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Messages - evilchelu
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Challenges & Activities / Re: Tzigla Rocks!!!
« on: January 19, 2011, 09:45:43 pm »
Just my two cents: It might make hiding the center of each tile look better if, instead of black, the background for the board showed through.  Much less intrusive.  Then it appears that the portion of the tile visible is added to the board, not just peaking from behind a block of color.  The eye is drawn to the positive addition of color, not the negative black void that appears to be interrupting it.  It's all perspective really.

That sounds quite nice.

I'm worried about the pixelation board tho. Not sure if that stone texture will fit in nicely in those black holes.

Challenges & Activities / Re: Tzigla Rocks!!!
« on: January 19, 2011, 06:08:50 pm »
Crazy shaped tiles are not coming so soon. Crazy shaped boards are not as difficult tho.

We basically want to add "void" tiles at some point, which would allow for non square boards, or even boards with holes in them.

Challenges & Activities / Re: Tzigla Rocks!!!
« on: January 18, 2011, 04:37:33 am »
WOW, the activity on the quack board is totally AMAZING! 87% done!

Probably because the visible tiles make discussion possible.

I really think that the next pixelation board should have the same format! Just saying :)

Challenges & Activities / Re: Tzigla Rocks!!!
« on: January 18, 2011, 02:06:09 am »
Here's an augmented method for you - reduce the 20px margins between approved tiles to the standard 10px margin, using only a 5px masking strip attached to each relevant central black block (not sure how you handle corners). Because you're right, that may show just a tad too much visual information, even though different artists did either side of the actual tile border

This idea is logically correct. However, it's even uglier than the thick borders imo. Those poking out corners are really nasty :/

Also, it has a serious flaw in that it does not respect the argument given earlier that the borders are disappearing randomly. In this case, just 5px would just randomly vanish instead of 10px.

So, I'm holding off on this "improvement", the thick borders are a good solution. :)

Challenges & Activities / Re: Tzigla Rocks!!!
« on: January 18, 2011, 01:21:36 am »
YAY! Deployed to live!

Since yesterday, based on feedback and earlier requests, the following changes were made:

- option to show only comments in the board activity stream
  - events are also dimmed so they don't stand out
- artists in the header are sorted by the first tile they reserved
- borders are now visible for the ccc64 board
- we also log an event when a tile becomes visible (only applies to quack board)

ps: Thanks to Mathias for the wake up call that let us know these things were really needed!

Challenges & Activities / Re: Tzigla Rocks!!!
« on: January 17, 2011, 06:16:02 am »

Great news. We finished the new UI revamp and stuff! For now we're deploying this on the staging server so we can all play with it and find bugs! Tomorrow we'll deploy on live.

The test staging server is here:

Please let us know if you find any bugs!

Don't worry about breaking things. The test server uses a copy of the data so you can't break anything. Go crazy!

ps: you can now link directly to your artists or tiles on a board (just copy the url in the address bar):

* artist:!/artists/42
* tile:!/tiles/4-3

mini changelog:
* better ui
* comments on board and tiles
* activity log for board, artists and tiles
* bookmarkable urls for artists and tiles
* better homepage (thumbnails are manually generated for now, working on making them dynamic)

Challenges & Activities / Re: Tzigla Rocks!!!
« on: January 16, 2011, 02:40:15 pm »
The problem with showing all the borders all the time is that it looks very ugly :(

Here's how it looks with our development data (which is based on some old board)

Also, I think that having all the borders makes it less random since as you say, it will allow people to see more than what they need. But I understand where you're coming from, you saw something that's related to your tile but now it's gone.

Because of the ugliness, I don't really want to show all the borders all the time. But we're thinking about how to make it somehow temporary? Maybe we should show all the borders of the surrounding tile when you click on an available tile (one with a plus)? Or, maybe have it as an option once you reserve a tile?

ps: the commenting and activity stuff is coming along great and we'll probably deploy something today!
pps: we've figured out why some tiles had shitty colors on the quack board. tech explanation: it's because of browser handling of embedded color profiles in png files. we'll start removing color profiles from uploaded files so things will blend

Challenges & Activities / Re: Tzigla Rocks!!!
« on: January 14, 2011, 03:18:34 pm »
Hmm, on the quack quack collab, you can't reserve a tile diagonal from one of your own? Hmm, I can see the logic, but I dunno. . .

It's beeen dabated if the corner would influence much but the only downside is that the boards will be a bit slow in the beginning. And that's not so bad.

PS: quack quack board is 73% complete!!! wee :crazy:

Challenges & Activities / Re: Tzigla Rocks!!!
« on: January 11, 2011, 11:56:55 pm »
Thanks for the long post and ideas!

First, tzigla is definitely its own entity. One that loves to integrate with others :). It would suck to have it closed and just available to only one forum.

re: ranking/rating. I think that instead of making tzigla a competition and having newbie users feel sad that their stuff is not as loved, I'd rather have the admin pick a skill level for the board then handle people out of line through moderation. Newbs would probably not enter high end boards and high end artists won't enter newb boards by themselves. Less automated policing, more human interaction.

re: awards. We were thinking about badges or achievements or such, but that might again turn things into a competition. We will probably add some sort of simple like/favorite/start button. But its main use would be that so you can keep a list of things, raking tiles by it will be a distant second and most likely there won't be a top 10 or such.

re: team collabs. Same things as above about competitions. But teams might allow for more fun things tho :)

I agree that competition is a very good driving force, at least it is for me, but we'll be very careful about how we add it to tzigla, since having other motivations besides making nice things might push some to optimize for gaining points/badges/awards instead of making nice things. Competitions also mean that someone loses, and this is not what a collab should be about.

We're might even go in the other direction by adding some PixelJoint style collabs with all tiles visible, WIPs, CCs, allowing people to edit each other's tiles, etc.

After this week, when we'll finish the commenting/activity stuff and UI revamp, we'll then add hexes and then think about this kind of things.

Challenges & Activities / Re: Tzigla Rocks!!!
« on: January 11, 2011, 07:21:39 am »
Complaint - Not a huge fan of the name Tzigla. Don't know how married to it you are. Names ambiguous to pronounce correctly can be trying. I suggest a more user-friendly name. I want Tzigla to have mass appeal. The name is mighty important. Just a thought I've had for a while.

COLLAB IDEA - You're adding bricks soon. What about a collab type that comes in layers? Layers of submitted images stacked onto each other to create the final result. It would require alpha using images of course. Someone may create a background, then others foreground objects/gfx . . . I dunno.
Just an undeveloped idea scrap. Not sure what else to add to it, or even how it's useful. Anybody wanna expand on it?

On the upcoming Hex tile type, is it not just a matter of offsetting the top,left corner of each image by a certain increment?

re: the name. We had another one we liked but everything was taken so we changed to tzigla. At the moment I don't feel we have the energy to change the name so we'll try this one for a while. We recently realized that most US people are saying it like zigla, sigh.

re: collab idea. that's a completely different direction which we're most likely not going to pursuit. We're into tiles, baby!

re: hexes. Hexes are like bricks, not like a checker board with respect to number of neighbours and such. Also, we have to do code to stitch them together, extract contours, generate the tile you download, etc, it's not just a matter of offsets

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