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Topics - SDeluxe
Pages: [1]

Job offers / [PAID] 16x24 Sprites for Hobby - EarthBound Style
« on: November 27, 2016, 10:53:10 pm »

Just looking for someone with talent to take real images of friends, and transform them into simple 8 frame, 16 by 24 sprites as if they were straight from the SNES game, EarthBound. This is a hobby project, not professional game development with no plans for public release. The sprites I need will be 16x24 by dimension, but this isn't a hard limit, only the average complete size of each sprite.

I am offering $3 dollars per frame, price negotiable. If I feel you have correctly mimiced the style, I have a variety of work I would like done, that could lead to fast pocket change for you.

If you are interested please email me at

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