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Messages - vedsten
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Pixel Art / Re: vedsten's semi scrapped stuff
« on: January 18, 2007, 02:39:14 pm »
eya, thx for the input

@blick: i believe i've seen trees with trunks somewhat similar to that, google image search doesn't seem to support me tho, so you might be right. In any case, i think the tree structure is the least of the problems on bg # 1 (considering strange colorchoices and overall boring design buggs me more)

@stewlin: bg#1: yea, the mid-trees caused me some concern color-wise, mainly because i couldn't figure out to create the trasition between yellowish brown and tealish blue. One of the main reasons i stopped working on this one. Agree on your comments on the tileset as well, i prob. should've used different palletes for sprites.

@David: Thanks man

@Willows: Thanks. The only one i'm really not satisfied with is bg#1, mainly due to boring design and colors. Im fairly happy with bg#2 and the tileset (excluding sprites). The only reason i didn't finish bg #2 was because of the imense time i takes me to do large areas of somewhat similar tasks (the two large trees and the ground). You raise an interresting and prob. valid point on the texture/light thing. I do believe i've pushed my texturing skills while my understanding of lighting pretty much havenøt developed for a while, need to practice that.

@Faceless: Hehe, yea, i'd like to finish #2 and not so much #1 either. As for the far left tree - the wierd line is there cause i did some copy pasting changing the tree structure a bit, just before giving up on it.

@Eyecraft: Yea, bad planning was indeed an issue on #1, one of the things i treid fixing doing #2, making a much more elaborate sketch, with better, more interesting, design.    Concerning #2, yea, a ramp between the blues and the browns would prob. help, the current color reuse looks kinda forced, i'll look into it if i summon the energy to finish. About the brickwall thing - yea, continuing untill you get it right used to be one of my good habits (and it is indeed a good method). Dunno what has changed, mayby i should try something smaller. As for the tileset, im proberbly not gonna throw in a second lightsource, mainly cause it would take to long, might try it on the next one tho. As for variation tiles, it's a good idea, ill go for it.

@Helm: Are you adressing all the images or just #1? Anyhow, i guess it's an issue on all of them (but mainly the first), and it's true, i should try out some more variation, im not too good with designs and the pics really suffer from it.

Thx for the c&c everyone

Pixel Art / vedsten's semi scrapped stuff
« on: January 17, 2007, 02:06:34 am »
i used to able to finish my shit, but meh

wanted to something ambient, but somehow managed to fuck just about everything i could up:

soo, i tried again:

scrapped it and wanted to dew a tileset, watching helm making one in PM, i thought i wanted to try it out

aaaand, then fucked it up with lame sprites and interface:

I figure i'll finish the tileset, so any C&C on that would be appreciated. Im very fed up with the bg's (tho i might finish the second one), but any c&c on those are welcome as well.

Archived Activities / Re: The Official Secret Santa 2006
« on: December 24, 2006, 03:49:04 pm »
ey roobv, if your doubting wtf i made you, it's supposed to be sprites for your game
i tried pimping up your main char. and do an enemy one, unfortuneatly, im terrible with sprites though, so they turned out a bit mehhh

Anyhow, hope you have a merry christmas!

fakta: thanks man, i know it would've been easier if i came up wiuth some wishes, but i've been absolutely swamped this december, and im fond of your space-christmas-pixel present, a merry christmas to you too.

And to the rest of pixelation - great effort all around - it's so f. great to have pixelation back - merry christmas to all of you!

EDIT: ohh yea, forgot to say GREAT job panda, props for organizing this, best ss-thread ever

Pixel Art / Re: tp link
« on: December 09, 2006, 12:08:18 pm »
minor crit: the angle of the shield doesn't seem to match the angle of the arm

other than that, topdollar, very vivid

Archived Activities / Re: The Official Secret Santa 2006 Sign Up
« on: December 01, 2006, 09:31:08 am »
woo, im in, im ok with any wrapping

Pixel Art / Re: Tile work
« on: November 14, 2006, 10:04:34 pm »
great update ryu, i really think you address the issues well. I guess you could tighten up the definition on the stones a tad more, and you kinda lost the lightsource shading the right sides and left sides of the rock the same tone. Also you might wanna change the standing to match the one laying down. Never the less, i relly believe this is an improvement, both rocks and tree work very well and you can move on w. good conscience   ::)

Pixel Art / Re: Tile work
« on: November 13, 2006, 08:46:21 pm »
congrats on the job ryu, always nice to see a pix member getting paid for years of effort

i do have a few concerns about the tiles thoug, made a quick edit to illustrate some points:

The tree:

- Palette: You chose a very bold palette, personally, i don't think it works too well. It doesn't really match the soft lightning the rockformations suggest, also, the relatively high sat blue, combined w. low sat green, grey/brown and dark blue looks kinda odd (though i guess im pretty conservative on those issues). On the edit i replaced the green and blues by two shades of pure grey (that look brownish combined with the dark blue/purple), defenitly more boring but also much less confusing if you ask me, also, with a starting point like this, it's easier to spice up by editing some colors. I dunno if you intented it too look a bit mossy and weathered with the green, if that's the case i suggest you define areas w. moss more, and mayby add slightly different texture

- Contrast: This is not as much of an issue on the standing trees as it is on the one laying down, but i think it's too evenly shaded. There should be a more distinct definition of shadowed parts/ lighted parts

- Definition: I think you could define texture just a tad more, the very harsh vertical lining doesnøt match the smooth stones

The rocks:

- Colors: Abs. love 'em, smooth and eyepleasing :y:, did minor changes on the edit, since the grey and purple are pretty much identical in contrast, i darkened the grey and brightned the purple, so they can be utilized more effectively. If tou don't care about saving color though, it doesn't matter much- the colors you chose works very well

- Definition: I really think you've got a problem here espec. on the left side- i've got no clue what's going on, seems to me you didn't define it enough before moving on to more elaborate shading. Also, there's some very strange black inner lining going on on the right side. Some of the places it replaces highlighting wich i really don't get, other places it's used as outline, and looks really harsh - should be replaced by a brighter color. The edit is prob. too conservative and doesn't preservere the original smoothness, never the less, i think you should think more about the stucture of the rock when shading it.

That's about it, again, congrats on the job and good luck with it, ohh and i prefer the right tree over the left because of the greater contrast

EDIT: Ohh yea, i accidently f. up the colors on the unchanged parts of the edit so they aren't representative

General Discussion / Re: Pixelation Demographics
« on: November 08, 2006, 02:37:04 pm »
24 male, denmark

Pixel Art / Re: Problematic Punky
« on: November 06, 2006, 12:30:25 am »
yea, otherwise very nice expl.

Pixel Art / Re: not another mockup; work in progress
« on: November 06, 2006, 12:02:17 am »
you used my most of my pallette from WF bg tiling thingie, and I think you adapted some of the problems i had with it. It's a tad boring, epsc. for a mockup, not colorfull enough and not enough contrast, spice it up a tad! Also, i think you could ad a bit more depth to the far bg, and generally just add some design elements on the platforms/ near house. As for the sprites, the harsh shading of the hero's (i persume?) chest suggests boobs, and there's some colorwasting going on on his pants (dunno if you care but since this is an gba mockup'n all). Fool's edit on the thug is sexy, tho i don't for the face on neither versions, it just doesn't look like a bad guy.

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