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Messages - PixelPiledriver
Pages: 1 ... 85 86 [87] 88 89 ... 97

Pixel Art / Re: [WIP]Nivek's Unfinished Sketches
« on: July 11, 2012, 08:21:01 am »

Some things to try:
Reduce the amount of lines inside the character and only use dark lines for major overlaps, outer edges, etc.
Add lighting based on surface normal instead of edges. Think in 3D.

General Discussion / Re: graphics gale exporting png issue
« on: July 08, 2012, 02:30:07 pm »
Got this to work:

This is with Flash CS3.

Pixel Art / Re: The Stare.
« on: July 07, 2012, 11:18:29 am »
Messy and incomplete, but maybe helpful edit:

Just like anything else, normals affect light received.
It can be simplified into sheets of color based on direction.
Make a little chart to reference the color progressions you want.
It would have been beneficial to do one for the other side as well.

The drawing shows you are already aware of this, just re-visiting the idea.
You're doing great without any input from me.

General Discussion / Re: Official Off-Topic Thread
« on: July 06, 2012, 07:56:24 am »
Just now finding out that Shadow of the Collosus's main character is named Wander.
see project entropy thread to find out why this sucks x[

Don't worry about it, especially since its coincidence.
If the name fits your character stick with it.

Of course there's many synonyms to choose from if you feel the name is tarnished (but it isn't):
Ramble, Meander, Roam, Rove, Range, Go, Lost

Or perhaps some sort of portmanteau/word jumble:
Walkalot, Traveligo, Gofar, Nevahoem

Its fun to be completely original.
But ideas are just ideas.
It's all about execution.
Usually it's not worth getting bent out of shape over similar ideas.
"Crap some one already drew a robot! Now it sucks to draw one!"

Personally I wouldn't have made the connection.
But I'm the type of person that thinks mostly about gameplay.
Usually when a game prompts me to name characters, I go with: Chumpy, Lumpy, etc.
Yes, a hero named Chumpy saved Hyrule, at least in my game.

However I can understand wanting to make a completely tight creation with everything being important down to the name of each character.
I just don't think that players will boot up your game and say "Wtf? Has the same name as SOTC? Lame!".
Your project seems fun and interesting enough that it won't matter.

Good luck with the lady!
Once you get a comfortable number of dates, seal the deal with home cooking.
I have an amazing salmon recipe that swoons the heart if you are interested.

Pixel Art / Re: Which do you prefer? [C&C]
« on: July 05, 2012, 11:48:04 am »
Colors are tools used to convey information.
You seem to be ignoring or not utilizing the fact that colors have inherent luminance values:

Get into the habit of grayscaling images to keep track of contrast and clarity.

I might do a few.
I see you have a 1 side and 2 sided texture template.
Can you post a standardized texture template you'd like to use for 6 sides?

Pixel Art / Re: [WIP] Chilly Little Guy (CC requested)
« on: July 04, 2012, 09:05:26 am »
Try balancing the colors in different combinations:

From the topic title and you mention Ice Climber he's an eskimo sorta guy right?

The original question remains, if you had to make a strategy RPG on a shoestring art budget, how would you try to do it?
From my personal experience:
It is natural for people to over scope.
No matter how much funding you have the size of a project must be controlled.
Reduce the scope of your project as much as possible.
This will allow you to polish minimal content to the maximum.
Start with something simple, complete components of the game as you go.
Allow it to grow if you have the time.
It's much less stressful and usually ends up with a better game in the end.
This is opposed to starting with a massive project, and cutting it down as you run out of time.
Fun art will get people interested in checking it out.
Good gameplay will generate a fanbase of players that share it with others and are hungry for a sequel/expansion/another game from your studio.

Minimalism can be made very appealing with polish, and can save a lot of time <-- depending on how you do it.
Frozen Synapse

I would do something episodic
Also a good and common way of doing things, especially these days.
Come up with a game design.
Now chop it into 3-5 pieces.
For the first part focus on the core mechanic and a few additional features.
Create enough thoroughly polished content to last about 3-10 hours.
Release the game and start the next piece immediately.
Use the kickback to fund the course of the next part.

Good luck!

2D & 3D / Re: (semi)low poly modelling experiments (undeadly)
« on: July 02, 2012, 01:14:36 pm »

Your boards are at a very early stage and could change significantly, but thought I would mess with the idea a little:

Some Advice:
1. Interaction: have the characters touch each other, affect the others mood, or force the other to do something.
2. Moments: Make a panel for anything significant. Motion, rest, action, start (I forgot to do a title), end, etc. This helps create Timing.
3. Facial expressions: At this stage just paint them directly onto the image. Even if they are very simple they will help you later.
4. Arrows: On a still image sometimes a static pose can look like motion, or motion can look like a static pose. Use arrows to explicitly mark motion. This also helps create Timing.

Playing on the fact that he's a mime could also make it more interesting.
Cool Stuff!

Challenges & Activities / Re: The Photopalette Activity Thread!
« on: July 01, 2012, 11:01:46 am »

Still needs a lot of work.
The photo I used for this palette was WAY too risque for Pixelation.
So lets just pretend I used a nice picture of a forest.

Very cool Grim!

had mention on how dull the colours are shall I tweak them?
I enjoy the colors as they are, but why not?
Play around with em and see what happens.
I cheated on my fish girl quite a bit.
The upside down guy and the head poking in from the bottom!  :lol:

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