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Messages - Kain Nobel
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Pixel Art / Re: [WIP] 3 faces
« on: October 20, 2011, 09:40:03 am »
There are tons of sources where you can read about color theory, this is just one of them.

One of the simplest rules of thumb is not to just use a darker or lighter shade of the same color, it makes things look flat. Instead, try hue shifting your colors, warm colors for highlights and cold colors for shading. An example would be tree foilage; green is obviously your base color, but you would accent it with a greenish-yellow tint for highlights and a greenish-blue tint for shading.

The example I gave above deals with colors which are complimentary to each other, as yellow and blue are two primary shades that are mixed to make green (at least in the painting world.) I believe Photoshop has a color wheel, which you can select colors with options such as Hue, so try visiting your color wheel with Hue selected.

I hope this advice was of some help, good luck! :y:

Pixel Art / Re: Adobe Shinobi [Project]
« on: October 17, 2011, 08:38:58 am »

This box monster felt flat, so I concentrated on using only the dark and mid tone on the front, the mid tone and highlight tone on top. It still looked flat, so I made the darker tones slightly darker by reducing the red and green in the color scale. In other words, following color theory, darker shades have more of a blue/purple tone to them.

This is a car, right? It looks like you mixed RPG perspective with classic GTA perspective, so I moved the roof back and revealed more of a window visible from the front. The darkest blue was almost indistinguishable from the second darkest blue, so I made the darkest shade a tad bit darker. The anti-aliasing looks decent and I left it on in the edit, but whatever was applied 'outside the box' might look like bad artifacts when the sprite is on a terrain.

These are the simplest of edits, hopefully it will be of some help :y:

Pixel Art / Re: Indian animation
« on: October 16, 2011, 08:36:16 pm »
The shading/detail on the loin cloth is barely noticeable, it might look better if you brought the saturation down and adjusted the colors. I see minor issues with the left leg, such as the line separating pants from shoe is missing in one frame. Also, the shading on the lower left leg looks inconsistent through the animation, it shifts around alot, especially when he's swinging his tomahawk.

The animation itself is superb, just needs some last minute TLC.

Pixel Art / Re: Kain's Bare Naked Template(s)
« on: October 16, 2011, 07:11:54 pm »
New female frames.

I'm too jaded for the time being to spot any errors, so I could use an extra pair of eyes or so to let me know if anything should be fixed up. I've got more body types and traversal animations planned to go with this series, and I'll try and get some sample characters done eventually. Either way, I'm always open for suggestions and thank you for your time.

Pixel Art / Re: Kain's Bare Naked Template(s)
« on: October 15, 2011, 12:11:29 pm »
I tried to apply your advice the best I could. The changes I made were bringing the arms in, making the fists into open hands, raising the hips a pixel or two, making the lower legs more slender. I'm pleased with it so far, and the head doesn't look all funky now that she has hair. As far as I'm concerned, unless anybody has something I should go back and redo, these front frames are done.

I've really gotta focus on experimenting with the heads, just to see what kind of details I can get away with. The face is such a small place to work with, I'm not sure how a beard/mustache is going to turn out (on the male, of course.) If I make the head any fatter or taller, it'll probably look weird, so I suppose I just gotta learn how to make due with what I have done so far. I'll study some sprites, see if there are any in the relative size of mine, and practice from there.

Thank you for your input ABC, and thanks to everyone who helped me earlier. Stay tuned folks, there is still more to come in the next few days ;D

Pixel Art / Re: Indian animation
« on: October 15, 2011, 11:28:07 am »
There is a couple instances where I think I might be seeing stray pixels, but that could just be a side effect of going from one frame to the next. Also, you need to work on the part where he jumps high into the air spinning, then lands and does a roll. What happens is you go from the top of the screen to the bottom in one quick instant, its not a smooth transition.

Pixel Art / Re: [WIP] Bioshock 2D Mockup
« on: October 15, 2011, 11:05:47 am »
The detail looks awesome, but the colors look too dark and monotone. Just adding a little brightness and maybe a tiny hue shift I suspect would be enough to make it more readable. The dither pattern representing surface light is neat, I like how you applied it.

Pixel Art / Re: Kain's Bare Naked Template(s)
« on: October 13, 2011, 01:59:13 pm »
Okay, normally I wouldn't double post but this is milestone progress, so please forgive me. In other words, my male is pretty much finished, so I have started on a very rough draft of his female counterpart and could use some C&C big time!

I carefully crafted her from scratch, with the male sprite translucent in the background. I tried my best to make her readable as a female, with less broad of shoulders, lighter shading of the neck, curvature of the breasts and bringing the legs closer together. The belly was surprisingly challenging, it was hard to make her not look like she was pregnant.

The head and face... oh lord, what should I do with them? I can't shrink the head on the female, but its awkward because its the only thing that is the same size on the male. I have little experience with faces and hair (and facial hair, haha), so I'll have to demystify this and see how other games do so much detail with so little.

Pixel Art / Re: Kain's Bare Naked Template(s)
« on: October 12, 2011, 02:03:57 pm »
An update, hurray! Most of the editing I did this time around was the whole head and neck area, I might've even changed the front chest shading a little bit but I don't remember. Anyhow, the head is approximately a pixel shorter, and a couple pixels less wide, but in turn I brought the chin down a pixel or two which made room for a line representing his mouth. The neck and collarbone area have also been retouched, now you can see a hint of neck anatomy, and you can also see little ear stubs on the side of his front/back head frames too!

@PypeBros: Good observation, in my next revision I'll try my best to apply a subtle change in chest and shoulder movement as suggested. This time I'm not going to have the right-to-left-to-right-etc pattern like I did in the original, so I'll experiment with the 1-pixel-or-so forward with the front stepping leg (or something of that nature.) Thanks for pointing this out, wish me luck!

Edit: Cool, applied a bunch of changes including the recent suggestions made by PypeBros. Too lazy right now to update the top post, so the "current progress" isn't current, but here is a sample I threw together. I was also showing some friends an example of the before and after, so the old sprite is animated next to the newest.

Pixel Art / Re: Boss Plane [C&C] wanted
« on: October 11, 2011, 03:45:04 pm »
Its a good piece but feels flat, definitely could help to use more contrast in your colors. The perspective in the back just feels off, maybe you should widen out your horizontal stabilizers a bit. The only aircraft I've ever seen with perfectly straight wings is a bi-plane, where there is two sets of wings on both sides, mounted one atop the other, I've never seen it on a single-winged plane. Even if you decide not to go through the trouble of making the wings curve back, it would probably help at least to taper back the ends instead of having that popsicle-stick shape.

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