions, dead poses, etc.) = $5 each.
• Character spritesheets, Animated Effects (Effects like dissolve, fade, teleport, explode, melt, etc.) = $10 each 4 frame effect, for a higher frame rate price, please email us.

◄ ObjectS ►

• Animated (glowing lamps, glimmering crystals, ringing phone, gameboys) = $10
• Static (a table, a bed, hearts for health, power ups, etc.) = $5

◄ TilesetS ►
Tileset works depends on the size of the tile and color count, the sizes below are measured in pixels and are by default of 16 colors or less, for any size you don’t see below, please email us and we’ll tell you a fitting price.

• Floor/Wall tilesets (static):
♦ 16 x 16 tile = $1 each tile. (A platformer game floor of 9 tiles would cost $9)
♦ 32 x 32 tile = $3 each tile. (A platformer game floor of 9 tiles would cost $27)
♦ 64 x 64 tile = $5 each tile. (A platformer game floor of 9 tiles would cost $45)

If you're doubtful of how much would it cost to make x and y sheet, do not hesitate to drop us an email and we'll get back to you, we offer small discounts to people who does this, so it should be better for you.
We can only accept Paypal as paying method.
If you wish to make an order of sorts, please contact us at im.a.nut [at] hotmail [dot] com and we'll get back at you as soon as we can! We finish each piece in unbelievably short time, so deadlines are not a problem for us! (unless you need twenty five 15 sprite characters for tomorrow, in that case you’ll be disappointed).

Looking forward to work with you!

Team LePixelists