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Messages - adpnh1
Pages: [1]

Thanks for the quick response and the image help. I known what you mean, that the sense of depth isn't as clear as it could be. I'll create another set that more uniformly changes pixel density from the middle in either direction, I think then the perceptive illusion of foreground and background might become clearer.

I've just started exploring the realm of pixel art and have stumbled upon a technique for creating self-similar patterns which I think would be well suited for a 2D side scrolling game. I'm working in a fairly procedural manner. In case the images don't load here is the link

The point of me posting this is really just a way of motivating me to make more of this stuff. If anyone out there can help get this onto a screen or help me brainstorm more graphical ideas then great, I think a Skype meeting would be in order.

I'm not expecting to make any money from this but I am looking for people who have already built a side scroller who are familiar with the technical side of things.

Am I asking too much? Is it a terribly overambitious idea? Let me know!


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