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Messages - ceddo
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Pixel Art Feature Chest / Re: [WIP] Super Daimyo
« on: June 28, 2011, 05:49:15 pm »
Wow, just popped in to say I love the direction this has taken, you have a really fun-looking mockup so far!

Your GUI updates seem good as well, quite clear and concise. The bar for the "special power" - does the actual power depend on which commander you've chosen? If so, why not make the actual commander's bar be a visible cue for how much power he has? like a loading bar, color a fraction of the icon in blue?

Also, what does the number of stars and the little icon above that represent? No crits otherwise, very clean :)

Pixel Art / Re: Axe
« on: June 28, 2011, 05:28:54 pm »
Looks great so far! ;D You're still working on the handle right? (I think it should be longer and fatter, it looks like you could really easily snap the handle just with the weight of the blade)

My main crit would be to have more of those straight diagonal highlights on the flat of the blade, because the dark blue you've put there gives the illusion that the side of the blade isn't flat, that it's some weird bumpy surface. Just add some of those highlights (in the same color as the highlights of the blade) and you should have the illusion of a shiny, flat surface.

Another thing is that the highlights on the sharp edge don't denote a clear light source. Remember, the only difference between shiny and matte surfaces is that shiny surfaces more accurately reflect the light that comes to them. This is why they have brighter highlights and darker shadows. Therefore, to achieve the illusion of shininess really well it helps to put very dark areas right next to very bright areas. But to this after thinking about where you want the light source to be and deduct your highlights and dark areas accordingly.

I look forward to seeing your progress!

Pixel Art Feature Chest / Re: Game in progress, Update
« on: June 28, 2011, 05:17:25 pm »
You really took the pixel style to the next level Yuri, seems like everything is square! In a good way, I like it. Definitely agree with Eyecraft's update, and with piffany about the blue in "Sharkfin Island" being a tad too bright. Decrease the sat just a little and it should still pop without crossing the 'painfully bright' threshold.

Another thing that bugs me is the bright cyan in the background of the forest scene. It ruins the illusion of depth for me because it's so bright. Perhaps a lighter shade of yellow would do better?

Pixel Art / Animated waterfall tile
« on: May 03, 2011, 08:39:58 am »
It's been a long time since I've posted in these forums! Lil nostalgia! :D But since I've started pixeling a little more, I figured why not.

So I'm working on an amazon-themed landscape for a sidescrolling game on iPhone and currently trying to make a nice waterfall animated tile. For now, focusing on the base tile and I'll animate it later, when I actually get something nice.

So here are my latest explorations... there's something not right with this and I'm quickly getting frustrated, as I've always been absolute sh*t at trying to pixel water for some reason. Halpmeh? :(


General Discussion / Downloadable Video Tutorials
« on: May 25, 2009, 06:19:01 pm »
Hey guys, I've recently joined the awesome artist community at and wanted to give you guys a shout about the great downloadable tutorial videos they have on the website, which teach you loads of tips, tricks and work flows of great digital and traditional artists such as Jason Chan, Andrew Jones and Whit Brachna. is a non-profit organization, so for the amount and quality of information that's being given away, you're definitely getting more than your money's worth. It's not like this stuff only applies to digital art either - much of the things you'll learn apply to all styles of 2d art so pixel artists can learn a lot as well.

Anyway, check out this section of the website. The video project is called Massive Black, and they've got quite a heap of videos to choose from about different aspects of digital art (e.g. weapon design, effectively using masks in photoshop, how to make a steam punk environment... etc)

I can't recommend these enough to aspiring digital artists who need a little more direction or inspiration. I've downloaded plenty already and will keep buying more because they've teached me so much.


Pixel Art / Re: Eyes and Mouth problem
« on: February 24, 2009, 02:00:04 am »
I must say, she has quite a package for a girl.

Pixel Art / Re: WIP guy with hammer
« on: October 13, 2008, 07:58:35 pm »
To swing a massive hammer like that, he'd need at least some momentum - it's hardly an arm strength thing, it's more about how much energy you build up in your stance before swinging.

That said, imagine swinging a massive sledgehammer. When I do it in the mirror, I crouch a little and bring the hammer back behind me, bringing most or all of the weight of my body on the back leg, bending it. Then i use all my upper body strength to swing the hammer over my head and at the same time straighten my back leg, gradually bringing my weight to the front with the hammer. To finish off I'd either end up dragging the hammer back on the floor after impact or if i'm swinging it in horizontally, it would end up behind me and i'd swing it back to its' original spot slowly.

Archived Activities / Re: Isometric Collaboration IV - IT IS UPON US!
« on: June 19, 2008, 09:20:08 pm »
Wait... what's with 101 and 117? I found the ones we had before were just fine!

What do you mean Feron?

I'm done: here it is!

Sorry for the late update!

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