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Messages - robalan
Pages: 1 ... 28 29 [30] 31 32 33

General Discussion / Re: The pixelpolis time capsule
« on: January 30, 2006, 03:23:07 pm »
Well, it is hoped that this will be such a repository of pixel art knowledge, but it is growing slowly.  Also, this thread is a good place to see the places where people have shared their knowledge.  So there are places where pixel artists are offering their vast knowledge, you just have to look for it ;-)

General Discussion / Re: Pixel Art Poster
« on: January 18, 2006, 05:42:09 am »
Since it appears that I am the only one still able to see the poster, I took the liberty of saving and re-hosting it (I hope that's ok, Kazuya; if not, just tell me and I'll get rid of it)

It's very nice looking; I may make something like that to spice up my walls, since they are currently rather bland.

General Discussion / Re: got a favourite simple pixel art?
« on: January 16, 2006, 02:38:40 am »

The results of a boring math class :-P  Yes, this was drawn on my TI-83+.

General Discussion / Re: hi id like to know...
« on: January 16, 2006, 02:35:28 am »
Well, in order to do sprites like that, you first have to learn the basics of pixel art.  I hate to break it to you, but there is no set formula for doing art.  I would reccommend checking out St0ven's site (, specifically Tsugumo's tutorial, which helped me to get started into pixel art.  If I am mistaken and you do know the basics of pixel art, then by all means, open up your preferred pixel-pushing program, sketch some lines, pick colors, and make a 3/4 perspective "Tactics Sprite".  I don't know of a tutorial that teaches "how to make tactics sprites", simply because "Tactics Sprites" is such a broad topic.  The 8x8 cell phone tanks, the slightly larger WWII sprites, Dhaos's sprites, the sprites from FFTA, and many others fit into the category of "Tactics Sprites".

I hope this post doesn't scare you away from pixel art; it really is a fun and rewarding hobby.  However, it is a hobby that takes persistence, patience, and hard work.  I wish you sincere luck in your pixelling, and keep working at it until you succeed.

P.S. Capitalization is your friend ;-)

Pixel Art / Re: grid-collabs
« on: January 13, 2006, 05:16:27 am »
Yeah, I remember those.  I had an isometric one that was turning out really nicely...and then someone hacked the forum *sigh* is the latest version of mine that I've seen; I think it was turning out to be some of the nicest isometric art I'd seen on the forums.  I'd like to see these (and some Helm and Ptoing's :-P) finished; I'll bring it up with the other Daihyos and Daijins.

General Discussion / Re: The Official Pixelopolis Off-Topic Thread
« on: December 09, 2005, 05:51:37 am »
Hmmm...  Can't say I'm familiar with the program.  A quick google search reveals that it looks like the MS Paint of the MIDI making software world, but having not used it, I can't make a real statement for it one way or the other.

[EDIT]And here's a quick sample of my music; this is something I put together in the past hour or so.  Perhaps it could be menu music?  Or it could be for a level.  Or it could be nothing at all like what you had in mind, which is why I'm posting something before putting too much work into it :-P  Anyway, the file.
Take a listen, let me know what you think, and I'll get to work.[/EDIT]

General Discussion / Re: The Official Pixelopolis Off-Topic Thread
« on: December 09, 2005, 05:09:36 am »
Heh, thanks for the vote of confidence, Evan.  I've used FL, but I have found that it's better for things with loop-based sampled music rather than MIDI.  The piano roll on that is no fun to use, at least in my limited experience.  I much prefer Cakewalk or Sibelius for writing music.  Sibelius is my tool of choice at the moment, mostly because it makes stuff look pretty.  However, since this will not need sheet music to be printed and thus has no need to be pretty looking, I might use Cakewalk, since I enjoy the scrub tool :-P

I'll try to get something put together over break; I'll probably make one track to verify that it sounds like what you want, and if it's satisfactory go from there.  So yeah.  Time to go listen to puzzle game music to get an idea of style.  The only puzzle game music I can remember off the top of my head is Tetris XD  Depending on how many breaks I take during studying, I might get a track done in the next week or so, but I'll definitely have time after finals.

[EDIT]Oh, and a question.  I would like to know a bit about what style of puzzle game it is.  For example, does the music want to be spooky, carribbean, classical music, oriental sounding, what?  That's what I meant by style in the earlier post.[/EDIT]

General Discussion / Re: The Official Pixelopolis Off-Topic Thread
« on: December 09, 2005, 01:06:27 am »
I like to think I'm decent at composing.  Most of my stuff has been choral, but I've written a couple of instrumental pieces.  What's the project, what exactly do you want, what style are you looking for, etc.?

Crab, I must say: Boximus Prime is awesome.  The only nitpick I have is that the pause on the corner when rolling for the first time seems a bit too long to me.  Other than that, I love it.  If I were a hobo, I would be scared of that robot :-P

TBD probably stands for "To Be Declared".  Or "To Be Determined".  Or something along those lines.

I like the transformers that have been posted, especially the taxi one.  I may try my hand at one of these, but I'm not promising anything.  I look forward to seeing more!

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