I have several years of production experience working in games for the PC and most recently the iPhone. I can offer various skills including character/environment designs, illustration, GUI, storyboards, 3d modeling, texturing and animation. I have both 2d and 3d game credits to my name and am interested in large as well as small projects. My rates are reasonable and are dependent on work volume, specific tasks, deadlines, payment schedules, etc.
At this time I am unable to accept profit share as the
ONLY source of payment. And I should also mention that it is my policy not to do "art tests" for indie developers who are new to the industry or otherwise have yet to establish themselves as a successful game or app developer. However, I am open to paid "tests" - which I consider to be small contract work, but I still treat it seriously and professionally.
Feel free to look at my work at:
www.petercrafts.comIf interested, the best way to reach me is via my email address found in the About section. Be sure to include details if you are looking for a price quote.
p.s. I recently completed work on the iPhone game Treasure Fleet which is currently under App Store review. Here are some screen grabs.
Update; January 11, 2010.
The game Treasure Fleet is now available for download.