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Messages - hotnikkelz
Pages: 1 ... 6 7 [8] 9

Pixel Art / Re: Collossus sprite, WIP, help me pweety pweese
« on: October 17, 2008, 04:36:53 pm »
no problem, thanks, i'll be all up on that this weekend  :crazy:

Pixel Art / Re: Collossus sprite, WIP, help me pweety pweese
« on: October 16, 2008, 08:56:51 pm »
ooooh.  So...umm what should i do now with the current?

Pixel Art / Re: Collossus sprite, WIP, help me pweety pweese
« on: October 16, 2008, 04:35:10 pm »
whoa, that's a really nice edit B.O.B thanks a million, i feel motivated to continue now heh, i'm stealing the edit you made heh heh heh  :P

edit: I edited on your edit.  I thought some stuff liek the belt and so on were to dark, and also the lines on his arms and stuff.  Tweaked a few things there and there including the face etc.  What do you guys think of it now.....Also any ideas on the background? I'm trying to keep under 24 colours btw.

Pixel Art / Re: Collossus sprite, WIP, help me pweety pweese
« on: October 13, 2008, 07:52:20 pm »

Minor edit, fixed the glass in the boots and belt, did minor things to the face etc.
Still can't AA where red meets metal  :'( When i try to get something in between, red and bluish grey, it seeems to be green? I'm wondering if i should just leave it as it is cuz i'm clueless on how to clean up those edges there.

Also any ideas on a simple but decent background? It's about that time i suppose.

Pixel Art / Re: Collossus sprite, WIP, help me pweety pweese
« on: October 09, 2008, 01:20:04 pm »
thanks man

How many colours do you think i should go with for both the yellows and orange?
Should i like have a highlight mid and shadow for the yellow, and make the shadow ramp to the red? Helm was saying due to the amount of red, i probably should have more than 3 for the red.  That's how i interpreted, what you think?

edit: new progress, coloured everything, did the belt etc, did a few adjustments to face. Now, i need to find a way to AA where the red meets the metal.  Seems like I'll have to have a new batch of colours for that....but i dunno how to go about choosing them  ???

Pixel Art / Re: Collossus sprite, WIP, help me pweety pweese
« on: October 08, 2008, 07:34:50 pm »

This is where i'm at now, i didn't want to really proceed with the red and yellow before getting the ramp correctly! I suck at making ramps as you can tell, am i on the right path or....did i mess up again? How do i go about making an ideal ramp.  I ran into major problems with the AA, i got confused with too many colours.

Anyway I did most of the metal areas, still have some work to do on the face, i'd like to eventually pixel a background. 
Thanks Helm, thanks Emtch! any advice is appreciated from anyone, newbie or not. This is like my 5th attempt at pixelart.

Pixel Art / Re: Collossus sprite, WIP, help me pweety pweese
« on: October 08, 2008, 03:18:52 am »
no more help guys?  :'( i dunno how to proceed. Helm emtch, anyone?

Pixel Art / Re: stuck with first pixelation.
« on: October 06, 2008, 04:00:12 am »
Well i'm no pro or anything, but it's wise to probably sketch the general outline of what you intend for it to look like, from there you choose the appropriate colours.  Then you slap down colour there and there.  From each colour you choose you may want to choose 3 of that hue, a light, midtone, and a dark.

As it is now, although i know what you want to create, i'm not sure as to what it's supposed to look like exactly cuz it doesn't look like the reference pic so far. Different perspective altogether etc. Outline or lineart first will help i tihnk

Pixel Art / Re: Collossus sprite, WIP, help me pweety pweese
« on: October 06, 2008, 03:55:37 am »

minor update, added some depth to the pants, and the chest and torso like you recommended Argyle (Thanks!) some highlights on where his neck muscles and trapezius as well. Another problem has surfaced though, i can't figure out a colour for the shadows for the yellow.  Even the highlights for the yellow i'm not 100% comfortable with.  I'm not feeling the orange too much.  Any suggestions? :D

Pixel Art / Re: stuck with first pixelation.
« on: October 06, 2008, 02:33:18 am »
When posting your image put the image tags in.  That is put that way it shows on the site itself.

Hmm, why start with such a HUGE piece? I think it will look better, and less stressful on a much smaller scale. Apart from the fluoroscent green which hurts my eyes, the colours seem fine to me.

I really do recommend shrinking this piece though, as it's your first, cuz it will frustrate you to no end as well as take FOREVER to finish.  The size of the reference picture is perfect! For the pixelartists here, i doubt they will call that small at all :)

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