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Messages - Corinthian Baby
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2D & 3D / [Digital Painting] - Desert Slum City
« on: February 07, 2013, 04:41:50 am »
In need of some practice for environment concepts/painting in general, I sketched out the location from a screenplay I wrote back in '09.

The concept is supposed to be a mixture between old jazz-centric Chicago and desert slums. Here is a refboard of the look/inspiration going into the art direction:

Here is the painting itself so far:

Trying to establish a solid workflow. I sketched with perspective guides, added some basic block greyscale colors to establish values, and then traced my sketch for a separate line art layer. I want to make sure the perspective's on point before I progress further. Any CC welcome.

I realize how hard architecture is to draw accurately but why not throw myself into it full force to help learn?

Archived Activities / Re: Secret Santa 2012 - Sign Up Thread
« on: November 25, 2012, 08:41:32 am »
Damn, I always let secret santa pass by, I was gonna enter this year but totally forgot. I'm guessing it's too late if the PMs already went out.

General Discussion / Re: Am I going crazy here?
« on: September 12, 2012, 03:39:12 am »
I mentioned that earlier because the same was true for most TVs in the heyday of SNES. The pixel beauty of those games could only really be examined after LCDs and emulator rips, which is why not all of the techs translate pristine.

I also agree with Willows.

General Discussion / Re: Am I going crazy here?
« on: September 11, 2012, 02:40:13 am »
Well, hue shifting is not inherently a bad thing. Like all techniques, it's utility depends on moderation and application. Overusing any tech can be detrimental. Art doesn't always have to be the replication of nature either. Style of course comes into play as well as the goal of the artist. Sometimes making things hyper real (or cartoony on the other end of the spectrum) can be more aesthetically interesting than something that's a deadpan imitation/representation.

Connecting back to the main topic, I think there is an important distinction that hasn't been brought up yet about comparing the games. The golden age of SNES games, beautiful as they are, were experienced on CRT monitors, also at varying resolutions depending on what size tv. ("Like a 20 inch Zenith you gotta see it to believe it") They wouldn't have had the crisp picture that keeps the integrity of the pixels intact. The colors bleed into each other. This is why the bitmap brothers got away with crazy dithering/ramps, they looked totally smooth viewed on what it was intended to be experienced on, CRTs. We take the sharpness of LCDs for granted. It may help account for the disparity.

Also we should remember that in the large schema of art, pixel art is relatively esoteric, not everyone will be able to appreciate its greatness, as is true for any type of art.

Pixel Art / Re: Batman mockup!
« on: September 09, 2012, 05:21:50 pm »
I think the face is a big step in the right direction. Just be careful to do something like this without ref, because memory is unreliable and you're more likely to get anatomy/details/proportions wrong. Look at this ref and see about maybe correcting some things: (Ignore the toy version on the left.)

The main thing that sticks out for me, is that his eyes are too big and misaligned. Push them up a bit more too. Other than that I would say his head is rounder and there's a few corrections for his mask. I really like the colors and the style of it though.

About batman, the suit is an accurate depiction of the movie, it's just hard to get readable results when everything is black. Technically batman's traditional grey/blue costume is ideal for readability, but I would say to grapple with the movie version and try to pronounce the forms a bit more. Show that his cape is a solid/separate entity from the rest of his body and maybe lighten up his limbs a bit. Also remember with some hue shifting like dark blue or dark purple, you can make the sprite pop more while still reading overall as 'black'.

General Discussion / Re: Am I going crazy here?
« on: September 06, 2012, 05:57:07 am »
This is a good topic but the main thing that concerns me about the experiment is that you were photoshop blurring LttP and SD3 screens? Imagine putting a blur filter over the mona lisa, it's no wonder they thought it looked awful. There's no doubt that even the old pixel masters 'could have' been better. (A lot of CT screens have priority/readability issues) but the greater picture is that they invented a lot of the techniques that we use and learn today, and established a precedent so strong, that people are still creating pixel art 20 years later.

