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Messages - Argyle
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Archived Activities / Re: Secret Santa 2011
« on: December 25, 2011, 08:17:17 am »
Ego, hahaha thanks so much!  I had my wife open the gift for me this morning actually and she was really astonished that I had recruited outside help.  <3

General Discussion / Re: Homebrew DS pixel editors?
« on: December 01, 2011, 07:32:57 pm »
It's not homebrew or anything, but Inchworm Animation is great from the DSi shop (might be on 3DS too, not sure)

Strangely enough, it's made by the studio that created movies like Waking Life and A Scanner Darkly.

I don't have any drawings or anything that I've done in completion on there, but it lets you use the camera for stop motion as well as having aliased/non-aliased artwork and onion skinning.

My Gallery is masterful

Here's some pixel art that somebody on PixelJoint made using Inchworm:

by TheBlackMarket

General Discussion / Re: Official Off-Topic Thread
« on: November 27, 2011, 01:55:01 pm »
Made this in response to the video getting ridiculously over-viewed.

Now to finish up work for a couple projects and Secret Santa  :blind:

General Discussion / Re: Official Off-Topic Thread
« on: November 19, 2011, 06:17:07 pm »
A questionably appropriate video of my 3 year old learning a lesson in bullying from Skyrim got featured on Kotaku. Pardon the 3 yells at the beginning, if you can make it to about 40 seconds in it's well worth her reactionary face. Also sorry about video quality, low-ish light cell phone camera :3

Hadn't expected more than my family and facebook friends to see it, honestly haha.

General Discussion / Re: Official Off-Topic Thread
« on: November 13, 2011, 12:41:23 am »
Happened across this while crawling around Reddit in between workfiles.  It's all black and white 'lineart' and some of it is interesting :P

Here's the site.[/url]

Also, livejournal postings with more weirdness.

And I guess while I'm posting something, here's an album of my terrible drawing studio interns sleeping on the job.

Showed a few people on IRC that enjoyed so here you are, Pixelation.

General Discussion / Re: Casual Pixel Art Encounters
« on: November 12, 2011, 01:58:42 pm »
I am really enjoying the overlayed design lines for the background. It brings the non-cartoonilly rendered clouds in to mesh with the cartoony rest of the game artwork.

Archived Activities / Re: Secret Santa 2011 - Signup Thread
« on: November 11, 2011, 11:29:04 pm »

I'll love whatever is made, but for the sake of easing the vague creative burden on my secret santa, here are some ideas to run with:

propaganda posters (would be fun to turn whatever is made into a blown up poster for my office)
cartoony characters

Another idea that I'm now suddenly falling in love with as I type would be something that I would use to troll my wife with; we have an inside joke in our house involving this strange fleece horse blanket. We are unsure of as to where it even came from, but we have had it for the last 4 years all the same.  For whatever reason, it makes us laugh (it's a blanket with a gigantic picture of a horse on it... it's just kind of absurd!) So we enjoy hanging it up, hiding it, boobytrapping an area to make it fall into view when the other person walks by, replacing shower towels on the rack without the other hearing so that the horse blanket is there instead, you name it. This has been going on ever since we got it, sometimes once every couple of days, sometimes after a month since the last 'horsing' incident. So if my santa would like to join in on this joke to play on her, he or she could pixel the horse blanket however they would like to interpret it - any style or design or representation of it that they'd have fun with just so long as it is recognizably that horse blanket graphic (using a predominantly red backdrop and a horsish head entering the frame from the neck up stage right)

Here's the reference to work with:

Looking forward to anything that might be made, thanks for including me!

Pixel Art / Re: Donald Duck from Kingdom Hearts
« on: November 11, 2011, 12:10:42 am »

General Discussion / Re: Official Off-Topic Thread
« on: November 09, 2011, 05:55:54 pm »
I'd like to share some thoughts about Cosmigo ProMotion.

I bought the V5.1 in July 2007 and used it ever since (no upgrade). These days I bought a new Computer (Asus EEE EP121 Slate) with Win7 64bit and 4GB of Rams. After installing ProMotion, I couldn't open a file or create a new one.
So I wrote an Email to Jan Zimmermann and asked if that is a known error and if there is a solution. He told me that this has to to with my memory and that the old v5.1 doesn't support more than 3GB. Now, do you know what? Normally, a Developer would suggest to buy an update to solve this problem (~40$). But no, he sent me a Patch to solve this problem, letting me use my old version on the new computer, for free.
I'm amazed by his support and like to let the world know about this great piece of software. If you're undecided between ProMotion and e.g. GraphicsGale, I suggest ProMotion. The amazing support makes the bigger price more than worth.
To show my gratitude to Jan, I'll upgrade to the newest Version soon, even though I can use the old now without problems.

I hope it was helpful to some of you. Thanks for reading.

Yes, Jan is awesome.  I've tossed a few emails back and forth with them in the past for various reasons and always had a pleasant response.  The most recent - when 6.5 was released this last month - I had caught a bug that was pretty majorly bugging out GIF files that I would save that had more than 16 colors in them. Provided all the information that I could find regarding where the problem was showing up, which files weren't getting affected, screenshots and workfiles to look at, etc. just in case it would help in solving the issue. I recommend the software to people left and right, I'd hate for people to get turned off by it or think I love using borked software :P

Anyway, I got a response that day about it. Mentioned that they were bushwhacked from finally pushing the release out and would look into it asap. I was expecting maybe a couple weeks or something. But I got an email back the next day with details on a hotfix being made, and that he placed a renewal on my download ticket so I could get the new installer and everything was right as rain after that.

Great customer service, even after doing tons of work to get it out the door!

2D & 3D / Re: Official OT-Creativity Thread 2
« on: November 08, 2011, 12:15:43 am »
Haha, Mathias - love it. Giger's Dinner plate comment gets an invisible upvote.

Been working on a site revamp off and on forever. Made a big push toward it this week, and a pal who is much better suited to the task will be coding things together based off the PSDs with a custom CMS in the coming weeks.  I think it will be the first time in 2 years that my webspace was used for something other than hosting my email and having a lazy linkback image host for my client needs.

Made these characters for it for use with the header (top dinosaur) and the rest of them for random selection on the footer at each pageload for where a twitter feed snippet will display as a speech bubble coming out of whichever one comes up.

Sorry, not pixel art, but I'm faster in other mediums and this site has been dragging ass for long enough :P

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