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Messages - Ixis
Pages: 1 [2] 3 4

Pixel Art / Re: Starting out
« on: March 20, 2011, 12:39:39 pm »
I agree with Mathias, the look doesn't seem like it would require too much textures, if any at all. Maybe a tile or two with a simple two-tone grass-like flourish, but nothing more.

The wood paneling on the house is pretty thin, I think you could thicken the planks up and use a less darker color so it doesn't look so stripey.

Lastly I think you should lighten up the green shadows and do something with the box people to make them stand out more. They are the characters and in a game you should easily be able to tell where they are at all times, etc.

Pixel Art / Re: [WIP]Forest Scene
« on: March 20, 2011, 12:22:03 pm »
I think the grass is looking awesome, a lot better than before ::)
The blade does kinda look green-ish, but I wonder how much brighter you could make it with the palette. I also wouldn't make it too bright, but maybe add a glint or two. Also the dithering in the back needs more shaping.

He did, but I wanted to know how to go about drawing the sprites, and I wound up learning a bit of the coding side of things too.

And as one of those pixel artists that approves of using limited palettes and following the artistic challenges of creating games on old hardware it was important to me. One of those things most people won't notice or care about, but which would hopefully impress people who know about pixel art. ::)

Pixel Art / [WIP]ISO tactic sprites (C&C Welcome!!:D)
« on: March 19, 2011, 11:11:21 pm »
A while ago I made a post in general about tactical iso maps for a game I'm working on for XBLA with a friend, and now I'm at the point where I can start thinking about character sprites (and I usually take forever coming up with base/template sprites.) ISO makes what's already a challenge ten times harder, lol.

So this is what I did first,

It was based on FFT/TO/FFTA et al, and looked... horrific. There was no way to really adapt that style and not look like I was ripping Quest off anyway.

So I decided to make the sprites similar to some other RPG sprites I've done,

Better, but it still needs a LOT of work. In the end I want them to look similar to the sprites I've done in the past (or better), samples below,

But ISO, obviously. Anyone have any ideas/suggestions? ???
The biggest issue I can see right now is the left-leg on red up there. It's not really iso to the look of it, but no matter where I move his leg or how I reshape it it simply doesn't look right.

Checked out some of Kenneth's iso sprites and tried something in that thicker, cartoony style.

Thanks guys! Spent most of yesterday figuring this out and I'm posting what I found in the hopes of helping anyone else wondering about these things. I did take a peek into Tactics Ogre: LUCT (the SNES version, not the new fancy PSP one), here's what I found. :D

Here's normal Tactics Ogre with all the tiles setup perfectly.

Here's Tactics Ogre without the tiles on layer 2. The ground tiles are layer 1, and from what I could see layers 3 and 4 aren't used (except for maybe UI and such, but I can't say for sure as I kept having strange issues where character sprites would appear above the UI, or parts of the UI would disappear. These aren't issues in the game but problems specifically in the way certain emulators handle the rom). These tiles can animate as well. Height (or "Step" in the world of TO:LUCT) are values unique to each tile. Determining units moving across the field is handled simply by a simple equation "beginning step - end step", where if the value is positive the unit can move across and fall about 16 pixels, and if it's negative by 1 the unit will bump up 16 pixels. At -2 and lower the unit will jump based on that particular units jump value (most units cannot jump higher than 2 steps.) ::)

Here's the same image but with the bottom layer taken out. We can see the transparent tiles here. They're actually 16x16 and not 32x32.

Lastly here's all the tiles turned on with a grid added manually by me. So, what we see is that even though the map visually looks to be isometric, it's still a grid, but cleverly disguised as something isometric at the base. The trouble of course is figuring out the math for unit placement and having a good enough engine to help you parse the tiles (it'd be hard to imagine where every tile goes if you're making 2 hash maps, one for layer 1 and one for layer 2.) There's an alternate, cheaper (non-oldschool way) that I think we'll try, however if you want to go hardcore oldschool with it, you might want to have 2 sets of every 16x16 tile you create: one with the hash value of the tile drawn above it and one without. This way you could visually create the map you want to create in whatever program you wish, and then easily follow the numbers to figure out the hash table. ;D

As for doing height you'll probably want a 3rd table for indicating that (and maybe a 4th to determine where the unit is on the X,Y axis.) From there it's simple math to figuring out when, where and how units move and/or jump as well as what tiles are over or under the unit.

It's an iso Tactics Ogre/FFT:A style strategy RPG.

I've been looking around for some tutorials on how iso tiling goes (I know about type B, 2:1, etc), but I need help figuring out how to tell my programmer how to setup the program to put these tiles together. Also I was looking at Pixel-Zone's tutorials but I read here that following that might not be a good idea. :'(

So would my actual tiles (the ones the program uses to put together a map) be rectangular or is there a simple way to do it in squares? Should the tiles be actual 32x32 blocks that are put together like a lego set? Or should I make a big final iso image like the one below, but broken into layers based on buildings/walls/etc?

I know how to put down pixels but having a program parse those into something that works is hopelessly confusing to me. I feel like there's a trick here, but I might be wrong.

Pixel Art / Re: Something like an adventure game sprite template
« on: August 22, 2010, 12:50:37 am »

Pixel Art / Re: Unofficial main character[WIP]
« on: August 21, 2010, 06:32:10 am »
Ok, anatomy rundown and other things...

His legs are very short compared to his arms and the rest of his body.
His cape has a very thick outline to it, and the pink line doesn't match with the rest.
His ear is very very large.
His head is a bit too far back, like he's about to get blown back. His head is also very squat and his right eye is popping out of his head.
Buckles on the middle belt should be placed a little higher.
Weird use of AA on his arm and chest. Try the Capcom method of lightening the line colors first.

Pixel Art / Re: Something like an adventure game sprite template
« on: August 17, 2010, 09:18:11 pm »
Found my old password, so I'm back to Ixis for now! Here's an update keeping the CC in mind.

Pixel Art / Re: MORPG Character Template [WIP]
« on: March 05, 2008, 04:55:15 am »
I'm still new at pixel shading, and I was going for the shading style in the cartoon, but yours is leagues better. :y:

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