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Messages - dkh
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General Discussion / Re: CAMTASIA FOR FREEEEEE!
« on: November 27, 2007, 01:18:03 pm »
Thanks for the links (I suppose this is legal, right?), but your second one (the "better" 3.11 version) is broken, you doubled the "ftp" in the address. Trying it out now!

EDIT: I see you fixed it. :)

Pixel Art / Re: Some iso stuff by me
« on: November 22, 2007, 11:51:20 am »
What makes you think that your work is in isometric-perspective? It's not, the tree is drawn from a side-perspective.

The texture of the tree (ie. the leaves) are drawn nicely, in my opinion. About the purple "back-color": I don't see it working. Maybe try to make it darker (less brightness) or change the hue to blue (blue works quite nicely in that position on vegetation).

Pixel Art / Re: Box in 12/16 angles OR RTS-units in DDP-style
« on: October 30, 2007, 07:35:46 pm »
Well, I have animated the first block (the block to the very left of the ship with the slanted edges) and it took me 1 - 1.5 hours and about 3 or 4 complete restarts until I did it by drawing and animating two wireframe-blocks and then cut the right amount out to create the slanted edges. It looks pretty good, but I really doubt that I'm gonna be able to keep this up... even for only one freaking ship. I only used 16 angles (and frames), but even that took quite a long time to do all the work and clean-ups for every frame. Put short: it's tiresome. A lot.

AND whenever I try to put on more details (textures, if you will), like the gray front part of the piece or the two small "holes" on top of the piece, it's pretty much impossible for me to add those to every frame by hand and have them not appear to move wrong. I'd needed to have added those in the wireframe-part, I guess, but then it would've been really, really, really messy and I'd probably had given up even earlier.

Pixel Art / Re: Box in 12/16 angles OR RTS-units in DDP-style
« on: October 29, 2007, 04:20:03 pm »
Heh, no worries, I already did exactly that, I rendered the sprites in parallel perspective so there is no distortion in depth. Good call, though, in my first tests, I ran into exactly that problem and ended up with a very weird feel from all the different perspectives in-game.

Okay, so I have it broke down to two methods to render units in 12 or 16 angles for RTS-games:

  • draw a unit in "DDP-pixel-art"-style in one direction as sketch, then redraw every geometrical element (each box, cube, ramp), rotate those in all angles with the method described above, put them all together and then refine with details like in the sketch image.
  • render images in a 3d-program for all angles, then go over the sprites and touch them up individually with details, shading etc.

Quality-wise, I prefer method #1, but I suppose method #2 is a lot quicker and causes a lot, lot less headache. So, at the moment, I'm trying both ways out to see which I'll stick to. Thanks for your input so far, please feel free and encouraged to write more, especially if you have experience with the problem and managed to overcome it somehow.

Pixel Art / Re: Box in 12/16 angles OR RTS-units in DDP-style
« on: October 28, 2007, 05:24:08 pm »
Wow, thanks a lot. That is a very smart technique that looks and works great, I just tried it a few times. On the down-hand, it doesn't work very quick. Granted, I'd get faster as I go along, but whipping all the ship-parts on their own seems - unfortunately - very hard and, as I said, very, very time-consuming.

I had a little problem when I tried putting animated elements together: how do you know where they should go exactly? I did it by eye and it looked okay, but I was a bit unsure about it. Like, your box with the two additional ones at the sides: did you just go through each frame and stick them on there or did you somehow knew where exactly they had to go?

In the meantime, I have also sinned and worked on a little model (despite still preferring pixel-art), maybe I could also take those renders and touch them up.

Pixel Art / Box in 12/16 angles OR RTS-units in DDP-style
« on: October 28, 2007, 10:39:58 am »

I'm trying to work on sprites for a real-time strategy game. Since I'm not yet a very accomplished pixel-guy, I stick to the stuff I think I know. So, I recently made that enemy for Dodonpachi and now I think this style might look really good in a strategy-game as well.

The only problem: while Dodonpachi sprites only have to be one-directional (most enemies face down), I need 12 or 16 angles (north, east, south, west and either 2 or 3 directions in between). Now, that sounded pretty impossible at first, but then I realized that the Dodonpachi-style is geometrically very easy, so if I am able to draw a box correctly in all those directions, I should only have to apply the same method to the boxes and shapes on my sprite and, all of the sudden, it all seems pretty doable.

So, I started studying the box in 16 directions, but I can't get it to look right and I start to wonder whether there might be any tricks or anything I don't know about. Here's my current attempt (which I know, sucks - shifting volume, shifting position):

Can anybody give me any tips or quick sketches etc. to help my here. Or, has anybody any experience in drawing the directions for RTS-units? I know that it's common technique to use pre-rendered graphics in those game (mostly because of all the directions, I guess), but I'd really like to stick to pixel art, here.

Oh, and here (shameless self-promotion) is the Dodonpachi-styled enemy that I posted before and now want to turn into a RTS-unit:

Any help is appreciated.

Commercial Critique / Re: CC Challenge - Dodonpachi Assembly Line
« on: October 12, 2007, 12:25:20 pm »
I hope it's okay to bump this thread with new art, this one's still open, I guess...

Slow, but heavily armored. Only weapons are the massive twin-lasers, firing strictly and predictably vertical. Dangerous in groups.

Yes, there's still lots left to learn for me. :-[

Pixel Art / Re: Yet another platformer-mockup...
« on: October 08, 2007, 06:44:02 pm »
Ah, okay, I see the problem now. Well, it's just a mock-up. I'm a programmer, but I'm currently just working on the gfx, put short, this project is not meant to be realized. And if it is ever realized, I'll most likely do it on a PC. So, let's leave it at that.

I also quickly threw the (new and color-reduced) spinning coin in an animation:

Any other improvements necessary?

Pixel Art / Re: Yet another platformer-mockup...
« on: October 08, 2007, 06:28:02 pm »
Thanks a lot for your suggestions so far!

Second version is done, issues I addressed:

- all sprites reduced to only use three colors for transparency (thanks for reminding me, forgot about that rule).
- removed AAing.
- added several clouds (thanks a lot for the cloud-style in your paint-over, Arachne, mine would always suck).
- added tile variation.

second version - 160x144 - 4 colors - made to be viewed in x2 (left-click)

Pixel Art / Yet another platformer-mockup...
« on: October 07, 2007, 11:15:43 pm »
Hey guys,

I've worked on this, my second more serious mock-up, for quite a while now and think I'm finally ready to post it here. It was done with the rules from the MF3 in mind, but since it's an original "game idea" and not a title-demake, it doesn't qualify. Anyways, here it is:

original - 160x144 - 4 colors - made to be viewed in x2 (left-click)

Please ignore the player-part in the UI (bottom-left corner of the screen).

I'd like to know what you guys think, suggestions and paint-overs are very welcome, as always, so don't hesitate. But keep in mind that the palette is fixed (so: no palette-edits) and that the original Gameboy tile-dimensions (8x8) and sprite-dimensions (8x8 or 8x16) apply.

Problem areas are the wooden crates, the spikes and the kinda empty top-part of the screen as far as I can tell, please help me there. Also, do you think it reads well? Readability was my main goal, but I have looked at it for a too long time to still be able to tell how it does, I need a fresh pair of eyes to be the judge there. :)

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