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Messages - Rosier
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Pixel Art / Re: More my Usual Style
« on: April 29, 2014, 01:57:28 am »
Quote from: astraldata
Not too sure what you mean by which one is your main 'style' (larger or smaller?), but I'll critique the larger ones simply because I can't see how you might improve on the smaller ones technique-wise (their 'style' would only be apparent in their animations instead of stationary images).

The larger ones are in the style that I do most of my usual spriting in.  The bottom ones are the things I've shown on this forum since I got here.

Quote from: astraldata
Anyhow, it's clear you have a specific character design you want to convey with the top ones, I'm getting a sense of pillow-shading with the top characters (no clear light source on, for example, the girl's pants vs. her shirt since the light seems to be coming from the bottom on her pants but her shirt seems to have lighting from the top/front).

Pillow shading, got it.

Quote from: astraldata
Additionally, the muted and highly desaturated overall sense of color these sprites have really crush any sense of vibrancy these characters might achieve otherwise, which in turn makes them difficult to appreciate at first glance. Even if they are meant to be on dull, muted/dark backgrounds, I think the over-use of pure greys/blacks is what's giving off that sense of dullness. Most sprites use either some mix of red or blue in their shadows/highlights to make them appear more vibrant. The only time grey tends to be used is when it is used as a buffer color, mixing between two values of different hues, on minimal palettes. Grey absorbs the nearby colors and, in turn, mutes them by stealing a bit of their vibrancy, allowing them to mix together.
Quote from: astraldata
Finally, the outline on the hair should be somewhat near the value of the body's outline in terms of intensity -- it's waaay too bright and gives a sense of the head popping off into the background. The only other issue I can see atm in terms of color is that the black outline on the body fights too much with the internal colors, so you could try lightening it up a bit instead of darkening the hair.

I've been told either colored outlines or a complete removal of outlines might help this kind of issue.  Would this work?

Quote from: astraldata
Lastly, the crotch area is much too low compared to the location of the hands for a human skeleton. They'd have difficulty keeping their topheavy body balanced if they were to walk. The wrists should end somewhere on the thigh area at least (but simply extending their arms would make them look more like an ape than they already do with their seemingly tiny legs, so you'll have to go the tougher route and lift their crotch areas up a bit to make them look believable).

I'll do a mix of this and lengthening legs.

Pixel Art Feature Chest / Re: Hyper Light Drifter Inspired Sprites
« on: April 28, 2014, 05:49:09 am »

In the animation, it's rolling up his sleeve, charging electricity, rush stab, then fix sleeve.

Pixel Art / Practicing with a newer style
« on: April 27, 2014, 06:16:28 am »
  These are the 'human' forms of these drifters:

This is the style that I do most of my spriting in.  The Hyper Light Drifters are one of many new styles I'm working on so I don't become too monotonous.

C+C appreciated; if this is my main style I'd like to be good at it.

Pixel Art / Re: Girl on a Horse
« on: April 26, 2014, 11:38:49 pm »

Just went ahead and standardized the legs, cause in the picture they're more or less the same pose.

Pixel Art / Re: [WIP] Character Animations (Need Critiques)
« on: April 26, 2014, 06:17:55 am »

If you want to emulate the style, might as well look at this as well.

Pixel Art / Re: Girl on a Horse
« on: April 26, 2014, 05:52:52 am »
Quote from: HarveyDentMustDie
I disagree with not needing outlines for this exact sprite.  I feel it might look odd without them in some places.

Wow, I really need to try out spriting without outlines.  That makes it look completely different.

...And you thought that I was wrong.  :D :D :D

I'll admit it, I was totally wrong.  I've never tried that style, so I never knew how it could look.  I can definitely see an attempt at it in the future.

Quote from: HarveyDentMustDie
Also you shouldn't just cut out parts from peoples edits and paste them on your piece, you'll not learn anything. Try to draw it yourself, it will be a good practice.


So would that make this the final?

Pixel Art / Re: Girl on a Horse
« on: April 25, 2014, 06:17:29 am »

Two versions based on both of the edits, mainly because they looked so radically different.

...Wow, I really need to try out spriting without outlines.  That makes it look completely different.  Either way, both are huge improvements.  Thanks for the help with this.

Pixel Art / Re: Girl on a Horse
« on: April 24, 2014, 02:32:18 am »
Quote from: Johasu
To my eyes, the patches of lighter gray on the body seem off.  They appear to be highlights on the legs but on the main body those highlights seem placed incorrectly and/or at odd angles.
The seam on the horse's front leg is distracting and causes it appear to be "stuck on"
The horse's left rear leg (the furthest back) feels much more correct in form and length than the other hind leg. The abdomen feels like it narrows to a point really quickly there.

I'll keep this all in mind with the one right above.

Quote from: HarveyDentMustDie
Horse proportions are off, perspective is twisted, and shading is bad.
Also I thing that you don't need outlines,
I like the shape of the hair but her left arm is a bit dislocated.
Proportions can be fixed.
I disagree with not needing outlines for this exact sprite.  I feel it might look odd without them in some places.  Always worth a try, though.
It totally is, isn't it?

Quote from: HarveyDentMustDie
Shading is bad on the other character to, because you don't have defined light source. Crotch is a bit too low compared to bellybutton position. Maybe it's just due to specific design of pants. You need more contrast in the face cause it looks very flat, and face features are not very flattering (You should find some reference for this also). I'm not sure what those 3 black pixels on her neck should represent, is it a tattoo
This is really just a thing to show people that that is what she looks like.  I'll keep this in mind in case I ever want to fix it, but it's mainly just a reference I made a while before making the horse sprite.
The neck pixels are supposed to be a collar, but putting more anywhere on her neck made it look a lot worse.  Bit of a weak excuse, but it's true.

Quote from: HarveyDentMustDie
Maybe I was a bit too harsh, but if you at least change your shading you will see dramatic improvement. :)

If you don't point out my mistakes, I can't try to fix them.  By all means, as long as you aren't say "This sux kbai," be my guest.

Quote from: Cyangmou
In the reference the rider though seems to be much smaller than your girl and he sits closer towards the shoulders of the horse and not at the haunches.
The rider also seems to try to counterbalance the weight, although he pulls the horse's neck back because otherwise he would be thrown off.
Also look how the legs are wrapped around the horse's ribcage and how the upper and lower leg of the rider look.
The by far poorest part nonetheless is how the horses head looks.

I shrunk the horse's neck down a bit, just because it started to look like a giraffe when translated to pixels.  That's probably why she's a bit bigger than the guy in the photo.  I'll up the size a bit.
She's not so much riding the horse as she is fighting to stay on.  That thing around the horse's neck is her choking it, which is why the pose isn't quite the same.
I'll look at the legs on your edit and go with that.
The head could use some improvement. 
Your edit is greatly appreciated.

Pixel Art / Girl on a Horse
« on: April 23, 2014, 11:45:43 pm »

A bit more of my regular style, as opposed to a Hyper Light Drifter one. 
The girl's a bit smaller than I would have preferred, but it definitely gets the monster horse thing across.

  This is just an general outline of the girl's appearance, albeit I forgot a sleeve.

Pixel Art / Re: [WIP] Character Animations (Need Critiques)
« on: April 21, 2014, 11:30:37 pm »
I would look more closely at the actual HLD run animations.  Check the Kickstarter page and look for it.

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