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Topics - silverhk11
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Pixel Art / Concept Art for Square-style RPG
« on: September 22, 2017, 09:22:47 pm »
Not gonna lie, I'm pretty new at this and terrified to post up because I see a lot of really awesome artists and critiquers up here, but at the same time, that's one of the reasons why I want to join the community, and maybe someday I'll be good enough to contribute back.

I'm working on putting together some concept art for a game in the style of 16-bit Square titles, specifically Secret of Mana. Here's the first composite I've put together so far. I'd love feedback on a few things, including the character models and scene composition. It's supposed to be the interior of a train car. Very minor point - I know the tiling got messed up on the floor so boards are not falling properly, but not bothering to fix it at the moment.

Thanks for all suggestions in advance!

Also, sorry for just a link, but I can't seem to figure out how to display it directly and I can't find that information in any of the help/instruction posts. :(

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