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Messages - chaosjinni
Pages: [1]

Pixel Art / Re: Hi folks, help me flesh out an avatar?
« on: November 30, 2007, 07:42:47 am »
Full shades? Could you give an example?

Trying some different colors now...

Pixel Art / Re: Hi folks, help me flesh out an avatar?
« on: November 30, 2007, 06:54:50 am »
Working on a little definition now, trying to get some volume...

Pixel Art / Re: Hi folks, help me flesh out an avatar?
« on: November 30, 2007, 05:45:04 am »
Heh, quite frankly I can't draw faces. So I'm going to continue to work on this and try to understand the lines and color use as I go. Can you suggest a pallette I could use?

Still working, here's more progress:

Pixel Art / Re: Hi folks, help me flesh out an avatar?
« on: November 30, 2007, 04:04:52 am »
Hey guys,

I didn't mean to come off patronizing or anything, seriously. I'm not that kind of person. Like he said I didn't know what you wanted me to explain so I just told you everything I did. Also, I figured most graphics artists are working on a Mac or something aren't they? And why would they use MSPAINT when I'm sure they could afford better stuff?

Anyway, I feel bad guys. I didn't mean to start any drama. I wanted a genie face and everytime I tried to draw one, it came out looking like shit. So I thought I'd take one I liked and work it into something I could be proud of.

Look, accept my apologies? Will you?

Well, I took your advice and started from scratch. Really I just used the black and white lines and used 16 colors. I can't see using any less, maybe you can teach me how?

Here it is so far:

Pixel Art / Re: Hi folks, help me flesh out an avatar?
« on: November 30, 2007, 01:45:13 am »
What's wrong with that many colors? It's a 3k gif file!

Oh yes, and Ilkke did you know that your avatar dances to the same beat as Rockit by Herbie Hancock? I happened to be listening to it while reading the thread. Heh.

Can anyone tell me whose idea it was to put Bruce Lee popping up in the banner? Well it's brilliant is what it is.

Pixel Art / Re: Hi folks, help me flesh out an avatar?
« on: November 30, 2007, 12:47:14 am »
Yep, that's the original image.

The program I use is called Microsoft Paint. It's pre-installed in Windows since Windows 95.

To launch it: Start ► Run, then type "mspaint.exe" into the command line. It's not robust at all, but it has everything I need. Well mostly. I use another freebie called colorpicker to get an extra zoom in on the pixels, since Paint only has two zoom levels: normal, and large.

To get my line art, I used irfanview (another freebie) to get a black and white image (2 colors). From there it's a simple matter to copy and paste that into Microsoft Paint. With the original image pasted next to it, I grabbed colors and started working on the lines.

The rest (lamp etc) is free hand. Again, I'm not used to working with color.

Did you guys have any suggestions on how to dither and shade it? Or is there a better process to use than mine going from reference to line-art? I'd rather not use expensive software though--just simple freebies.


Pixel Art / Hi folks, help me flesh out an avatar?
« on: November 29, 2007, 10:24:53 pm »
New to pixelling, but not art (ink illustration). Here's what I've been working on. It doesn't quite gel. Any tips appreciated, but I'm really looking for ideas on how to make the face pop a little more and make the background into something that will tie it all together. Eventually I'll be using this as my online avatar everywhere I go so I'd like it to be incredibly good in the end.

I want some sparkle effects and I'd like to work the lamp in somehow, but I'm willing to abandon all that in favor of fresh ideas. Not used to working with color as you can see.

By the way, I love the look and layout of your site--nice warm colors.

My dithering is crappy as well so tips there will help.

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