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Topics - Norr 18
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Pixel Art / [WIP] [C+C] Anim and Environment art for Alien Hive game
« on: March 07, 2014, 02:26:29 am »
Hi! Long time lurker, first time poster.

Been working on art for a game and I'm trying to revise and improve it! Some feedback would be greatly appreciated. I'm not the most practiced pixel artist though. I'm currently working to upres everything twice the size so I'll show the originals too.

The game is about Space Marines that must infiltrate alien hives to extract resources (and blow up a buncha aliens). Along the way upgrading and discovering new power ups to help you do your job better. It'll have multiplayer so you'll be able to kit your loadout to suit your group. Trying to have a kinda Contra and Starship Troopers feel.

I'm hoping for general critique on anything really. Colors, animation, readability

[EDIT currently updated visuals from reply#4]

[Run cycle]
and the original half res
Upressing will definitely open up more options for customization for the player. I'm excited to have animated guns too!

[Environment tiles] no terrain features yet (plants, rocks, stalagmites)

and the original

Intending to make the Marines cooler colors and the environment/enemies to warmer tones. But I'm not entirely satisfied in the color palette. Though it will get livelier with plants, enemies, and interface. So maybe I should worry about that once I have more mocked up...

[Dynamic lighting example] [EDIT - added]
Using a program called Spite Lamp on an older sprite

[Approximate viewing size in game]
but with less antenna bounce

I'll try to keep posting more here

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