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Messages - jhilven
Pages: [1]

Hi all,

We updated the game, and a latest free to download version can be found at:

Kind regards,


Hi all,

We are looking for someone who wants to help creating and finishing a game. You can find a gameplay prototype with already 50 levels on We ( a group of 3-4 people) have mostly developed and play tested the gameplay but we require someone (you? ;D ) to design (from scratch) and make the graphical part of the game. If we finish & publish the game (aiming for end 2017 with 100 levels), we do rev share in function of the hours spend per person.

To test the prototype:
  • go to (this can take up to 10s to load)
  • press arrows to move, r to restart level, x to skip level, c to go to previous level, s to speed up, d to slow down

We use 32*32 tiles for the prototype at the moment but you can use whatever you want to use.

If you are interested or you have feedback or questions (all three greatly appreciated :D ) don't hesitate to mail to

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