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Messages - Carnivac
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General Discussion / Re: Official Off-Topic Thread 2014
« on: June 26, 2013, 01:34:47 pm »
I found really old stuff of mine I thought was amusing.

From about 1994, the beginnings of a platformer (I suppose a bit like Castlevania, I presume inspired by SNES mags I had laying about) made in AMOS Professional on Amiga

Heh.  Terrible.  I was still very much a beginner though I find it interesting that I was attempting things like lighting and shadow.  Although hey, that's almost 20 of the 32 max on screen colours used up on brown and grey.  That's most of the colours waaaasted on shades of brown and grey.  Looking at the majority of first person shooters these days I guess I was ahead of my time.  I think I've come pretty far these days with cutting down on the wasteful colours and having much more in the way of efficient low-colour palettes.

The dude runs too!  Sort of...

One of the very first animated sprites I ever did.  A 12 frame run cycle.  He seems a bit blobby in form but overall I'm surprised that it's not actually that bad for an early attempt.  Smooth motion and he certainly looks like he's moving the feet well, and not 'ice-skating' like a lot of people's early attempts at walk/run animations I suppose. 

General Discussion / Re: Official Off-Topic Thread 2014
« on: June 16, 2013, 12:31:24 pm »
That looks really nice overall. One crit I have is that mountains do not generally look like that. The shape of your mountains are very naive (for lack of a better word) and look like pyramids more than anything.

I know.  I've tried so many ways though to do decent mountains in limited tiles (had a whole folder of mountain reference pics but I found it so difficult to develop a small but usable tileset of them that wasn't complex).   I have made those ones in the screenshot fairly pointy though but there is a flatter top tile that I use in various ways.  I kinda went with pointy diagonal ones in that shot because it's the coast and so it's like the mountain range's starting point.  Maybe I'll play around with them some more.  I've just had another idea about how to redesign the mountain tiles and may have a go later but at this point I'm kinda getting sick of redoing all the early bits for the nth time and I just want to move on to new things.

You got such nice and organic clouds, perhaps you can put some more work into making your mountain tiles more modular as well. Also I would make some tiles which would allow for overlapping clouds and mountains, both clouds going infront and behind them. This would add a lot of depth to your backdrops.

I like the idea of clouds in front of mountains but I can't see how that would work without creating a load of new tiles or deleting the sky colour from the cloud tiles so they can be placed over things (though I don't want too many tiles with a transparent colour as I'm not sure if there's a limit on things like that on a real CPC or not although I have realised I don't actually use that sky colour in any of the other tiles on that sheet so that might lead to something).

Also, I think at this point it would not hurt to make an own thread for this, instead of posting pixelart related stuff in the OOTT.

I'd rather not to be honest.  If it's a problem I just won't post them here in the future.

edit: replaced the screenshot with one I just took from the game now.  Got rid of the points on the mountains and the diagonal overlapping and tried to 'scuff' up the details a bit more using tiles already in the sheet particularly on the mountain on the left.  Think it looks a bit better and there's something else I'll try later. 

General Discussion / Re: Official Off-Topic Thread 2014
« on: June 16, 2013, 07:06:06 am »
Carnivac, I'd really like to see the new clouds tilemap if you don't care to post it.

Carnivac: I second Mathias there, that's really interesting...specially because I suck at tiling so it all still looks like magic to me, totally mystified. de-mistify away! damn...I feel nostalgic using that word =)


These be the initial batch of level tiles (haven't added the castle or other sets to the sheet yet as they aren't developed enough).    The cloud tiles take up most of the second row from the bottom.  If you can set an overlay grid in your graphics program the size be 4x8. 
Here be a new screenshot of the 4x8 tiles finally put in the game (and some other changes like the status bar revamped and integrated with the frame better, and the new bigger screen size).  Linking rather than posting direct in message cos I feel I been cluttering this thread up a bit with my stuff.

General Discussion / Re: Official Off-Topic Thread 2014
« on: June 15, 2013, 09:13:34 am »
yay for more efficient tiling!

Needed to redo the cloud tiles in my game.  The old ones in the newer smaller tile size ended up being about 70 tiles just for a couple of clouds with hardly much variation at all and ended up seeing the same clouds over and over.   Redid them last night.  They're now about 30 tiles that are designed to be mixed and matched so can make all sorts of shapes and sizes of clouds (even gigantic cloud cover) with far less repetition and generally look nicer than the old ones.   Think I'm learning a lot working within these 'limitations'. 

Old cloud tiles at top, new ones at bottom.

