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Topics - PypeBros
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Pixel Art / [wip] vine-invaded woods
« on: November 25, 2009, 04:48:28 pm »
Okay, you may remind my little world, where i progressively reworked my coder art into pixel art for my on-going homebrew game on the nintendo DS

latest update : progress done on the vines : progress done on the background colours

level maps as of 9/9/2009
Here comes the full-sized level (without the background) i'm using in the demo. I'm trying to polish it, as you will certainly notice not-yet-completed / missing elements. The two things i'd like comments on are the "background leaves" (obviously, i need a better trunk/leaves transition) and the "vines" element. I am unsure about the vine's shading, and i'm having hard time to tile it to a larger structure or to terminate it the way i'd like. Any suggestion/edits would be welcome.

Oh, and just to set the mood, a screenshot of the demo, with the character (the blue ball) and two ennemies (the bopping "funky funghi" and the "appleman") that will let you figure out the palette for the background. I'm somehow in an "artistic impasse", and haven't progressed for month. I'm currently digging the net for reference pixels and pictures.

General Discussion / Bilou's woods : New demo available.
« on: September 10, 2009, 07:57:49 am »
You might remember the thread were i was looking for guidance to improve the pixel art in my little forest, starring a blue ball, a mad mushroom, etc.

Well, here comes at last the new playable demonstration of my game engine on the Nintendo DS and a two-level game featuring Bilou, my blue and round mascot. Dodge angry applemans, avoid getting stomped by the funky funghis and collect enough apples to pass through the tree-with-a-sign (see picture on the left).

You move Bilou (the blue hero) with the Dpad and jump with X or Y. Only yellow Woodworms can be stomped for now.
full featureslist, credits and release note on my blog. You'll need either a linker (R4 tested fine) or a DS emulator (desmume 0.7.3 on ubuntu linux tested fine) to run the game.

This is still work in progress, including on the graphic aspect, but your comments are welcome.

Pixel Art / [C+C] Biokid : your pixel-sized top-tech antivirus
« on: December 09, 2008, 06:38:38 pm »
2008 --revival-->-->--redesign-->-->
Here is a small character i've drawn for a possible shoot-m-up game, where he will mostly sky-surfing and shoot at computer viruses and trojans.
Most of the colours came from the NES palette, though it's more for convenience than a restriction of any kind.

I'd love to hear your comments and critique.

PS: I was first suggested this "blue computer cop" loong time ago -- at a time i didn't knew of Megaman. I'd also like to have your opinion on whether you see it like a rip-off of the megaman design or if it has some originality of its own to your eyes.

adn now, 2010 --refined-design--> --re-pixelation-->

General Discussion / SEDS : Pixels in your Pocket
« on: September 06, 2008, 10:30:44 am »
Hello there.

My pixel art editor for the Nintendo DS system is finally mature enough to deserve an announcement here. So if you have a homebrew-ready nintendo DS and feel like drawing at the busstop, in the subway, during latin courses (not math courses, right, you'll need them later to become a video game designer ;), wherever, Sprite Editor for DS is exactly what you'll need.

SEDS is a typical sprite-editor-in-a-grid featuring two grid sizes (16x16 and 32x32) tuned for stylus-powered edition. The figure above show you SEDS control in the regular "edition mode". The L button is like the "apple" button on an Macintosh computer: it lets you trigger 'alternate' functions on the objects. For instance, touching the grid with your stylus paint in the current color while holding L and clicking the grid will change the current color to the color you've clicked. Similarily, clicking a sprite in the "spritesheet" (on the right of the screen) loads it in the grid and L-clicking the spritesheet saves back the content of the grid.

Getting Started

    * draw simply by touching the grid, select a new color by touching it in the palette on the left
    * A = pencil tool, L+B = "horizontal flood fill"
    * X/Y : automated "darken/lighten" brushes
    * B = block tool (clik the two corners separately to fill it)
    * L+R held together : show some more help

Saving/resuming your work

SEDS manages 4 sprite sets, stored at the root of your media card, named SPRITEA.SPR, SPRITEB.SPR, SPRITEX.SPR and SPRITEY.SPR, which lets you quickly save your work by pressing START-R-(ABXY) and load it back with START-L-(ABXY). An additional backup level let you "archive" a spriteset in the /data/seds directory when you overwrite it with some new data.

You can escape the 32x32 (or 16x16) limitation through the "cursor" that appears when you press R. you can then move to any square region of your spritesheet and load/store the content of the grid from that position.

A small "tutorial mode" is built-in and available by pressing L and R buttons simulatenously (though only ~50% of the most frequent actions are covered so far). There is also a built-in palette editor (press SELECT), a drafty animation test mode (press L-SELECT) and the ability to convert .spr files into .png either using a shipped script or via this online conversion tool

Let me know whether you find it useful, handy or ugly to use. I'm also eager to know what additional feature you think that should be added, etc.

Have a nice pixel ^_^

PS: SEDS art can be directly reused by sidekick projects "Level editor on DS" and "Anim Editor on DS" ... and the open-source game engine used for Apple Assault. More detail on my blog

Pixel Art / (edit) chibby commander keen walks
« on: August 19, 2008, 09:52:58 pm »
just for fun, i pixelated that to test the 32x32 mode of my editor

do you spot any thing i should have done differently ?

(yeah, i know, this is mega-man frenzy. I tried to come with something megaman-esque ... i mean i really tried. Even just a mettaur, but all that came good was Commander Keen, defender of Earth)

*edit* works better with an outline, imho.
*edit again* had fun. made him walking "very casually". Critiques welcome since i plan to reuse this as boilerplate for further "chibby characters".

Pixel Art / my little world, monsters! ... [please C&C]
« on: May 06, 2008, 04:15:08 pm »
Hello, all. I'm working on a little "green zone" for a homebrew platformer project on the nintendo DS. I'm a bit "on my own" for the art and code, without a strong artistic background nor digital painting / pixeling guru around in real world, so you guys are my best chance to come with a cute and great world for the game.

So C&C are (more than) welcome.

The overall ambiance of the game is "happy / blue sky" as you'd meet in Zelda: minish cap or Super Mario Bros.

Latest art, please help me improve it

the berry-bat :

Bilou: the main Character

- -- - -

Initially posted prototype screenshot

Tilesets and misc. mockups.

-- - -

Some monsters --

Pixel Art / pixel forest [WIP]
« on: November 16, 2007, 01:49:22 pm »

Hello there. I'm trying to create a background for a forest level in a cartoony platformer. I'm drawing inspiration (and palette) from DK:King of Swing background. I haven't put much detail atm, so maybe there isn't much comment to do, but i'm open to your suggestions & critique.

PS: i usually do pixel art in small 16x16 grids (32x32 very occasionally ;-), so this is my first attempt at something sufficiently big -- a sort of draft i intend to refine later.

Pixel Art / one of my largest pixel character
« on: June 26, 2007, 06:19:07 am »

This is a small character i sketched a few years ago and that i then tried to "pixelate" from the scans. Some days i find him cute, some days i find him a mistake.

C&C ?

(scans are here if you wish to compare)

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