With the whole resolution and new = better thing. I think there is a new nostalgic based resurgence of 2D pixel based games. It's just that with them, there are a bunch of stereotypes about what pixel art/that retro look is. Look at the penny arcade game for example, they're reffing FFVI graphical tropes but missing something in translation during the process. It's also perpetuated by those youtubes of popular TV shows turned into pixeled RPGs like Breaking Bad or Game of Thrones. (Also that one Community episode) Pixel art is fashionable and cool again but it's a double edged sword because of how pixel art changes what it conveys. (From being the standard for video game graphics in early 90s to something romantic and nostalgic; intertwined with fond memories of the past instead of being its own entity that has flourished and evolved away from and with game art)

Pixel Art / Re: Batman mockup!
« on: August 27, 2012, 11:12:07 pm »
Maybe some inspiration from these batman mobile games:
1.)[Batman Begins]
2.)[The Dark Knight]
3.)[Superman and Batman]

For what you have now the sprites are good. I would say to be careful about how dark Batman is compared to the BG. It looks fine right now but depending on how you render the BG it could hurt readability. Also watch out for that flaming barrel, the perspective looks more akin to RPG top down than side-view.

For the HUD, I would suggest trimming his collar because it sticks out too much and is just an oblong shape in general. Look at the faces for joker/scarecrow in that second link (Though they look painted rather than pixeled, and are much larger), it communicates a portion of their character that the small sprites can't achieve because of the res. It captures the menace of the villain, and I think if you approached it like this, a bit bigger, it would establish a similar relationship between sprite and face. I think Bane's name should be above his health bar too, and I'm guessing Batman will have a HUD on the right hand side a la fighting games?

I can imagine the tumbler would be hard to draw. Use lots of refs, maybe even make it bigger. If you do switch to SNES, you'd have more screen room to play around with, though I like the charm and rarity of cell mockups, especially when it's not something like iphone. Anyways this is pretty cool, good job, keep going. Loooved the movie.

2D & 3D / Re: [Digital Painting] - Game Poster/Cover art
« on: August 27, 2012, 05:48:00 am »
Hard finding refs but working through this:

Liking the BG developments, maybe his face is still a bit off? Better than previous iteration but still tweaking.
face ref:
pose ref:

Also, I accidentally saved and started working in the smaller res version without knowing. Trying to reconstruct the orig res, but should I continue work on that one or the smaller version? (which is the size I posted here and has the layer integrity intact.) I could also upres the smaller version and paint over it, but is this worth it if I just scale it back down at the end?

2D & 3D / Re: [Digital Painting] - Game Poster/Cover art
« on: August 21, 2012, 10:50:02 pm »
Here's another 1x version. Tried to develop the face more, played with the sky/clouds to be more dynamic. Put the portal back in only more portal/auraish/cloud-splitting. Do his eyes look alright? Is the perspective in line with the downward view?

Shifting my ref a bit to this (The kid flipped horizontally that is):

(Which is a great game btw, and a successful poster: Also wondering about the black bars, if I should nix them and keep the top for the title, fade them, or keep them as is.

I guess I never thought of which section commands the most power of an image, is there a specific reason the top right is most demanding? I've thought about moving him to the left or right to have more empty space on either side. Eliminating the black bars would heighten this as well. The composition in your edit seems more square based than spiral, although I appreciate the idea. I'm hesitant to change it so drastically because I want to finish this piece in the next week or so.

2D & 3D / Re: [Digital Painting] - Game Poster/Cover art
« on: August 21, 2012, 05:40:50 am »
Hm, alright it was meant to look like his eyes were closed, not just looking down. Here's a quick edit that shows him with eyes.

The looking off screen thing is a good tech, always brings me back to that Blade Runner poster, which is a good thing. 2nd one is me playing with placement.

Really cool edit, a lot more evocative of those samurai refs I posted. I like the suggested action, unsure about the placement despite employing rule of thirds. Will experiment further and post results.

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