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Messages - jams0988
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Pixel Art / Re: A New programmer try the Pixel art
« on: May 27, 2014, 03:27:08 pm »
I'd use a program like GraphicsGale rather than GIMP. GG is made for pixel art animations. I think it's much easier to work in.

Pixel Art / Re: New to Pixel art, But I am proud of this piece.
« on: May 25, 2014, 05:14:43 am »
You need to think about your color choices more to get a more realistic scene. Go look up pictures of sunsets on google - you won't find too many dark purple skies or saturated green grass. It's important to draw what you actually see, instead of making guesses. I'd go find a good reference, and recolor your picture. I think you'll be surprised at how easily your picture is improved. Good luck. =)

Unpaid Work / Re: [Offer] -- Pixel Art/Animation Mentorship
« on: May 21, 2014, 08:26:30 am »
You should upload your screenshots somewhere else - right now, you need to log in to that forum to see any of the images. You might also want to post some examples of your work, so people feel more motivated to do free labor for you in exchange for your guidance. I tried checking what you've posted on here, but all I found were a few health meters and a black blob, which doesn't tell anyone much about how much they could learn from you. You've worked on pixel art "on a professional level" for over seven years. What projects are you referring to? If you're allowed to post examples of your stuff from the games you've worked on, that would probably be best. If not, a list of projects you've worked on professionally would still be good to know for people on the fence about working with you.

Interesting concept, though. I can see someone jumping on this if you post a little more work! =)

Pixel Art Feature Chest / Re: Erde Scene
« on: May 19, 2014, 06:12:22 am »
I'm reading clouds. You can see the slightly greener trees poking through.
I had to look a few times, though. The clouds were reading like tree tops at first to me, too...
What's really confusing for me is the perspective. It feels like the horizon should be a lot lower? It feels like the ground is curving steeply upward. It's a little disconcerting!

that method of putting images into grayscale isnt a very good indicator of the actual contrast of the colors, shown here:
Thanks for posting this. It seems to be a very common mistake.

Pixel Art / Re: Could i trick you saying this is pixel art?
« on: May 12, 2014, 02:33:46 am »
Like madmenyo, I'm very curious to know why you say that. What specifically makes this look "nothing" like pixel art? I'm not being sarcastic, I'm sincerely hoping for an explanation, as extensive as you have time for  :)
I was going to reply, but Cyangmou and RAV have summed up my feelings more eloquently than I could have without spending two hours thinking out my post, hahah.
That is what most basic pixel art looks like isn't it? Looking at your avatar it has a outline and on certain angles (cels) it gets another tint. That is what i have going on, or at least somewhat close especially the linework needs to be sharper. I will work on this if only for experiment and study sake.
No, mine is obviously hand-drawn art, while yours is obviously computer-rendered. Cyangmou and RAV explained why already, though. The example you posted looks much closer to the pixel art aesthetic (though it still looks like 3D CG), because it appears to be using pixel-art textures, while your coloring is very flat, hence my cel-shading comment. Again, I'd try just using normal low-res textures on your art, and see how that turns out. Paint your textures as pixel art, and apply them to your models. I think the results will look much better. =)

Pixel Art / Re: subpixel animation feedback
« on: May 12, 2014, 01:50:08 am »
Wes, I think you should pick up a stick and act out some spear attacks. Your drawings are nice, but the timing and pose here make no sense - who takes three seconds to stab with a spear?! And who stabs with one hand? And lifts their feet? All your power comes from your hips and your legs. Just try throwing a punch like that and see how unnatural and weak it feels.

Anyway...yeah. I'd try a different pose altogether - this one doesn't look very convincing. And a spear jab should be very fast, especially if you're going to use it in a game. Speed blurs won't hide the fact that he's moving slower than most people move underwater. Like conceit says, you should get the basic timing down before trying to add on the bells and whistles. If there's no time to animate his hair blowing around during a spear attack, then so be it. People are going to notice how sluggish his attack looks before they notice how cool his hair looks, hahah! ;)

Edit: Luckily, animation problems are a lot easier to fix than drawing problems:

Just spend five minutes in Graphics Gale deleting frames you don't need, changing the timing on the others, and adding a few speed lines and reaction frames, and presto - Your animation's got a bit more punch now! A stupid animation tip from me: when you're trying to decide on timing for your animation, make sound effects with your mouth. When I imagine a quick spear stab, I think "tsh!" like a cut-off cymbal. Just change your animation until it fits the sound effect you've decided on. It's pretty intuitive that way! Also, act out your animation yourself. Take note of how long the action takes in total, and then decide on what percentage of that total time each sub-action is going to take (winding up, swinging). The ratio of time between keyframes is probably more important than the total time of the animtion, since you can just speed up or slow down your animation in the end.

