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Messages - skaytr
Pages: 1 [2]

Pixel Art / Re: Lamplight?
« on: June 05, 2013, 09:55:42 pm »
I'm not speeking in terms of pixel art, but strictly speeking , a light source is only very small. It's the "Glow" and colored highlight on nearby objects that give it that effect you wan't.

Quick Edit:

I'm certianly no expert in lighting, but I do know that If you have a cold color light, you need a warm shadow, and vice verser.
This is obviously painted, would be more difficult with pixel art.

I desaturated your image allot, and shifted the hue slightly.

I also added cast shadows, so it actually feels like the light is lighting up the room and not just faking a light source. The shadows don't fade out quick enough either, made them too dark, but you get the point XD

Probably a bit too much glow, meh...

Could ad a lense flair effect if you wanted, would be cool in a side-scrolling game as a seperate sprite effect over top.

Hope that helps!

Pixel Art / Re: [wip] McD's, Dr Pepper and Nike
« on: June 05, 2013, 12:47:56 pm »
For all of them, the McD's one especially, you could use some more texture to your surfaces. If your using tiles, make sure it repeats ok :P

For example, you will never see a plain colour tile, especially in a restaurant:

And even in tiles that appear blank, there is in fact some sort of texture:

There is also a Tangent which is bothering me..

Here is a quick edit to illustrate my points:
(Sorry for rough work, using a mouse haha)

I moved the line down so it dosnt match the intersecting line between the floor and the wall,
And I added a subtle texture to the tile, including a highlight to pop them out a little bit.
I would suggest adding at least a subtle texture to everything else, unless of course you are going for a certain oldschool isometric game art style :P - in that case I would still suggest adding highlights to make everything "pop" out a bit more.

Other than that, perspective is pretty darn good,  Shading on the walls are nice - make sure to shade the stools/tables the same difference as the wall, at the moment they are a bit flat :)

That should be enough to start you moving in the right direction,
Nice work!

Pixel Art / Re: [WIP][CC] Large Tree
« on: June 05, 2013, 02:04:36 am »
So Last update today. So tired.  :blind:

I took lots of things into consideration.
-The Tree now has much more form
-perspective is fixed
-Removed a few knots
-Added twisted linear fibers, which I like ALOT ( still staying along the lines of vertical forms, but more interesting) :D
-Dun dit an awesum tree.

The fun starts tomorrow, LEAVES baby. Leaves.

Here she is:

UPDATE: Final version baby! Tree.2.0 !

Theres a few things I'd change in the formation of the leaves now that Its all together, but I feel at this point my time is better invested in creating other assets for my game. I had allot of fun making this tree, but it is after all just ONE of many assets haha XD Regardless, I learned allot, all thanks to you guys!


(Il be back)

Pixel Art / Re: [WIP][CC] Large Tree
« on: June 04, 2013, 06:55:56 pm »
Hmm Very interesting!

I totaly agree with the perspective, I was way off >.< (something I'm still working on. Alotttt.)

Il keep in mind the lighting on the leaves as I render them, and as for the trunks anatomy, I was going for something like these:

I do see though I  Need at least SOME Vertical growth XD

I'l see what I can do..

VERY much appreciate your thoughts kind sir!

Edit: Aslo I just noticed that My roots where just like pointy tendrils laying across the ground, I got a bad habbit of drawing that on trees, il make them round as if they were actually going underground. GAH your edit looks so goooddd haha

Pixel Art / Re: [WIP][CC] Large Tree
« on: June 04, 2013, 05:35:19 pm »
Hmm, I'm not quite sure what you're refering to. The small blob in the middle is the only one that seems off to me, the otheres seem ok (keep in mind that those blobs are just to pick the colours as I render those areas, the light blobs towards the bottom wont be as broad)

And towards the edges I can see some clusters that would have highlights rolling around them too.

I see what you mean about the contrast though, Thats super easy to change.

I'm already working on some leaves, Might have an update by tonight :D


(Suuuper quick edit)

Hello people, Got miself a tree.

Not sure about leaves yet, I'm thinking for a larger tree that the clusters would be spread out vertically, and less like a giant broccoli.
I Plan on painting the leaves, but I'm not sure that I like the shape right now.

The trunk is however much more finished.

And the cast shadow is subject to change with the shape of the leaf clusters/ Branches. I Plan on setting up a quick 3D model to render a proper cast shadow for reference when its finished.

I'm thinking its a little too saturated also...

