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Messages - Pavel-Zhukovsky
Pages: [1]

Pixel Art / Re: Some of my Pixel Art.
« on: March 28, 2008, 10:37:06 am »
but you people won't like what we are talking about anyway.

Pixel Art / Re: Some of my Pixel Art.
« on: March 28, 2008, 07:36:10 am »

Я соберался её без головы нарисовать,,

но с головой выгледит лучше,

Pixel Art / Re: Some of my Pixel Art.
« on: March 26, 2008, 05:43:03 pm »
yeah, npa, but it's an honest mistake and he made no attempt to hide:

there's a big difference between pixel-sized-art (art where individual pixels are seen) and pixel-art, which does not by necessity denote any size or resolution, merely a practice in which every pixel is placed by hand and, some will argue, with thought and care, though that's not always the case : large brushes, fill cans, and other tools that allow multiple dots be placed with a single action begin to move outside of that if people let them.  Of course, one might conscientiously fill a region with a flat color just as easily as one might hand place one-by-one arbitrary colors, so mostly people allow for other tools so long as there is still careful consideration on some level.  Brushes, however, and any tool which uses a color that is not hand-picked or completely opaque, are strictly forbidden.  Resizing, too, which defines each pixel purely by math (no human input), is out.

Should clear things up?


Pixel Art / Re: Some of my Pixel Art.
« on: March 26, 2008, 09:09:02 am »
Alright i know this is not the best way to make pixel art,

but this is how it looked before.

Pixel Art / Re: Some of my Pixel Art.
« on: March 25, 2008, 08:23:54 pm »
Hey , thank you Coran

okay , the Cathedral was first painted in Photoshop then pixelated,
it's kind of easy to make but then it will be abit mismatched as you said ^__^

thanks again,

and btw this is the Collab

anybody interested in joining ? the area is about to finnish though.

Pixel Art / Some of my Pixel Art.
« on: March 25, 2008, 07:06:10 pm »
As you are the pros in the pixel art ,

i wouid like to hear what you think of these,,
i know they arent "the best"

but give me some feedback what have i missed


St Basil Cathedral, made for a collab:

Statue of Liberty , for the collab:

also this game, was made in One month and one week.

all Art and Script by me:



Pages: [1]