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Messages - NaCl
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Pixel Art / Re: Overwarm - Run Clyde, Run!
« on: November 25, 2008, 01:35:32 am »
Hey Sokota,

I think your run is close to looking good. Here is what I would do (though I know little so take it with a grain of salt...):

1. Your run (without idle), is 6 frames. The chart that Draco posted uses 8, which seems like a good amount. The two frames you are missing are the "recoil" ones, which are pretty important as they make it look like the character is impacting the ground. In your animation now, that frame is skipped and the leg is drawn back without even touching the ground. This makes it look like he is kind of gliding. So, add in those recoil (or "landing") frames and I suspect it will look a lot better.

2. Don't recycle the same frames over and over. Right now your frame 6 is just a copy of frame 3, and that makes it look weird. It looks like the nearer leg is is extending twice, and the far leg never gets extended out. We can tell the legs apart because of the highlight in the nearer one, and the line along the back of his shorts.

3. The arms should move like a pendulum in opposite directions of the legs. Once you make a new frame for the back leg extending out, then the arms should be in the opposite position as them. Right now, because you are recycling frames, his right arm only goes to his side and back, and his left only to his side and front.

4. Don't straighten the arms. In your frame 1, the arm is nearly straight, and it pointing forward with the leg. Keep the going in mostly opposite directions so the character looks balanced.

Also, don't use the idle frame in the walk, because think about it. Are both your feet ever together on the ground while you're running? No. The only time the legs are together is when one is "passing" the other, and it is bent at that time.

Hope this helped, good luck.

Pixel Art / Re: Platform character
« on: November 25, 2008, 01:16:12 am »
Ok guys, I worked out a new face that is facing more forwards when she runs. It looks less weird, but I can't get the mouth right. I added head movement from the body, and a slight hair movement.

I also tried anti-aliasing on the idle frame, to see if I am doing it right:

The stripes on her suit definitely looks smoother, but the legs and arms still look kind of jagged. I basically tried to make an intermediate color between two objects and fill in the jagged parts.

tehwexxl0rz: Thanks for the compliments. They're encouraging. Also, Salty is fine, haha.

Pixel Art / Re: Platform character
« on: November 24, 2008, 11:27:47 am »
I agree with the comments about the head. I'm working on a new one, which I will add some movement to.

About the dive: it does look pretty choppy going from the first frame to the next. I made a little demo to see:

However, should I bend the first frame more, or create an inbetween?


Pixel Art / Re: Platform character
« on: November 24, 2008, 09:33:49 am »
You're right, the still head looks weird staying still. I edited the head so it is bobbing with the body:

Does that look better?

Pixel Art / Platform character (updated)
« on: November 24, 2008, 08:32:04 am »
Hello, this is a character for a platformer I am working on. This is my first pixel art (and piece of art in general), so I would appreciate any input you have (on basic technique, anatomy, texturing, readability, or anything really). Also, right now the head is not animated, and is based on Julie & Basil ( (made a new one). I used the shape of the head and hair, but am working on making a different one.

So anyway, here is the full sheet (new):

I labeled the animations so hopefully they are self-explanatory. The dive happens when you run off a ledge, and there is water below, or when you quickly hit the surface of the water while swimming, you will dive out.

Here is a GIF of the run (oldest to newest):

Diving (oldest to newest):

Thanks for any input, of course C+C is welcomed. I will make a GIF of any animation if anyone wants to see what it looks like.

General Discussion / Help Determining Price
« on: October 20, 2008, 01:04:42 am »
Hello, I am considering hiring a pixel artists to do the main character of my 2D sidescroller, but need some help determining the cost. I am just a hobbyist, so everything would be coming out of my pocket. Here are the specifics about what the sprite would be like:


Atalanta sprites will be made in two parts. The first is her legs, and the other is her upper body. They will articulate at the sash over her waist. The character should be roughly 128 pixels tall, and however wide. The exact dimensions of each frame can vary within reason, as I am not using a grid based system to load the sprite. You may use an unlimited palette, as the game is in 32bpp.

