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Messages - Agent K
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Pixel Art / Re: [WIP] Runcycle
« on: December 31, 2013, 08:52:05 pm »
One big problem is your feet are hitting the ground at the same time and directly underneath him.  Whe you run bothe feet never touch the ground at the same time.  Typically the front foot hits slightly in front of the body and pushes backward as the back foot is moving toward the front.  In an actual run there is a period where neither feet are hitting the gound at the same time, but never where both are on the gwround simultaneously.  Also try leaning him forward a bit, basic rule of thumb is the more lean, the harder he is running and also fron foot position will shift backward as he leans more.  Picture an olympic sprinter vs a marathon runner for a visual.

Pixel Art / Re: Emo... Alien... Thing?[C+C]
« on: December 26, 2013, 04:42:22 pm »
I really like editing your chars  ;D

That being said I might have done too much, but I swapped out your dithering for clusters, I just feel that dithering on this small a scale is tough to utilize and that clusters are more appealing, but thats just my opinion.  I smoothed out her face a little and got rid of her duck lips (don't know if that is what you were going for or not.)  I also added and ear, and here is why even though it may not be inline with your origional view.  This char is an optical illusion that has been giving me a headache and the ear still didn't fix it, but I think it helped.  She is capable of looking straight ahead, which I think is the intended view, and also she can look to her left and lean back on the arm supporting her head with her mouth on the side of her face....somehow niether really looks wrong lol.  I lowered he left shoulder, moved her pupil and added the ear all to try and negate it, but she still turns her head!  :lol:  But anyway you stuff is fun to play with man keep up the good work  :y:

Pixel Art / Re: Sad Clown [WIP] [C + C]
« on: December 18, 2013, 05:31:35 pm »

I tried to shape his body and push the right side hair back behind the face mors.  I still don't know exactly how to work the nose, I think it will take someone more capable than myself.

Pixel Art / Re: Sad Clown [WIP] [C + C]
« on: December 17, 2013, 10:44:21 pm »
I usually do an edit for every thread created on here just to practice, and I never upload just because I figure someone more capable will probably handle it. I figured what the heck i'll go ahead and post this one.  Really all I did was add blacks to your shadows for higher contrast and I think it helps with the highly saturated colors you have, and I also like what stava did with the clowns posture.  That left arm sorta looks crippled (don't know if thats the purpose, kinda a "take my strong hand" gimp?).  I don't think you should change the nose if you don't want to, its your char and you designed him like that for a reason. Anyway I hope this helped a little, but if not feel free to disregard.

Pixel Art / Re: Small Sprite Help with overhead view
« on: December 16, 2013, 05:07:13 pm »

I took ur advice and tried to simplify, mainly just tone down the hair.  I still want to keep the spikes on the left, or at least something strikingly different from the right to really show that the left is evil and the right is pure or good.  I think the perspective looks better in this version, but I do like how your edit shows more of the face and I have been working with exposing more of the face, but just haven't gotten anything I am really pleased with.  Thanks for the input PPD

Pixel Art / Small Sprite Help with overhead view
« on: December 12, 2013, 10:31:19 pm »
I am still really new to pixel art and am trying to make this sprite from scratch on a small scale and slowly increase the size.  I am having a lot of trouble right now with below her waistline.  Particularly the feet and upper legs.  From this view point I think there really shouldn't be a whole lot of leg showing when shes standing.  She is supposed to be wearing a tigh fitting suit/armor that is fused to her body and that splits between her breasts and then comes back together at her crotch.  Its sort of a split personallity good vs evil struggle representation.  The boots actually connect to the bottom of her armor running up the side of her leg to her hip, but I don't think I can show that much detail on this scale.  The light source is in front overhead, almost the same as the viewing angle.  basically I am looking for C&C as well as help getting the legs to read right from the current viewpoint.  thanks  ;D

Edit:  I tried stretching her to see if I could represent the legs better with more pixels

Pixel Art / Re: [WIP C+C] A couple characters
« on: December 10, 2013, 10:57:46 pm »
Just a few thoughts

You light source, as it looks now, is from behind the knight?  If this is how you  want it, I feel like the front of the knight should be a bit darker with most highlighting being done at the top of the head, shoulders, shield and sword.  Your higglighting appears pretty correct, but I think his front is too bright for the most part.  Also I think the would be some space beneath him, not just shadow, with the angle it appears your light is hitting him.

I did a quick edit to show a possible light source, as well as the current with a new helmet and an alternate helmet, but looking at it now the left helmet makes him look to his left (oops).  Also I moved his forward foot up a pixel in the left and his back foot down a pixel in the right,  I just felt like they needed more space between them.

Finally I grabbed all your colors and I think You have a few extra gray's that maybe you could combine a couple?  Maybe not, but nevertheless I don't think you need the purple in the shirld emblem, I think one of your blues might do fine.  But this is all just my opinion.  Nice work  ;D

Pixel Art / Re: Assassin [C+C]
« on: December 05, 2013, 09:25:42 pm »
I don't think theres necessarily a problem with your colors, but more so with the way u use light to define your characters features.  With this few colors you really have to strech the use of every one.  I did an edit and mine didn't end up as blocky (dunno if u wanted it blocky with sort of an adventure time feel) but you can get a feel for how to focuson the light and the shadows it creates.  The only light source I could find was on the face at the far right edge, so that from that i used a light source from behind him, but hopefully this helps you get a better idea of what only a few colors can do so long as you focus on where the light is hitting.

As far as your animation, hopefully someone else can help, yours is already better than anything I could hope to create  ;D

For the Land and the reflection, I think the main issue is that none of your edges approach a vanishing point.  As the upper and lower land edges approach the vanishing point the should really come closer together from the 45 degree angle it appears you are looking from.  Also it won't be much in this instance since the land doesn't appear to be very high bove the water, but if it were really high, then the land would get "skinnier" as it approached the water.  I drew some estimated vanishing points as an example

The reflection should also approch these, or whatever vanishing point you chose, as it approches the edge of the frame.  I sorta did a quick edit on the land.  I'm a super noob at pixeling but I would go with something like this as far as perspective goes

EDIT: After looking I think your vanishing points should probably be moved farther apart than mine.

Pixel Art / Re: Help with spriting process
« on: November 21, 2013, 10:15:33 pm »

I worked on this before I saw you latest post, just want to say thanks for all the help and insight it really is awesome and I really appreciate it.  I downsized to fewer pixels and also did notice that the brush was auto anit-aliasing.  I am just struggling with the total anatomy and I think I might be in over my head.  There are several things I cant get to look right, she has like one boob looking at 3/4 and one starring you in the face  :-[, also something just doesn't seem right with her legs and i just have no idea what i just know they look too blocky.  I think what I will do is look at you post before this one and practice getting the anatomy right on the face before I do anymore.  Thanks again for looking at this    :y:

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