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Messages - eishiya
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Pixel Art / Re: [C+C] [Feedback] 1-Bit Pixelart
« on: January 12, 2017, 01:45:43 pm »
The symmetry on the triangular tree(?) is making it look like something artificial. It's better to avoid symmetry with trees like that - trees are only vaguely symmetrical, and they look more natural without symmetry.

The two dithered trees feel rather noisy. Don't forget that black and white are also valid values you can use! Don't be afraid to have solid black and white parts. In those parts where you do mix black and white pixels, I think it might be better to focus on showing clumps of leaves/branches rather than individual leaves. At this scale, tiny details just read like noise.

General Discussion / Re: Make your own ellipses (pixel art)
« on: January 11, 2017, 05:07:30 pm »
Quoting myself from earlier in the thread:
A single artist will likely rasterize the same size ellipse in different ways in different situations, based on what they're depicting and the colours they're using.

Context matters. A person's "opinion" on which pixels to fill with which colour depends on the context. Sure, if someone's just filling out a sheet full of contextless ellipses, then it's only their opinion that matters because there's no context. But the point is, most people don't do that, they do ellipses in context, and that context drives their decision.
If you pixel ellipses the same way in all contexts, you're probably making worse art than you could be.

Pixel Art / Re: [GAME] [WIP] First Timer - Mechanical Problem
« on: January 11, 2017, 03:14:17 pm »
Your shading/highlights just hug the outlines. This creates two problems:
1. It doesn't actually show the form of the clouds, trees, car, hills, etc at all, it just makes them look like embossed flat shapes, like stickers or something.
2. The shadows create banding, which makes your work look blocky, drawing too much attention to the pixel grid.

Think in terms of forms (3D), not shapes (2D). The silhouette (apparent shape) of an object isn't the only (or even main) thing that affects the shadows on it. For example, consider the nose on a human face face. From the front, it doesn't affect the silhouette/shape of the face, but it's still visible because of the way it affects light (shadows and highlights). If you were to shade a human face the way you're shading things in this scene, that face woulnd't have a nose.

I think it would be better to use more contrasting colours in the green character. As-is, it's almost impossible to tell apart their skin, shirt, and trousers. In addition, they contrast poorly against the yellow-brown hill behind them because the values (how dark/light the colours are) of their head are very similar to the colour of the background.

Pixel Art / Re: Avatar of my own character
« on: January 11, 2017, 02:56:30 pm »
You don't need to post a pre-zoomed version, Pixelation has a zoom tool. Click to zoom in, ctrl+click to zoom out.

I think this is a very solid start! I have mainly minor nitpicks:
- The shoulder has jaggies, and the white area below the shoulder is conspicuously missing AA.
- I like how most of the face is in shadow, but it seems like the nose shouldn't have that highlight on it, while the cheek should have more light.
- The shape of the sideburn (not sure what to call it) is jagged and feels a bit tentative, I think some smoother, swooshier curves would look better. The shading/AA on it also hug the lines, creating banding.
- The AA on the light part of the uppermost hair spike and the top of the head uses too dark a colour and just makes the outline look thick.

General Discussion / Re: Official Off-Topic Thread 2017
« on: January 09, 2017, 01:19:17 am »
I think I understand! So as long as I'm sampling from textures rather than drawing them, the coordinates start at the top left?

Another question to demonstrate my ignorance of all things GPUs: Can I expect rounding in GLSL to work the same from GPU to GPU or is it a crapshoot/implementation-dependent?
For example if on my computer my math maps the colour #212842 to R=2, G=2, B=4 on that colour map (position 36,2 in the image), can I expect it to map that way for everyone, or might it be a pixel off for some people? With the colours on that test map it doesn't matter, but with another map it might.
The reason I ask is my manual calculations don't match the output, and it seems like rounding issues. In my calculations I floor everything. I suspect it's actually not a rounding issue though, but just it landing on a boundary between pixels and failing to correct for it. Though that said, some of my values are off by significantly more than half a pixel. Will keep pondering it! If I fix my math and it still doesn't work as expected, then I'll complain properly.
(Edit: Making sure I was sampling pixel middles fixed the inconsistencies and everything is beautiful.)

Thanks for your explanations so far! It feels nice to be a total noob at something again.

General Discussion / Re: Official Off-Topic Thread 2017
« on: January 08, 2017, 10:24:51 pm »
Don't know what API/version you're using, but OpenGL's Image Load Store is handy for this kind of thing. So long as you are operating on pixels independent of their neighbours no need for for a copy and bypass sampler nonsense, can bypass all the render-to-texture nonsense too if you use compute shaders. D3D has an equivalent too but can't remember the details that'd be RWTexture*.
Using OpenGL, and that's handy! I decided not to do the darker color shader because even with that it's more hassle than it's worth it to me xP But I'll probably find a use for that in the future when I'm more comfortable with shaders in general. Sticking to really basic stuff for now.

More OpenGL shader ???ing, in case anyone's in the mood to read about a noob struggling with the basics!
I'm playing around with applying color maps and I've just broken my brain. As far as I'm aware, OpenGL texture coordinates have their origin at the bottom left, and that's how it's worked so far. I am using this colormap for testing:

It has its origin at the top left, and the y coordinate corresponds to green (high y = high green). So, this should mean that in my shader where the origin is at the bottom, high green should mean low y, achieved with y = 1.0 - green:
Code: [Select]
vec2(pixel.b/16 + floor(pixel.r*16)/16, 1.0-pixel.g)But that makes a mess, and it seems I should be directly using green as my y coordinate:
Code: [Select]
vec2(pixel.b/16 + floor(pixel.r*16)/16, pixel.g)This gives me the desired results (hardly any visual change to the image). Am I misunderstanding something? Having a brainfart? When the green component is 0, I'd expect that second coordinate to mean the bottom of the color map, so why is it giving me the top?

Edit: Maybe it's something to do with SFML and how it handles textures? Now that I think of it, I think my previous attempts also had y = 0 at the top, it just didn't matter as much on those so I didn't notice.

General Discussion / Re: Make your own ellipses (pixel art)
« on: January 08, 2017, 09:11:47 pm »
A single artist will likely rasterize the same size ellipse in different ways in different situations, based on what they're depicting and the colours they're using. Most people don't practice rasterizing basic shapes without context because that's basically meaningless. You may want to think about why you care so much to see different people's takes on this "issue".

General Discussion / Re: Official Off-Topic Thread 2017
« on: January 06, 2017, 11:19:29 pm »
I tried writing a shader today to do Photoshop-like "darker color" blending for 2D rendering, and never again. Since I can't sample the existing buffer safely, I have to make a copy between each "layer", which requires restructuring some otherwise perfectly fine code in a way that makes it worse (I have to use textures everywhere to be able to sample from them, instead of using more general render targets), and I got stuck trying to get the correct position into that copy anyway, so I just decided to make do without it.
I might still play around with shaders for other purposes, but multi-layer multipass rendering requires more caring than I can currently muster. I can do single-pass stuff, and I can do post-processing after everything is rendered. That's enough.

Pixel Art / Re: Need help! Big surface!
« on: January 05, 2017, 09:16:54 pm »
Don't worry about filling space. Instead, concern yourself with conveying the light/form. You can always add details later if you still feel they're needed, but most of the time, they're only distracting.
Might want to add some teeth though, that'll both give you something to pixel, and make the skull feel more complete.

Pixel Art / Re: Anatomy Practice
« on: January 04, 2017, 01:50:51 pm »
Zizka, the lighting on the sphere is from the upper-front-left, but the shadow is directly to the side and rectangular, which is probably why the whole thing doesn't feel right to you.

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