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Messages - keantoken
Pages: [1]

Pixel Art / Re: [WIP-ish] My first Pixel Art Monstrosities!
« on: August 04, 2007, 01:01:25 am »
Ah, thanks for the crit!

Yeah, I knew the light source was messed up but for some odd reason (no idea what it was), I decided to leave it that way. I know it wasn't laziness because I would have easily gone in and revised it. About the banding, that was somewhat intentional, because I just kinda liked the look of it. But I Anti-aliased it anyways. I had to AA because I was running out of room on my palette.

About my light sources, I was studying my reference in my bedroom, where there are three light sources: my turtle aquarium behind me and slightly below my head, my ceiling light, and the huge window to my left. That's probably the reason it turned out that way. Too many light sources! XD

But I've revised it based on everyone's crits (thanks!) and hopefully it looks much better than before. About the spring-thingy, I couldn't do anything to make it look less blocky because doing so would destroy the clarity. So, I used the little pixels to my advantage and dinged up the coil so it looked more realistic the way it seemed to just shift in one direction.

 - keantoken

Pixel Art / Re: The newblet chest.
« on: August 02, 2007, 06:44:52 am »

"I know it's terrible."


That's not bad at all considering I tried making a chest like that once and failed miserably. The closest I've ever gotten to a chest is that metal box in my pixel art monstrosities thread. The only things that I can see that it lacks is design and it's a bit blocky in one spot. When you find an image with text so blocky it makes you puke, you'll go in and try to soften it up and you'll get some experience with deblocking.

Here's an edit to show you what I'm talking about:

First of all, I changed the background color. Sometimes, working with a pure white background will throw you off when you make the edges of your piece. Generally, choosing a background color similar to the background you envision your piece in is a good idea. Other than that, I made it a little less plain by adding a striped pattern to the top that may not even be noticeable and I added a few of the things that you usually see on a treasure chest - handles and a lock. Also, you may want to consider adding a line to indicate where the chest stops and the lid starts. That'll make it look fancier. If you're going towards a 'fancy' look, I suggest you take a look at some Castlevania games, coming to mind are Aria of Sorrow and Symphony of the Night. But you could probably find better things on DeviantArt, Google image search, and this forum.

There's my bit of suggestive critique, from a newb to a newb. Don't take me too seriously, though, because I'm still a newb and someone else could probably do better.

 - keantoken

Pixel Art / Re: [WIP-ish] My first Pixel Art Monstrosities!
« on: August 02, 2007, 06:10:42 am »

Drawing those sort of things isn't really in my style, but then again I guess I haven't developed much of a style yet. My brother told me I got the metallic sheen down pretty well. To me it looks very close to those high-fidelity gold-plated and polished cable connectors where they're so smooth that they're like a mirror made of gold.

I could go into detail about all the various audio connector types and their designs, including RF filtering implementations, as I'm just as elaborate (to my budget's extent) with my audio. I enjoy composing using sequencers on my computer.

But whatever.

Anyone else got something to say?

 - keantoken

Pixel Art / [WIP-ish] My first Pixel Art Monstrosities!
« on: July 31, 2007, 08:56:08 am »
Helloes, everyone.

I just recently registered after discovering that I'm not too bad at pixel art (Or am I...?). I started somewhere around a month ago, when trying to make some sprites for Cortex Command at Before that, I played Cave Story all the time and gained n interest in tile-based level construction. I play a lot of old games, namely Super Metroid, the Megaman X series,

Since then, I've been testing myself a bit with different spur-of-the-moment challenges arising from sudden urges to bring up Graphics Gale (free edition). Here I'll show you my few current monstrosities. Feel free to critique and suggest.

Most of these were purely pixel-pushed, with some small use of the line tool and sometimes the rectangle tool.

I believe this is my first serious endeavor, though I'm not sure. I was inspired by the spikes on Megeman X6, and was drawing these as sort of concept for something for Cortex Command.

I believe this is my second, though I'm still not quite sure. This was for a mod for Cortex Command but I can't release the details for fear that someone from Datarealms might take a peek. My inspiration was my deep freeze and those thick metal boxes that supposedly carry nukes that you see all the time on movies.

This one is concept[?] for a game I'm programming that I'm calling FlopNinja for now. It's pretty old and now it's kindof obsolete for what I've got going, but it's an honorable mention since it's supposedly my third serious pixel art endeavor.

These two are things I just sorta did on the spur of the moment. The one on the left is the original, and I edited it a bit on the right, because I thought about using it as a banner and I needed to make it look just a bit more sinister. My reference for these was a spare stereo cord I had just laying around, and had been itching to try and draw in Graphics Gale. I used the line tool to make most of the lines, though I pixel-pushed most of it.


So, how likes?

 - keantoken

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