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Messages - QuaziGNRLnose
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General Discussion / Re: 3d vs 2d Myth (or is it?)
« on: June 18, 2010, 10:33:40 pm »
3D work, does NOT use the same skills, at least not for object composition. everyone is born with perception of 3D shapes, geometry, lighting etc. its evolved into us, thats why someone terrible at drawing can still look at an amazing painting, and appreciate its greatness, even though they completely lack the skills to do something similar. People can feel reality, 3D work bring everything you make into reality, since it does all the perspective correction, lighting etc. you can be artistic with use of those of course, but again were not talking about that right now. when you do 2D, its a whole different story, just look at drawing, 90% of people cant draw well, but if you draw well everyone sees it. drawing requires skills that allow you to visualize edges on a finished, or partially finished 3d object within your mind and from a certain angle. you need to lay those edges down through action of the wrist, thinking about pressure etc. making a beautiful drawing takes a lot more than appreciating 3d geometry, shading it takes even more. shading you need to visualize volumes, light sources, and line all this up with your lines. again you need to understand artistically use of tone etc, highlights, heavy shadow all this stuff.

in 3d work, what you do is make a shape, and build upon that,it doesn't require the same kind of layered thinking, and you work adaptively, since the renderer does all the PERFECT lighting and form work of your object, you can actually tell whats wrong with it and fix it in a very perception friendly way, which accommodates to humans senses of 3D allowing you to just do whats natural. 3D is more technical in that you need to have spatial awareness of position, rotation etc. but again its all a natural part of human thinking, and thats why non artists can still be very good at it. being artistic IN 3D, requires a different subset of artistic abilities, which also cater to the 2D artists skills, like percieving forms, colour, lighting etc. an artist will know "THIS IS GONNA LOOK NICE" etc. making original stylistic work, that a non-artist just doesnt have enough of a creative background to do.

thats my thinking on the subject at least.

General Discussion / ROTSPRITE, useful tool
« on: June 18, 2010, 08:11:02 pm »
well i do pixel animations sometimes, and nothing is more annoying than dirty rotation tools, when your using rotation to speed things up, either its puts AA everywhere, that you dont want, or it just messing everything up, even if it doesn't add new colours. i was on Wikipedia and i found this when looking at sprite scaling algorithms.

heres a picture of the rotation in action, the first image, non rotated, the second, badly rotated, the third, with rotsprite
as you can see it does a beautiful job, adds no new colours, and im sure some animators who make use of rotation would love it, since it barely needs clean up work.

RotSprite is a scaling and rotation algorithm for sprites developed by Xenowhirl. It produces far fewer artifacts than nearest-neighbor rotation algorithms, and does not interpolate or anti-alias, so it does not introduce new colors into the image.[6]
The algorithm first scales the image to 8 times its original size with a modified Scale2x algorithm which treats similar (rather than identical) pixels as matches. It then calculates what rotation offset to use by favoring sampled points which are not boundary pixels. Next, the rotated image is created with a nearest-neighbor scaling and rotation algorithm that simultaneously shrinks the big image back to its original size and rotates the image. Finally, overlooked single-pixel details are restored if the corresponding pixel in the source image is different and the destination pixel has three identical neighbors.[7]

an excerpt from wikipedia ^

Pixel Art / Re: heartless doll (noob first post X3)
« on: November 28, 2009, 05:01:53 pm »
by contrast i mean with the background, megamans mostly dark on his outer limits, and so is the background around him, so either brighten up megaman, or darken everything in the background so that he has a more visible edge, right now his outer edges just kind of blend in with the background because hes a similar colour (teal) making it hard to read. id suggest using maybe the dark purples instead.

remember my crits arent for serious problems, its just when you have a good piece id imagine the artist rather get ways to make it even better than getting "thats so nice" comments.

as for his joints, i wasn't sure if you were going for a disjointed look, but even then his limbs aren't very correct. its the worst near the waist. the leg behind him seems to be lower than the leg in front, when they should be at the same height, and his "waist piece" is a strange shape which doesn't really read as a symmetrical form.

Pixel Art / Re: heartless doll (noob first post X3)
« on: November 28, 2009, 12:59:58 am »
i don't see how you could call this noobish? surely your self esteem isn't that low!

overall the piece is great, but it has alot of things to be nitpicked on

the composition is ok, but mega man is in a weird offset position in the frame for the angle hes facing (he should probably be all the way on the left instead of the right) and doesn't really draw the viewers attention, even though hes the subject of the picture.

also mega-mans contrast with the background isnt too high so hes a bit hard to make out, which also steals the viewers attention away.
The sky is weirdly well lit. it would probably look much nicer as a dark sky. not to mention the sky looks very rough and unfinished!

the rain looks strange and only seems to be in some spots, not throughout the entire frame like rain would be.

alot of the shading/rendering/forms in places just seem lazy and unrefined, ex the wet cloth(?) on mega man looks flat.
also the cannon arm is not very elliptic it more like a potato shape. the V on his helmet is very rough, and there are quite a few anatomical problems with his body.

theres a lot of other stuff i didn't mention but those are minor or i probably didn't notice them.

Pixel Art / Re: Second Try For Tree
« on: November 22, 2009, 07:06:19 pm »
your never gonna get realistic shading when you're mirroring your work at the final stages like that

Pixel Art / Re: Need Help with Hokage Building from Naruto
« on: November 22, 2009, 05:38:22 pm »

made me lol :P, and i kinda like the texture the noise dither gave, it looks more like concrete than a "griddy" pattern would :P

Pixel Art / Re: Need Help with Hokage Building from Naruto
« on: November 22, 2009, 04:29:12 pm »
That could work, but there's one problem... I don't know how to apply any of that on any programs I have... (I have PS, GG, etc) Could you show me how that noise dither is done?

alternatively, you could use the spray can in paint to the same avail, just make the spray can size uber big by pressing ctrl then the plus button on the numpad button long enough so that the brush size gets huge (this works for resizing any ms-paint tool beyond the given sizes, its a neat little secret that really shouldn't be one) you can also adjust the size with the minus, to make it smaller.

Pixel Art / Re: For the love of... not another... yeah, one more.
« on: November 21, 2009, 09:35:57 pm »
whats with trees lately  :o

i like the tree, it has a worms Armageddon kind of style to it!  :y:
the shading so far kind of makes it look like A) its covered in a layer of ice? B) as if its simply an "embossed" tree with strange blue lighting.

if your doing that "emboss" kind of shading you should really try imagining the forms and your tree as a 3d object, not as a 3d extruded shape like you are now. imagine your light source and how the tree would cast self shadows based on the light source!

Pixel Art / Re: Asian mole man monk?
« on: November 21, 2009, 09:16:22 pm »

small edit, fixed a few problems with the hat, namely the forms in the shadowed region, and i stretched the left side up so that it wasn't overly foreshortened like it was before.

haven't had much time to work on it lately sorrry for the slow progress  :(

and heres a progress anim so far

and btw Jad, is the skew correction of the feet in final frame what you were talking about? and if so did i make the problem better or worse and can i make it even better?

Pixel Art / Re: Second Try
« on: November 21, 2009, 08:56:07 pm »
this isnt pixel art! from the looks of it you used brushes with auto AA. pixel art just cant be done with these kinds of tools! almost everything you need you'll find in paint alone!

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