Leg Animations
Standing (1 Frame)
Running (5 Frames)
Crouching (1 Frame)
Initial Jump (2 Frames)
Rising (1 Frame)
Peaking (1 Frame)
Falling (2 Frames)
Getting Hit (1 Frame)

Upper Body Animations
Standing (1-2 Frames)
Running (5-6 Frames)
Shooting Bow (2-3 Frames)
Jumping (1 Frame)
Peaking (1 Frame)
Falling (1 Frame)
Getting Hit (1 Frame)


In this game, Atalanta will wear a white tunic, that extends to upper-mid thigh, with a sash around her waist. Her sandals will have the classic greek look, with straps extending most of the way up the calf. Her hair is blonde, and fashioned in to a pony tail. She has her bow visibly strapped onto her back, as well as a quiver of arrows.

I've got a vision of what it is I want, but I just need help determining how much this would cost. I understand prices would vary based on experience and skill level, so I am only trying to get a rough figure. The only pricing info I have seen was by the hour, which is fine, but if most pixel artists work by the hour, then it would be helpful to know how long these things can take. I am not an artist, so I could see these taking anywhere from 6-24 hours (of actual work).

So, if you were going to do these sprites, how long would it take you/how much would you expect?

Thanks for your help!

General Discussion / Re: Animation list
« on: April 11, 2007, 05:40:05 am »
Thanks for the input. I took off the animation for him landing, as I was trying to get rid of superfluous frames. I think I will up the run to 6 frames, however.

also 1 frame for getting hit? In the old megaman game its a white flashing animation... is the flashing thing included in your 1 frame? otherwise I think it would be nice to increase the frames.

I can probably do the flashing in the actual code, but even if I don't, it's just a matter of taking the 1 frame and filling it with white for the next frame. How this looks is all up to what the frames look like, however, I'm not trying to remake megaman.

General Discussion / Animation list
« on: April 11, 2007, 04:47:11 am »

I'm programming a side scrolling game, and I'm at the point where I want to start defining the exact list of animations for the player. Right now I just have a mega-man stand in running around the level.

Basically, it is regular a regular side-scroller, except you have a jetpack in which you can fly around with. Here is the list of animations I have so far, I've tryed to cull as many frames as possible to keep it plausible:

Code: [Select]
Idle (3 frames)
Running (5 frames)

Jumping upwards (1 frame)
Jump zenith (1 frame)
Falling (1 frame)

Jetpacking idle (2 frames)
Jetpacking foreward (2 frames)

Getting hit on the ground(1 frame)
Getting hit in the air (1 frame)

Does the number of frames for each animation sound correct? I know nothing of animation or pixel art, so that is why I am asking about this here. Is 5 frames good for a run animation? Are there any other animations I should be considering, or any ones I should get rid of?

Thanks for the input.

General Discussion / Re: Beginning pixel art
« on: March 30, 2007, 08:55:28 pm »
Thank you for the input.

I have to disagree, however, on the issue of potential. You obviously are seeing the issue in a different way then me(someone who has been drawing since you were young), but I do not believe in, "born potential". If by, "potential" you mean that the artist started young in an enviroment that could sort of foster the skill and drive to practice it, then I agree.

The thing is, I have taken a stab at art, but was driven away when I had difficulty getting over the first "hump" (read: everest). This post was to kind of judge wether it was plausible for me to learn this skill at this point in my life. So thanks for the encouragment, keep up the good work!

PS I guess that art history class is long gone from memory  :-\

General Discussion / Beginning pixel art
« on: March 30, 2007, 10:31:55 am »
Hello folks,

Some of the stuff you guys have posted is jaw dropping. It got me thinking about what sort of time commitment getting to a reasonable skill level takes? Pretty much all of the artists I know have been drawing feverishly since they were young, and it makes me wonder if starting practicing an art is an uphill battle if you begin as an adult. I know some masters like Piccaso started later in life, but barring the type of genius/dedication someone such as he had, is it plausible to pick up this hobby?

I am a programmer right now, and while I picked that skill up fast and built it up pretty high, I fear art does not have the same, "positive feed-back" mechanism that programming has. What I mean, is that in programming, you are enticed by a string of small successes in making little programs, and defeating complicated bugs. In art, it seems, the learing curve is a constant sense of failure until your work resembles what you imagine it as. That kind of learning curve seems very difficult unless you got a head start while still a kid.

When did you start drawing?
How long have you been drawing/doing pixel art?
How good would you say you are at drawing/pixel art?

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