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Messages - Jimp
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Pixel Art / [WIP] Cats and aliens
« on: October 19, 2011, 05:48:43 pm »
Hey there! I'm new here, and pretty new to pixel art altogether. I've been doing art for Flash and iPhone games for a few years now (portfolio here), and recently I decided to try out some pixel art for a new challenge and to build up my skills.

I recently started my first pixel art game, and thought I would join up here and post some examples for feedback and critique :) Seems like a cool place and I'm getting more and more into pixel art so hopefully I'm here to stay!

Heres some of the in game assets:

Some idle animations for the enemies - these will play occasionally rather than loop. I can't figure out how to embed .swfs, although I've already noticed errors seeing them at a bigger size!

Some level backgrounds:

Looping textures for levels:

Gameplay will be block remover style, but with other stuff to press like switches and cannons etc. Basically aliens are "attacking" earth, and cats are the only things that will harm them :) The red boxes are the boxes you can remove, I'm not sure if that is obvious enough yet? Anyway this is pretty much what we've got so far, critique would be greatly appreciated!

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