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Messages - AlcopopStar
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Pixel Art / Re: [WIP] Enchanted Room
« on: January 30, 2015, 02:01:36 pm »
bit of a gap between updates,

Touched on a lot of small things; pallet touch ups, redoing the dirt to be less distracting, ect.

More significantly I've been redoing the image to some technical specifications. Firstly I'm trying to fit everything into a 3/4 axonometric perspective. That's mostly just effected the room shape and walls at this stage, I'm going to adjust the objects to fit shortly. Though I did try to give the tree some more three dimensionality. All up i'm really happy how much depth the room has gained from this.

I'm also looking to get my grass and ground pixels into some tile sheets, here are some super rough planning images for that. As you can see the tiles are also axonometric. I'm mostly trying to figure out the most robust configuration, below is as good as i've gotten. (forgive the rough mirrored mockup version)

Everything is still pretty rough but I figured this could make a good place to see if anyone has any thoughts on game constraints like the ones i'm dealing with. Am I missing anything?

Pixel Art / Re: [WIP] Underwater scene - CC
« on: January 14, 2015, 11:53:31 am »
Perhaps try looking up the rule of thirds? it's by no means a strict rule but could be helpful for early compositions as you ease yourself into something more complex.

Other tips would be to greyscale and blur the image, also to step away from it physically and have a look. This allows you to look at the picture more formally as a series of shape and build a more deliberate composition from there. I suppose just try to consider what is important in the image, where do you want the eye to go and move and work from that. All the above techniques I mentioned kind of work for those ends.

Challenges & Activities / Re: Five Line Story Activity !
« on: January 12, 2015, 08:27:46 am »
Wanted to polish this, but a deadline suddenly came up, so here is an incredibly unpolished submission. A WIP submission? Anyway.

Monster & Bride

Pixel Art / Re: 4th iteration
« on: January 11, 2015, 01:26:05 pm »
Lovely work as always Cyangmou,

I had a pass at adding some more structure and expression to the face. I may have sacrificed some of the faces roundness in the progress however (i'm not sure how integral to the character that is)

Not a perfect edit in every direction, but hopefully one or two of the changes help.

Pixel Art / Re: [WIP] Enchanted Room
« on: January 10, 2015, 10:05:48 am »
Thanks for the feedback :)

Still working through some of your crits, but here is an update

Moved everything around a touch to try to get a more focused composition.

Added desk and candle and played with the light a touch. I liked this idea and i'll do more on this. I also plan to make the furniture a little more ornate.

Worked on colours at the entrance. need to work a bit more here.


Tried to ground the tree a touch more and shifted it's perspective as suggested.

Dulled the light source on knight and beds, was going for more of an ambient lighting with them so I didn't want it to be was powerful as it was. Did end up lighting by candle though so good suggestion.


Added placeholder sprite for size comparison

I'll defiantly bulk the knight up a little next pass.

All those changes aside the bigger changes were composition & colour. I'm pretty happy with how it's reading now, so i'll start rendering more deeply.

Pixel Art / Re: What is your honest opinion?
« on: January 10, 2015, 06:01:37 am »
Just to drive PixelPiledriver's point home,

Style isn't very often something created, it's more of a natural process, an accumulation of the artists tastes and tendencies. I don't often see much success when people try to force a style. It seems like it's trying to skip over an important process in order to get to the results. But it's the process that's important. Honestly that's the key word Pilerdriver used. Process. More and more i'm learning that art is really a conversation between you and your body of work, the more you think and do the more sophisticated and interesting that conversation gets.

As for the character himself, I like it. Though it feels like he is fading into the background a bit. Beyond a few redundant colours there isn't too much to crit at this resolution.

Pixel Art / Re: [WIP] Enchanted Room
« on: January 09, 2015, 09:49:56 am »
Thanks for the nice comments!

Yeah the game angle is something I need to consider more. I've removed "collision" objects and separated them to a new layer, i'll probably go further in this direction and map out walkable areas in the coming days. I don't just want this top be a pretty picture but an area that has a sense of atmosphere, and I think being able to comfortably walk around it and interact, even if it's small, is part of that.

Contrast upped! I'm always too timid with contrast. The solider is in fact an old sleeping giant. two other occupants are going to be in the room of more suitable sizes for the beds. Young Miss Sparrow and Ms. Owl.

Also corrected the side of the tree a touch. I'll probably reroute the roots when I mock up the walkable area. Also worked on the knight some.

I almost wish these forums had a darkmode, the light background of the forums makes this picture a lot harder to focus on compared to the way i'm saying it in photoshop. :/

Edit: dulled down the brighter grass a bit

Pixel Art / Re: Shootemup Space Ship C+C
« on: January 09, 2015, 03:35:26 am »
Lovely work, one note;

You could push the front of the ship down into perspective by making it a shade or two darker then the mid section. Atm it looks like it's pointing straight up instead of forward.

Pixel Art / Re: [WIP] [C+C] Dog Suit Dude
« on: January 09, 2015, 03:31:58 am »
Hey Thatsabigdog,

Welcome aboard.

Regarding your art,

Good start, but he is a little flat, and there are some redundant colours going on.

Here is a little exercise I think might help:
Try picking 1 colour for each section, hair, skin, costume, and try to form out his shape  using those without the use of outlines. Make sure they are readable and clear. atm his silhouette is kind of just a blob.

Once you are happy with the shape add one additional colour for each section, a highlight for the hair, a shadow for the costume. Don't be afraid of contrast. You won't need more then one shade per section at this size.

At the end add in your outline and see if and where it works.

Hopefully this will get you to think of form and colour a bit more, atm I feel like your trying to draw with the outline and colour it in.


Pixel Art / Re: [WIP] Underwater scene - CC
« on: January 09, 2015, 03:19:55 am »
Some lovely rendering but the head anatomy seems off kilter.

It's a tough angle, and one i haven't quite mastered, but I'll share some class demos on the topic i've found useful in the past. That will hopefully illustrate the issues better then I could explain.

Also the composition is very... odd, all squashed to the bottom middle like it is. This could be intentional but you might want to look at framing in a way that has the figure be more of a focal point.

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