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Messages - r1k
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General Discussion / Re: Circular Pixels to defeat the Square Pixels
« on: July 06, 2012, 09:15:12 am »
oh darn youre right flipping it becomes a total mess, back to the drawing board I guess.
how about cutting it into 4 regular triangles... Ill have to try it out.
ya it wouldnt really matter except at low resolutions, but its kind of fun to just see how it would look in my opinion.

edit: okay so 4 regular triangels should essential give the same results, but be a bigger hassle to work with, but should be flippable (I think..)

General Discussion / Re: Circular Pixels to defeat the Square Pixels
« on: July 06, 2012, 08:48:38 am »
what about triangle pixels?  Essentially each pixel is cut into 2 right triangles, allowing for perfectly smooth 45 degree angles.  Okay, now it would probably be too impractical to pixel images that way, but it got me thinking how other angles would end up looking, and I tried drawing some up and figuring out how AA would work just for fun.  Heres what I came up with

Id be interested if anyone could come up with better AA solutions.

General Discussion / Re: Thoughts on Pixels and Dots. Video
« on: June 28, 2012, 06:10:38 am »
I will keep pushing myself and conveying myself until someone hears me enough to return a message to me about myself so that I can understand myself better.

It seems you want to communicate and have people understand you.  If this is the case its on you to tailor your message such that others can understand it, rather than telling them to try harder to understand you.  You also seem to be trying to talk about some vague ideas that may not be expressable through langauge, since language has limitations.  If this is the case it might help to explain things in many different ways; if each explanation gives some vague glimpse into the concept then the combinations of all these will give a better understanding, even if not an exact one.  This way people can understand you better, which you seem to want.  When I was studying Zen thought it seemed to be the case that some concepts couldnt be described accurately through langauge so I found approaching defenitions in different ways helped me understand more, personal experience also helped.  This is why I suggest this.

Around 9 minutes in your new video youre talking about pre-planning your videos vs thinking things out during them as you are currently, if I understand correctly.  Thinking things  out is definately helpful for oneself, but doesnt neccesarilly help others understand it, since it seems even you are unsure when youre talking.  So you need to consider the aim of your videos.  Are they to help you formulate your own thoughts, or to help others understand your thoughts?  Each format can be helpful depending on the goal of the video.  Though if you want to help others understand your thoughts while simultaniously trying to sort out your own thoughts, a dialogue format might be more helpful.  In my experience Ive found dialgueing to be a better way to sort my own thoughts out because the other person can point out alternate ways of looking at things that I hadnt thought about, and then I can come to my own understanding through this route.

Hopefully I havent misunderstood you, and this is actually relevant, as I havent watched all your videos but I have been reading through this topic.

General Discussion / Re: 16 color palettes to recommend
« on: June 28, 2012, 05:07:20 am »
theres also dawnbringers palette:

heres a large collection of 16 color palettes from the pixeljoint competition

heres palettes of old computer systems

Pixel Art / Re: [WIP] Adult Scootaloo + Cloudy Scene
« on: June 12, 2012, 01:08:52 am »
the AA on the clouds is looking blurry, but it also isnt really getting rid of jaggies or serving the purpose AA should, so its just looking a little jpeg-ish.  Heres a quick edit I did only to the bottom of the cloud.  Someone else could probably do it a bit better but hope it helps

mine is on the left, yours in on the right
I smoothed the overall shape of the cloud out a little inadvertantly, and I didnt really mean that to be part of the criticism, just the aa.

Pixel Art / Re: kitana & mileena
« on: June 09, 2012, 03:45:42 pm »
right now, even though you have shading, everything just reads as flat shapes because theres not enough contrast. quick shading edit

some anatomy issues too.  Arms look a little short and the foreheadon the blue one is too small.

Pixel Art / Re: [WIP] Adult Scootaloo + Cloudy Scene
« on: June 08, 2012, 10:12:21 am »
I had a go at the colors, and tried adding a rainbow

Pixel Art / Re: First Portrait Ever: Could Use Some Help
« on: June 05, 2012, 07:01:43 pm »
I think working this small is going to limit the amount youll be able to learn at this point, its just going to force you to use symbols instead of actually understanding the face's structure.  Try going atleast 32x32 for the face or 64x64 or something.  Anyways, first things first, I think you need to familiarize yourself with basic proportions of the face.  Heres a quick guide

the white lines show that the face can basically be divived into thirds at those locations.  Everyones face is a little bit different though so its easy to start off by dividing it into perfect thirds then making small adjustments to match the person closer.  For example, the middle sections a little longer in your reference.
The green line shows that the lower third can ussually be divived about in half somewhere around the lips, but youll need to check this for each person.
The pink sections are just an example of how you can look for different areas that are similar in size.  So I noticed that the chin and eye socket are pretty close in height here.
make sure to notice the basic shape of the head too, taking into note the proportion of the height of the head to the width.

you probably need more contrast in your palette too.  Most of your colors are pretty close and just read as one value.  There should be relatively high contrast between light and shadow areas, and relatively lower contrast within each of these areas for more subtle details.

Pixel Art / Re: Atari 2600 RPG mockup
« on: March 16, 2012, 08:33:39 am »
I think the shape of the new fire is good, I just dont get why its only an outline.  I think if you fill it in orange it will read more as a fire.  Heres a quick edit making it a solid shape and probably way out of spec

Im not sure what all the letters are in this screen either.  first one looks like "HP", then a backwards R, then D, then some kind of D E combination.

Pixel Art / Re: Pinup girl help
« on: January 14, 2012, 08:58:21 pm »
when i saw it at pj i thought the torso seemed a bit enlongated.  did you use any reference for this?  I found a picture in a pretty similar pose if you need a reference:
i think according to that your torso is a bit long.  though there isnt neccesarilly anything wrong with distorting propotions a bit; the odalisque comes to mind (,_La_Grande_Odalisque,_1814.jpg/300px-Jean_Auguste_Dominique_Ingres,_La_Grande_Odalisque,_1814.jpg )

and off topic, but is there a way to make these hyper links shorter ( like so it just says 'click here' or something)

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