General Discussion / Re: Official Off-Topic Thread 2014
« on: June 09, 2013, 09:37:19 am »
Sounds like generic crazy fans to me (Matt Smith and Christopher Eccleston have them too, naturally). They were probably serious, but it's easy to play the tough guy on the internet, so I wouldn't be too concerned.

Am sure they do but I've never encountered ones as nasty as some of Tennant's more 'loyal' fanbase.  I had a strange conversation with one who refused to believe his Doctor was the same man as the previous ones saying something like "no he's not, he could never have been that ugly" and then started verbally abusing me for suggesting otherwise and also rather aggressively referred to Georgia Moffet as a slag and a bitch for having married Tennant and bearing his kid(s?)...  Um, ok.   And this one wasn't on the internet.  It was at the Forbidden Planet shop in Cambridge last summer.  She made quite a scene... I tried to ignore her by making it look like I was now browsing through the nearby comic books but that made her a bit more angry so I quickly just got the hell out of there and towards my bus stop.  Thankfully she wasn't crazy enough to come after me.  It's those fans that worry me.  The ones who are just a little too... yeah...

I think Matt Smith is the most 'Doctorish' of the new Doctors.

Yeah he certainly does seem like a mixture of several of the 'classic' Doctor in numerous ways.  Smith was inspired by Troughton when trying to decide how to play the part but has shown elements of several of the others too.  I'm very sad he's leaving.  I wanted to fulfil my childhood ambition of playing a Doctor Who monster while he was still in it.  Oh well.   I'd still like to do that though.  Getting paid to put on monster make up and go "graaaah" at people.  Sounds like an ideal job to me.  ;D

ugh my game is doing my head in now.  Design changes that not sure if a good idea or bad idea...

General Discussion / Re: Official Off-Topic Thread 2014
« on: June 09, 2013, 08:54:07 am »
(Personally, I find Captain Jack difficult to like, too. My libido disagrees, though  :lol:)

Heh, I don't mind him tooooo much (though I don't really wanna see him back.  He had his time, he even had his own show).
What annoys me most is the scarily obsessed Tennant fangirl/boys who seem to be fans of his rather than the show as a whole (as they only like it when he's in it and even petition for him to be the next Doctor.  Don't they get how it works?) and I've even had hate emails because I happen to have only one sprite of him (plus a variant) on my site but many of Smith (my fave).  For example one email said they'd close down my site, find my address come around and beat me with a baseball bat if I didn't sprite the Tenth in his tux.  I'd like to think they were joking but it just didn't seem it.  Very aggressive it was.   So bizarre...  Anyways it's my site.  I sprite whoever the hell I want.  (starts to pixel another Smith just to rile up those idiots... mwhaha)

By the way I don't think anyone's ever going to figure out the other connection between my character names.  Not unless you're familiar with late 70's US TV shows I suppose.   It's not important anyways.   There are some references in-game to other things too but I'll leave that to whoever plays it to figure out.

General Discussion / Re: Official Off-Topic Thread 2014
« on: June 09, 2013, 07:08:46 am »
Well, your character Jack looks -- not a lot like David Tennant, but much more like him than John Barrowman (Jack Harkness). And conversely David has a military feel with suitable accoutrements (like Captain Jack) and a face that's more like JH. Hence why I said 'reversed'.

Uh, I kinda hope my characters don't resemble either of them in any way.  I'm not a fan of them.

General Discussion / Re: Official Off-Topic Thread 2014
« on: June 08, 2013, 03:23:47 pm »
Doctor Who?  Nope.   There is some reference to Doctor Who in the game (the TARDIS is shown in this now somewhat out of date shot as a sort of easter egg which may or may not make it into the final game) but nope, the names have nothing to do with that show.   But another tv show perhaps...

Which 'visual details' do you mean by the way? Am curious.

General Discussion / Re: Official Off-Topic Thread 2014
« on: June 08, 2013, 12:14:54 pm »

That's one of the connections.  There's another possibly more obscure one.  But both relate to the story.

General Discussion / Re: Official Off-Topic Thread 2014
« on: June 08, 2013, 11:48:32 am »
Just been throwing myself into my project a bit to distract myself from some things.

The main characters of ‘Cosmic Prison Commando’.  Both were prisoners who survived the crash of the prison ship.  Both are playable but on different stages.  Jack is the ‘hero’ of sorts.  David is less so.   Their names actually do have some connection.  I won’t say what yet.  They both are trying to get to the same destination though David is also more actively trying to sabotage Jack’s attempts to get there.

So yeah...

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