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Messages - RetroRob
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Pixel Art / Re: Crits needed : Untitled Space Game Mocks
« on: August 27, 2011, 05:39:51 am »
Yea I'm not sure how you would get the lighting effect to work...then again I'm not much of a programmer :P 

Same way you do in photoshop pretty much.  You just set a sprite to overlay blending mode and presto, fake lighting.

Pixel Art / Re: Crits needed : Untitled Space Game Mocks
« on: August 26, 2011, 06:23:40 pm »
Wow that looks really good!  Are these game screens or just mockups?  I love the lighting effects.  Don't know why but it reminds me of Commander Keen for some reason and thats not a bad thing :D

Commander keen!  Used to love that game.  It never even came to mind while I was working on these mock ups but it must have been lurking somewhere deep in my subconscious.  One of the big things that I want to push in this game is the dynamic lightning effects.  More the merrier. 

One thing that has been bothering me is that in some of the darker areas the main character (Black hair space suit) seems to fade into the bg to much and will probably do more so on darker maps.  I'm going to rework him to make him more silver, or I might try some yellows/orange to make him pop more on the blue/purple bgs.

Pixel Art / Crits needed : Untitled Space Game Mocks
« on: August 26, 2011, 04:40:44 am »
My goal here is for a sorta megaman / darker / more dynamic lightning type of game.



The rain is in there just for mock purposes.

I'm trying as much as possible not to deviate from the NES palette which is why the mire has that same green everywhere in it.
Sorry if I misunderstand, but you've got like 10 shades of green on some of your mire tiles; the NES palette only has 4 shades of each hue, so you already not following it.

And even if you were rigidly following the NES palette, it still has several green hues available so you could use e.g. the yellow-green for highlights and get a bit of hue shifting in there.

Yes some of the tiles - like the ones with the grass on them have an alpha transparency black outline which adds to the amount of shades on that tile. Sometimes I will darken the the original NES colors as needed - like the dirt / grass top tiles.  I didn't say I was rigidly following the NES palette, I just use it as the base.

On the snowy scene, your blue is really saturated, and using such a saturated colour for outlines doesn't really work - it makes the outline compete for your attention.

I tried a quick palette edit, which also has some hue-shift and makes all the outlines non-black (black outlines are very harsh, especially against such bright colours)

I'd suggest trying some hue shifting on the swampy location too - currently there's an awful lot of that same green hue!

Hey Ichigo Jam,
Thanks for the feedback.  After reviewing your edit I'd have to agree it does look better with the black outlines toned down.  I'm going to mess around with trying some different outline colors on the sprites for the snow area.  I'm trying as much as possible not to deviate from the NES palette which is why the mire has that same green everywhere in it.


Pixel Art / Re: Crit Blossom Tales Sprites : Wasteland mock up
« on: July 28, 2011, 01:22:33 pm »
Blossom Tales isn't up on XBLIG yet !  Still in development.

Below is a mock up for the Mire that Lily travels through on her way to the northern part of the map.   As always, all crits welcome :D :D :D

Here is a link to the mire scene with some rain and lighting effects,  right click and select show all to zoom in --

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