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Messages - Takai Soyokaze
Pages: 1 ... 7 8 [9] 10

Pixel Art / Re: Anatomical
« on: September 26, 2006, 10:16:01 pm »
Thanks Feron, it is appreciated.

Helm, your a moderator right? I think you just broke one of your own rules, posting without new critques, and flaming... close my thread please if you and hawken are just going to battle.

Pixel Art / Re: Anatomical
« on: September 26, 2006, 08:39:13 pm »
I'll change the AA. Panda, I'll try to take some of that into consideration.

Helm, you've pretty much discouraged me from even wanting to finish the image, but your edit is virtually useless to me. I'm not dithering it, the stockings and thong are going to be white, and I prefer the red tone skin as opposed to the brown.

The bulge in the supposed to be there.

No Feron, it's not my first, if your going to say I didn't follow the rules, reread my first post.

The background doesn't mean anything, it just a layout thing I do for c64, so you know where the 8x8 tiles are. Once I finish everything that I want, I'll post it, if I ever get around to doing it again.

Larwick @ posted right after me, odd, but if you read this, I say in the second post that I know thats its a problem and I need to fix it.

General Discussion / Re: Official Pixelation Off-Topic Thread
« on: September 26, 2006, 08:24:17 pm »
I don't know ptoing, it seems... excessive? I would simply pin it in each forum. But hey, your desicion.

Pixel Art / Re: Anotomical
« on: September 26, 2006, 11:14:05 am »

I didn't trace, I just worked on the outline until it looked correct, speaking of that I need to fix the right side of her undergarmet, it's not shaped right.

I love Out of this World! Just by saying animation you gave me the idea... will do when I get home.

Pixel Art / Anatomical
« on: September 26, 2006, 02:28:59 am »
Well, I got the figure I was going for, but I don't know what to do know. How is what I have so far? I may decide to make it fit hi-res specifications after I think of where I'm going with it.

General Discussion / Re: C64 pallette
« on: September 26, 2006, 01:09:45 am »
I'm not sure, do they have autopruning on this forum... I suppose its small enough that they have it turned off, so we need not worry.

Everyone would probably disagree wth me, plus I realize myself that it would be a dumb idea, but have a subforum in pixel art dedicated to c64 (maybe ZX as well, I bet Gas would be happy). If any moderators read this btw, is there any kind of formal legislation for something like that, because I could write a proposal and we could take a democratic vote.

General Discussion / Re: C64 pallette
« on: September 26, 2006, 12:10:03 am »
I believe this topic should be pinned.

Or all the stuff put into tools, tips, and tutorials.

Pixel Art / Re: yus bird panel
« on: September 25, 2006, 11:50:47 pm »
Yeah, I figured Souly, but just in case I added the info in, no harm done.

Pixel Art / Re: yus bird panel
« on: September 25, 2006, 11:37:39 pm »
If you are doing hi-res (1x1) c64, you can only have 2 colours per 8x8 square (not including black). Low-res (2x1) is almost the same, only you get 1 more colour per 8x8 square.

Other than that, the white bg kinda sticks out too much, and the edges of his bubble have flaws, but I'm sure you were trying to figure a way make it looks right, so that's okay. Other than that, skills Ryu, this is an awesome piece.

Pixel Art / Re: mah character.
« on: September 25, 2006, 10:48:05 pm »
Is he supposed to be missing the eye? Not sure on that one...

As for the nose, not really, now his face looks blotchy.

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