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Messages - ptoing
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So here is the trailer:

This is what I have been working on mostly for the last 1.5 years on and off. Still a good way to go until everything is done, but it already is very solid in all the relevant places.

More info on the website too

Hope you folks enjoy what you see :)

Fully agree with what has been said by Helm and others.

Purism is indeed a dead end. I enjoy working with limited amounts of colour, but all recent stuff I did with limitations was either working with actual old systems stuff and a face collection I started with made up ones because they can be fun (and you can also make something be coherent through limitations).

But I would agree that having a small palette for the same of a small palette is somewhat pointless.

Pixel Art / Re: [WIP] Forest assets and palettes
« on: May 07, 2015, 06:22:01 am »
Some edits to the sprite.

The bangs looked too high up and no hair at the sides looked a bit weird.
Moved ear up a bit.
More contrast in palette and some outline contrast stuff.
Also edits on the face because she totally looks like a middle-aged Indian guy dressed as a little girl.

Hope this helps.

General Discussion / Re: Lets talk about the dress
« on: February 27, 2015, 10:32:32 pm »
What would be interesting to me is how working on a computer making digital art, and esp pixelart, where you get super familiar with the colour sliders, changes your perception of colours. I reckon you might go towards seeing things more like they appear and lose part of what they actually might look like. That kinda stuff is very hard to test though. But that would be one interesting aspect.

General Discussion / Re: Lets talk about the dress
« on: February 27, 2015, 10:20:36 pm »
I can see that. And of course I care about stuff like relative colour perception. But this discussion was happening on twitter and other places and it was just getting very silly very fast. It is a photo taken with a super shitty camera.

And yeah, I am fairly sure that it is mostly about assumptions we make about the blue and such, as stated in the wired article, which is quite interesting.

General Discussion / Re: Lets talk about the dress
« on: February 27, 2015, 09:45:44 pm »
Indigo: I am not trying to be contrarian. The thing is, that if I do not percieve something in a certain way, I will not try and guess what people will percieve, in how I make my art. Of course there are things like relative contrast and all that which I do take into account and like to play with. But that is neither here nor there in this case.

I can not force myself to see an RGB value that is not there (even though the actual dress is that colour).
I give you that it is interesting that some people seem to be able to extrapolate the actual colour of the dress from this photo, but it would be nice to get some actual scientific stuff on this. Not people guessing.

What I am saying is, that as long as I can not somehow flip a switch in my brain to change my colour perception. And if I can not do that I wont try to guess what other people might see when they look at my art to actually do stuff like this intentionally.

Also, please do not always just assume that I am being contrarian for the sake of it just because I might not happen to agree with you. It is really intellectually lazy.


That comparison is a good example of relative colour perception and how things are influenced by light and shadow.
The actual dress is a lot more blue and black though than the "black dress" there, which I would still say is very dark brown and mid blue.

Some people have reported that when they showed people the dress on the same monitor, they got different results. So while that might play a role, I think that how people are "trained" to see colours play a bigger role.

General Discussion / Re: Lets talk about the dress
« on: February 27, 2015, 09:28:46 pm »
yaomon: That does not work on good monitors.

Indigo: Dull brownish gold and white/maybe light blue.

What adjustments can be done, I don't know. And I don't know if I care. I see the image as it is and make no assumptions about what colours the dress might actually be, because I do not see how that is important. It's a shitty photo of a dress. It's nothing I will lose sleep over.

General Discussion / Re: Lets talk about the dress
« on: February 27, 2015, 09:05:33 pm »
Some facts: The actual dress is black and blue, the picture was taken with a really shitty camera of phone.

As far as the colours that I see in the picture: Brown and light blue. If you do not know that the colours in the picture are totally of then the light blue could be seen as reflected light or something.

The actual RGB values when checked are brown and desaturated blues.

I personally do not see how anyone could see the brown parts as black in that picture.

As far as photoshop goes. If you do levels on it and use the black value colour picker and select the darker browning colours you will get what the dress actually looks like IRL, black and blue. That does not change the fact that there is nothing that is black in the image.

Pixel Art / Re: Dark Souls GBC Demake
« on: February 27, 2015, 06:18:37 pm »
Btw, there also is a 10 sprites per line limit. And also, even if a sprite is only partly filled the empty space still counts towards which lines the sprite occupies.

General Discussion / Re: Color balancing your pixel art
« on: February 25, 2015, 05:21:45 pm »
This is the best shit ever! Go and write an email to Cosmigo so they put it on their page so people can dl it from there as well.

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