And I'm really not sure about the Rim Lighting. I Suppose I'll have to wait until the leaves are finished to get the full RimLight effect, and I'd probably have to make the shadow a bit darker so it doesn't seem out of place.

First Version                                                                                                                              Final Version

Thanks again!

Pixel Art / Re: [WIP] Town Screenshot thoughts
« on: May 31, 2013, 06:21:15 pm »
Ive already used 3D to generate sprites :P

Honestly I could make every single asset out of 3D and clean it up in photoshop :D

Here is "Blazing_Orb_Drop_Animation" Asset. The idle then proceeds to glow on a loop. This is almost a direct export from Maya.

*NOTE: It does look like its rolling down a glass pane inbetween the orb and the camera, but I can fix that no problem :D

Thinking about adding particle effects, but thats not exactly a priority right now :) Thanks!


Made some new Grass. Much Bigger blades that you can actually see, Tile size is 64x64. Pretty pleased with it so far. Will try making some dirt and connecting tiles. will probably just use the dirt I already have as a base :P

*Note the darker grass is the second version. I like it better :) Slightly darker, less saturated, and tweaked some of the pixels.

Hmm not sure about the dirt, Mihgt make the circles more defined. Either way, I think the colour works well with this tone of grass allot more than the first post :)

Pixel Art / Re: [WIP] Town Screenshot thoughts
« on: May 31, 2013, 04:26:18 pm »
hmm yes , I see what you mean by the shadows :P I'l try pointing the lightsource at the front of the buildings.

As for the character, it is just a quick front facing version from my placeholder i had haha. I do intend to focus on the character more at some point.

I feel as is if every single word you guys write, I am absorbing knowledge  :D
This is literally my first attempt at pixel art hahaha, I'm quite fond of 3D art however... but lets not go there.

I wish I had more time to work on this project, its going to be many months before I have an alpha ready to export :blind:

As for GML, it's all self taught. I have a working combat system with level-ups, NPC and Monster AI, random/rare monster drops for customization etc... I feel pretty confident with GML and game functionality.

For now, I wan't to nail a solid canvas for the rest of my assets to sit AKA, THE TOWN.

Perspective.. Sheesh. Gotta work on that.


Edit: I feel as if i should basicly start from scratch, again. I started this project about 2 and half months ago, and have made very little progress as yo u can see. I think it would just be better to start from the begining, 1 tile/sprite at a time. At least I still have all the code for Game Maker, All I have to do is update the sprites :)


Pixel Art / Re: [WIP] Town Screenshot thoughts
« on: May 31, 2013, 03:23:50 pm »
ahh yeah haha, the box is almost front-on perspective.. Il have to keep that in mind when I create more assets, cheers!

Pixel Art / [WIP] Town Screenshot thoughts
« on: May 31, 2013, 03:14:38 pm »
Hello there!
First post on this site, pretty excited to get involved in this awesome community :)

So, I'm making a game for my portfolio. The game-play doesn't really matter at this point, but it is Fantasy  RPG style, set in the "Old" times. Kind of a vague timeline, but essentially, not much machinery. This town is set somewhat out of the way of civilization, but it remains a popular stay for travelers, and consists of a popular market. The town is neighboring a dense forest, and a small  stream.

Now about that artwork. This is obviously super early in development, as there are hardly any assets.

Focus: How the buildings sit in the environment in relation to the grass, dirt, and wall.

Points I feel:
- I'm quite happy with the dirt! only three colors used.
- I feel the grass is a little too "Noisy" I'm not sure what to do with it though. I'm thinking of increasing the length/size of the blades, and decreasing the amount of colors.
- Shadows... I like shadows. I'm not sure I like these shadows. I think they are perhaps a little too dark, and not saturated enough... not sure though.
-things to add! there are many things on my asset list to add, but I figured since this is the basis of the town, I would get some more opinions before I continue in a certain path. I intend to add potted and wild flowers, sign posts, long patches of grass, grass patches in the dirt, stone rubble, smaller crate, WagonWheel, Bucket, Plank, Anvil, Market stall tileset, Clothes line with and without clothes, butterfly, birds, chickens, wooden fence, tree, tree 2, tree stump etc...

I may adjust this asset list as I continue, but given the setting/style of gameplay, I feel that I'm setting up just the sort of HUB I wan't for the player.
-HUD is a placeholder, same with the text font/size/colour.
-Will likely update character sprite. There is no idle animation for him as of yet.
- The shadows have some noise in them, that will be fixed next.

So given all that, any opinions on what I have so far? :)

P.S for the shadows, thinking about ambient occlusion style shading... could be pretty :P


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