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Messages - reydragk
Pages: 1 2 3 [4] 5 6 7

"What Dhaos wrote is asodora btw."

Nope, that's the 'n' kana, not the 'so' kana.

Also, I don't see the point in making it "Andoryu"...that sounds less like Andrew to me than "Andoru"

Pixel Art / Re: Zombie
« on: March 01, 2006, 12:24:25 am »
I would make the limp more pronouced--he walks too smoothly for a rotting heap of flesh

Also, I would make the top of the pants move just a little in the attack animation so that when he twists it doesn't look so unnatural.

Other than that, cool sprites <3

Pixel Art / Re: Bunny Squad -BETA-
« on: February 28, 2006, 06:06:25 am »
much better gameplay-wise.  You've added a real challenge to it now, I like the matching ship/shot color thing.

A few issues though--if you shoot a ship with the wrong color, it seems to sometimes become indestructible after that.
Nevermind the first comment, just figured it out--if you shoot it with the wrong color, you have to shoot it with the right color additional times to undo that, definitely ups the difficulty a lot.

Also, there's a part where the green shot mysteriously turns yellow o.O  Oh, and the issue that was mentioned earlier about if you push forward and backwards at the same time it goes down is still unresolved.

Last critique before I go--the sun sprite is cool, but it doesn't have as much character as the moon does...maybe try to tweak it just a little?  Not sure exactly what would make it better, I just like the moon more...

Nice, simple but well done. Once your site gets some content I'll definately bookmark it ^_^.

 Btw is アソドラ andy in katakana? とかい = city, の is possesive... just curious since I never did figure out how to translate english names into katakana >_<

アソドラ is 'andora' in katakana

Pixel Art / Re: Dig Dug Retro Remake (Major Update+ Download!)
« on: February 26, 2006, 11:34:56 pm »
very fun game, but it keeps freezing on mevT.T

Pixel Art / Re: Harvest Moon Mockup
« on: February 24, 2006, 12:15:47 am »
@Daos:  I don't much like the first edit you did, but the second one is awesome.  I definitely agree on the idea of having transition tiles too, looks much better

Pixel Art / Re: Silicon
« on: February 24, 2006, 12:05:43 am »
hey, if you're at all interested in letting other people work on this with you, I'd love to try doing some enemies or something for it...

it's a challenge to fit detail into such a small piece, you've done it quite well so far, kudos

Pixel Art / Re: Kitty Hawk (Updated)...
« on: February 22, 2006, 09:40:33 pm »
just lower the saturation of the colors in the neon signs and it should look fine

Pixel Art / Re: kakashi genin
« on: February 22, 2006, 06:14:19 pm »
my only crit would be to add dithering with a piece that size...other than that, fuckin' awesome job

Pixel Art / Re: Silicon
« on: February 22, 2006, 05:50:00 pm »
awesome, the new colors definitely work <3

my only crit is on the background...the tops of the platforms are dark, and the bottoms are strikes me as counter-intuitive lighting...
other than that, can't wait to see how this game progresses, very slick

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