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Messages - arzosah
Pages: [1]

Pixel Art / Re: Cute deck of cards
« on: January 21, 2008, 07:34:35 pm »
However, you guys are making assumptions as to what Zenobia wants. He's never actually said that he wants the cards to be cute.
well, she never said it BUT the title IS "cute deck of cards" so it's pretty understandable that everyone is talking about the cute style

I agree with ptoing about the cards looking like ace cards more than queen, king and jack. Reason to that is because the aces are the only cards that you can't turn around (making the bottom the top) and it still look the same. But if you turn around a queen or a king you'll see that it will look the same.

However, I think you've done a great job and I like your edit.

edit: yes ptoing, I meant the joker and not the jack XD edited the text

Pixel Art / Re: Christmas Competition Mockup
« on: December 04, 2007, 02:02:29 pm »
@yosh64: haha even I don't like my edit of the girl XD I just gave it a shoot.

@Zen: haha well, I'll keep trying to get the names then ;)
Ah, a little thougher then - heh maybe she can look angry then.

I'll make an edit soon. Only have to finish some things and then I'm yours :)


used a mix between the original palette and tocky's. Changed the girl's face by removing the nose (removed the boy's as well) and gave her more "angry" eyebrows.
Also tried to give a shadow to her dress by using the already existing colours since you, if I remember right, wanted to only use 20 colours (max).
But stopped there since I can't figure our where the light is coming from O.o I want to have the light coming from the light globe the elf is creating buuut... I don't know. The girl and the boy have two different light sources so I'm a little confused.

Pixel Art / Re: Christmas Competition Mockup
« on: December 04, 2007, 07:47:16 am »
I know eyebrows and noses are important and stuff - but I actually think that with the eyebrows they look ugly XD The gilr looks almost angry >_> Maybe it's because the eyebrows are too far down. I'll try to make an edit and see.

As for the hand, I've already made an edit of the girls hand holding the axe (it's an axe, right?) but I know you said it was something wrong with the arm - I promise I will look at that too.
As for the boy's hand. I still don't know how to fix it... Something about it bugs me but I haven't figured out what yet.

The bottles look fatter on the day site O.o

(is his name Pocas?)

okay, so I went for an edit. I've edited her hand (the old edit) and edited the arm slightly. I've also made a new potion bottle but it looks ugly so you can ignore it XD
I've also added eyebrows and noses and I was evil and edited the eyes a little :P Felt like if I was editing the faces so much could I go all the way instead hehe. Personally do I think the characters get sort of destroyed with the noses... So I went and googled some chibis and noted that half of them don't have noses. So I think it's up to you if you want noses or not.


(I've used the new palette btw)

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