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Messages - Rebel
Pages: [1]

General Discussion / Re: Creating Pixel-Art Fonts (or Fontfiles)
« on: March 01, 2015, 11:32:21 pm »
I'm sorry this is no help, but what you're trying to do is so easy with an Amiga, having built-in support for colour bitmap fonts in the OS and graphics applications that use those fonts as well (and being able to load those font files into games to use). Even the font editing software is everything you could want from such a program. I just feel sorry for you guys.

Pixel Art / Community (NBC Comedy series) game sprites
« on: May 28, 2012, 02:16:54 am »
I haven't seen any topics on this yet so I decided to start one. Recently the NBC comedy television series "Community" had an episode where the characters played as themselves inside a complex 16bit-style videogame. Each character had their own pixelled sprite and they went on a journey through a vast game world. I loved the way the sprites looked but I couldn't find copies of them online anywhere, so I paused the show and copied each one in Personal Paint. I'd like to make complete sprite sheets eventually, because I think it'd be fun to use them in a Community fan-game.

This isn't my artwork at all, I simply copied it pixel-by-pixel from my TV and worked out a rough palette. If anyone would like to use them, edit them or add more frames to the sprites feel free.

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