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Messages - Arne
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Pixel Art Feature Chest / Re: PixelArt tutorial illustration and mini dump
« on: September 02, 2013, 06:42:15 pm »
I'll include these next update! :D

Here's a download link for Bloenard v0.32 (Built on my new Windows 7 machine) if you guys want to try out your tiling. It's very bare bones so far, but I have plans... Plans!

Arrow keys to walk.
Space to teleport to a new world (while standing on a pad/gate whatever). Or just hit "r" anywhere.
Escape to quit! X button doesn't work yet!

Replace "Source.bmp" (case sensitive) with your own but keep the mask color (85, 170, 143) and the exact same dimensions. I don't check for bad files so mess up = crash.

Pixel Art Feature Chest / Re: THE CLUSTER STUDY THREAD!
« on: September 02, 2013, 12:47:18 pm »
Wanted to tackle fur tufts.

Pixel Art Feature Chest / Re: PixelArt tutorial illustration and mini dump
« on: September 01, 2013, 11:39:35 pm »
Fickludd> :D

Rosse> Similar solution to mine for the trees there! But I noticed now that I'm the only one using outlines so heavily and my grass is by far the busiest. I tried to stay pretty close to my original though.

Here's a WIP of the Pixel Art Tutorial page. It's very much promoting my (current) style, so I'll have to address that later.

General Discussion / Re: How long does an RPG world map tileset take?
« on: September 01, 2013, 09:19:09 am » ?

If it's just a world map with some moderately advanced edges and a few landmarks, I'd ballpark it to a week's worth of work (8*5 hrs) (excluding later returns to polish and tweak and add new types of tiles). This is assuming that you don't change plans and have to redo a bunch of stuff because you went about tiling/layers the wrong way or changed the game engine mid through... which will probably happen.

So, ballpark, if working with a professional, certainly more than 10 hours, probably less than 100. Lower end if you're happy with whatever comes out of the artist and adapt to work with it. Higher end if I'm underestimating the level of detail that you're shooting for. A thousand to few thousand bucks if you're paying a professional.

Stuff like dungeons and towns, if SNES RPG large, would take much, much longer. Then animated characters on top of that.

PypeBros> No, the iconographical liberties sort of belong to the suggested format (e.g. early Dragon Quest, SaGa, Final Fantasy). This exercise is more about the... pixling of stuff.

YellowLime> Good, good, I'll take it! I like its pleasant softer mood.

I started on a little game engine. The idea is that Bloenard, our hero, can wander from screen to screen and collect gems (nothing fancy). The game will skin each screen using tile sheets found in the gfx folder, so the game world will be a haphazard melange of styles.

Edit: Rewrote the beach tiling so it only uses 4 tiles divided into 4 corners (8*8px). No one likes to pixel tons of beaches and this made it easier to write a safe water generator. Added movable character and gem drops.

Sprite sheet. Had to throw some rhomboid pattern compulsion in there. Duplicates of some frames because I support randomization (though this sheet doesn't use it). Unsure if ocean will animate, because the beach won't.

Nice! That was quite different from my version. Bit of a muscle-baby... all grown up, isn't he ;)

And I'm happy for whatever comes my way actually.

Pixel Art / Re: RPG Battle background cliff mock-up
« on: August 30, 2013, 11:24:10 pm »
You can pretend that he environment is making Lovecraftian efforts to boil and reach, or whatever. Helps to put the brain in a mood, I've found. The masses are alive, heaving, whirling, asserting themselves over others.

With my internet down the whole day, I actually got some work done on my pixel art tutorial! In one segment I talk about common "doesn't look so good"s, and then tried to include some of the more blatant ones in one image.

  ( @1x)

I've made my own "fixed" version of this and written about the process in detailed steps, but before I post that I think it would be interesting to see what other people would do to it (should be a quick edit since it's just a few tiles and a character). I'd like to feature the "guest edits" people do just to give this particular segment of the tutorial a bit more... range. So, if you have the time, I'd like to see your edit and perhaps a few (<5) sentences (nothing too lengthy) about some choice that you made which is of particular interest.

The original shows some kind of 16px front+top-down RPG with no particular color or tile count restriction. Do keep the dimensions for comparison's sake. I left the grass field 2x2 to demonstrate simple grass tiling. We have the typical cliffs/mountains and trees/forest and a lake/ocean. The character is a bit taller than a tile, and there's some sort of gem drop/treasure (feel free to nudge). The assumption here is that the author just wants his pixel graphics to look "good" but whatever edit that you make will be fine and probably ponderworthy to the reader.

& Minidump

Unrelated random Garius ZOID

Something from the line art thread. Wasn't quite happy with it so I didn't want to bump. Probably needs minor... enhancing saturation points.

I started editing Megaman (girl?), but felt that it became too noisy.

Pixel Art / Re: Futuristic tiles/ other things
« on: August 28, 2013, 12:14:10 pm »
One thing which helps is doing several frames of animation. Once you start on those (e.g. run, jump, idle) you'll notice that certain things which seem optimal at a still frame are not when doing animation. I find that when doing animation I often have to change my initial design a bit (I mostly start with the idle frame), and make a few frames which only make sense/beauty in the context of the greater animation. It's easy to squeeze in a lot of pixel detail in the idle frame, but when doing a bit of rotation along various axises for the other frames the detail quickly becomes unwanted noise.

Pixel Art Feature Chest / Re: First try (help..)
« on: August 27, 2013, 08:23:58 pm »
Yeah, my edit is exactly the same size, except maybe a pixel extra here and there on the silhouette (skirt and the leg behind).

"Gradient" or "Shading" is not something that's easy to figure out at all. There are so many situations which give rise to different looks. It's however generally effective to decide on a shadow color and a light color, then render the figure mostly with those two, and minor extra dark and extra light regions where needed. However, metal is different since it's gloss so the values (dark to light) can really go crazy.

Some old explainustrations that I did for some other threads at some point:

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