AuthorTopic: [PAID] 2D ORPG - Code is 95% complete!  (Read 3991 times)

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[PAID] 2D ORPG - Code is 95% complete!

on: January 03, 2012, 02:34:03 pm
An Introduction To Myself And My Project

To introduce myself, I go by Adam, or MA, - whichever you prefer. I'm an 18 year student from little ol' England that will soon be releasing his very own game, Eternia: Prologue. I'm the chairman, if you will, and lead designer, of this fantasy world of mine.

So yeah, roughly a year ago I founded the beginnings of a 2D ORPG - I wrote a design document, forked over some cash, and hired many skilled individuals to bring my writings to life. Now, after much work, and several hundred hours (who knows, maybe thousands!) of labour, I have a game on my hands. One that, I'd like to think, is a lot of fun... but you can decide that for yourself once you contact me. I have a demo that I'd love to share even if you're not interested in the job =)

I'd estimate the completion of this game's code at about 95%. What we're lacking is content - weapons, armour, enemies, etc.

Yourself And Your Amazing Talent For Pixel Art

I'm not looking for a quick commission to get the game out there, but a dedicated partner who actually thinks that, after spending all of this cash, the game will succeed and profit - they're motivated by the game and show it through the quality of art you produce. I want an artist with an opinion - someone that's fine with saying "hey, I'm not fond of how this works" or "I had a good idea that I'd like to fill you in on". You get the picture: I want a team member.

I'm not just spouting nonsense, either. Along with the payment for weapons, I am more than willing to offer a cut of royalties in the game - if we sell a subscription, you get money out of it - because hell, you contributed a lot to the game. It's your project to a certain extent and I'd like to prove that not through words but action as well.

For payment, this is how things will work: you'll give an estimate of time (how many hours the item will take) and we'll work out a flat rate based on that. Of course, we can always use alternative methods if you'd prefer.

In-Game Screenshots Of Eternia: Prologue

I hope you like what you see! I know that some things are in need of touching up (lack of shadows, for example) and it's something I'd hopefully like you to work on a little bit later down the line.

Contact Information

If you are interested in working with me, or have any questions, please do get in touch. Once your interest has been established I'll set up a server of the game to and let's see what you think.

Email and MSN:

The best form of contact would be an email, since my MSN sometimes decides to ignore friend requests. Alternatively, post in this thread or send a PM.

Offline Method Actor

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Re: [PAID] 2D ORPG - Code is 95% complete!

Reply #1 on: January 04, 2012, 09:07:35 am
For some clarification, as I've had a few enquires about payment: artists will be paid roughly $10 an hour + a cut in the game's income (the percentage is dependant upon how much they contribute).

I'm also willing to offer a larger cut in income at the cost of a reduction in payment. I believe this to be a profitable venture and for artists looking to make the most money, in all honesty, I'm certain that the cut in royalties will generate more money than an upfront payment.

The choices is of course yours, though.