I guess I take back what I said about the pose, too. Even though it's probably unrealistic, it looks pretty good with better timing. Maybe you could have him twist his feet instead of lifting up the back one, though. I'd try it, but I'm not nearly as good at drawing as you are, sadly. :(
Actually, I'm really jealous of your drawing skill. Your guy is looking very, very on-model, as Conceit said. My character is constantly changing shapes. I have so much practice to do! X'D

Pixel Art / Re: Could i trick you saying this is pixel art?
« on: May 10, 2014, 11:20:57 pm »
It looks nothing like pixel art to me. Just looks like a normal cel-shader...
Are you mixing low-poly 3D models with sprite art for your game? If all of your art assets are going to be 3D models, I honestly think you'd be better off just using normal lighting; low-poly 3D has its own charm, I think, while cel shaded stuff like this just looks sterile. Rikfuzz's edit is a step in the right direction, but it still looks somewhat cheap compared to something hand-drawn, I think.

I'd go simple low-poly, or hand drawn. Unless you're trying to mix this turret in with other pixel art, in which case, you might have no choice. (Besides spending a lot longer making your art assets, hahah! X'D )

The model itself is nice, though. Have you tested it with some normal lighting and simple textures? You could even low-res texture it, if you're going for a retro look. Might look good!
Maybe if it was a less complex motion, because it is rotating and tilting at the same time, which is something that seems fairly complicated for just a person to animate.
It's a box. If we want to be animators, we should be able to animate literally the simplest shape possible, no matter what it's doing. = =;;
Mind you, I can't, but I suck. There are plenty of animators out there who would have no problem with it, though. :lol:

Pixel Art / Re: Very new. Looking for some C+C
« on: May 09, 2014, 02:29:50 pm »
So when you see his sprite you rather think this?:
@coffee:I think of neither, which is a unique problem for this drawing.  :lol:
@Cyangmou: Yes, that.
@Pixelalax: Don't get discouraged by a few honest critiques. It's going to take thousands of hours for you to be able to draw a cat realistically. Which is fine, because that's simply how drawing is. Take all the critique you get to heart, and remember that you are *not* your art. As long as you're working to improve, you're doing what you need to do as an artist. Skill and the praise that come along with it will come with (lots) of time and hard work, so don't worry too much about it.

I've been drawing awhile now, and I'm still pretty terrible. If you asked me to draw a cat without reference, I'd be pretty hard pressed to do it. :lol:
Did you check out the channel I sent you? You might think I'm a jerk, but my advice to you was honest. That channel covers the basic building blocks of drawing, which will help you improve a LOT faster than drawing cats right now. Cheers. o/

Pixel Art / Re: Very new. Looking for some C+C
« on: May 09, 2014, 01:45:02 am »
I say that because I still don't have any c+c on the shading like I asked for
If your form is all incorrect, no amount of shading is going to help you. Shading is based on form. If your cat looks like an alien, there are no magical shading tricks we can give you to make it look like a cat. As for your apples - I'd imagine an apple as basically an oval, and then take a look at where the apple deviates from that, and go from there. I would pick up a pencil and paper if I were you - if you can't draw an apple using the most intuitive medium possible (a pencil), you're not going to do yourself any favors by trying to draw one that's only 16x16 pixels wide. You might get a decent looking pixel apple sooner or later, but it'll be by luck, and you won't be able to draw a larger one later.

If you want to learn to draw, then I'd focus on pencil and paper for now. Your pixel art will come a lot easier to you once you have the basics down. I'd recommend looking through this guy's channel:
Some good tutorials there. Your skill will see a big jump if you go through his videos and draw along with him. Good luck! \o/

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