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Topics - Fulbert
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Pixel Art / [nudity] [C&C] First attempt at pixel animation
« on: July 07, 2010, 01:15:13 pm »
Hello gents!

A friend of mine is making a platformer game, and I volunteered to do the graphics. Now I'm pretty new to both pixel art and animation: I read a lot about them but never actually sat down and drew any. Until now!
So that's what we've got so far:

And a piece of animation:

So... I'm not sure how many of those guys are going to make it to the actual game, but any C&C would be most appreciated. Especially on the animation: I don't like the way ponytails swing but I'm at a loss how to make them look better. Any ideas?


P.S. Please disregard the running girl's nudity, I've decided to keep her this way until I'm happy with the animation cycle, and also until I think of a piece of clothing that suits her without making her look like Curly Brace.

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